If you follow me on twitter, you'll have seen the WIP pics of this from the last few weeks. At 12x16", this is the biggest acrylic piece I've done in years, and it was definitely a challenge, but I'm very excited about how it came out. This is something of a tribute to an ink drawing I did in 2003, shortly after Windwaker came out. I really wanted to capture the elegant spirals of the smoke swirls in that game, but at the time I didn't quite have the skills to pull it off. After doing the abstract swirling water patterns in the Hippocampus piece, I wanted to explore more of that very stylized technique, and I thought I'd revisit that old idea for a phoenix painting.
The original for this will be coming with me to Midwest FurFest. Prints will be coming soon!
12x16", Acrylic on clayboard.