Sweetheartbetta1997 — N-Chanted

Published: 2021-01-13 12:28:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 1420; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 2
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Description N-Chanted is a group of fairies who are the primary protagonists of the series I'm working on. Originally a group of six, the girls start out as newbies in the Academy of Enchantments and eventually grow to become the most powerful fairy students but at the same time, they become protectors of their various homelands and the world of magic as a whole. 

Initially, N-Chanted was a group of six girls who enter the Academy of Enchantments as first years. Each with their own aspirations and goals, the girls sought out to make their school years memorable by braving through hardships and experiencing new things all while sticking by each other as best friends.

During their first school year, the girls formed a serious rivalry with a trio of witches who call themselves, the Cursed as they were constantly after a mysterious urn and would do anything to get their hands on it. This eventually led to the girls uncovering the Kursed's true motives as well as the source of Christina Stonemoon's powers and her past. Once the Cursed caused a full-on war to break out in their conquest for power, the N-Chanted become the key players in the resistance against them and it is this battle that leads the five girls down their current path of interdimensional heroism.

Within their first year, the girls grow from six to seven when they meet Tsukiko, a fairy from a samurai clan in Taiyokoku and bond with the sprites. The group of seven go on to take down major threats to their world, much bigger than the Kursed such as Nucleos and Krulos, all while helping Christina uncover more of her past and gain better control of her powers. Their adventures lead them to be recognized as the protectors of their world and the most powerful fairies within it. They also gain many powerful allies along the way and remain fairly humble; refusing to let their fame get to their heads, for the most part of their lives. 

Besides being group members, they are also band mates wherever they perform. Elinor is the lead guitar/vocalist, Christina is on keytar, Lulu is on piano and keyboard, Iris is on the tambourine and choreographs dances if they shoot music videos, Jasiri is on the drums, and Maren plays guitar. Tsukiko plays the bass guitar but she designs the stage outfits sometimes,  and she and Christina both manage their social media and video editing. Together, the group design any flyers or album art.

Brushes used: www.brusheezy.com/brushes/5977…
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