SpiritZodiac — Rise Of The Guardians Recast

Published: 2023-06-18 16:41:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 1417; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 0
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Another gay movie recast!  


Tiana (The Princess and the Frog) in the role of Jack Frost. She's a plant elemental known as the Swamp Angel, although she can also manifest in bogs, fens, and marshes. Her center is ambition. 

Jethro (The Prince of Egypt) in the role of Nicholous St. North. He brings fantasies to life in the form of personalized gifts he gives out to children. His center is charity. 

Cinderella (Disny Cinderella) in the role of Tooth. She a Fairy Godmother, who exchanges gifts for wishes. Jaq and Gus share the role of Baby Tooth. Her center is fulfillment. 

Fugimoto (Ponyo on a Clif by the Sea) in the role of Bunnymund. Instead of eggs, he gives out seashells. He and Tiana have a Land verses Sea rivalry. His center is abundance. 

Tak (The Thief and the Cobbler) in the role of The Sandman. He weaves memories and random thoughts together to form a tapestry of dreams. His center is relaxation. 

The Night Emperor (Pinocchio and the Emperor of Night) in the role of Pitch Black. He wants the Guardians out of the way so he can plunge the world into war and chaos. His center is paranoia. 

Craig (Craig of the Creek) in the role of Jaimie Bennet. Curious explorer and lover of mystery. 

Cuphead and Mugman (human versions) in the twin roles of Claude and Caleb. 

Sparkle Cadet (Craig of the Creek) in the role of Sophie Bennet. 

Jenny (Oliver and Company) in the role of Pippa. 

Kelsey (Craig of the Creek) in the role of Cupcake. Big tough girl with a sweet side. 

Also includes Chang-E (Over the Moon) in the role of the Man in the Moon. 
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CreativeT01 [2023-10-09 04:50:50 +0000 UTC]

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