Sweetheartbetta1997 — Wynonna Woodpecker and Friends: Liz Lionheart

Published: 2018-11-09 09:18:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 843; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 2
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Description Leona Elizabeth Lionheart or Liz as she was called, is a rocker lioness who was Wynonna Woodpecker's classmate when she was high school and throughout her school years but she is the lion queen who rules the school with an iron claw and she is the queen lioness of her own clique, the Jungle Pack. Born the eldest of the litter of lions to famous musician, Edward Lionheart and fashion designer, Margaret Lionheart, Leona is the mature, responsible, condescending, protective, fierce and she has a bad temper that goes with her roar. But aside from that, she is also happy, wild, caring, and easily the loudest of the entire family. What she likes most is singing, playing musical instruments, and being with her extended family and her friends. She would use her roar or the vibration sounds of her guitar as a weapon to harm her enemies that it is capable of creating massive shockwaves but she mostly uses her painted claws. 

When she was little, she was taken to martial arts classes, where she developed a thing for fighting bullies and defending anyone who is bullied, especially Wynonna Woodpecker. Her mother is horrified that in order to balance her aggression, she starts to take music lessons. At that time, Liz developed an interest in music, mostly rock and when she joins in singing contests, talent shows and beauty pageants, her talent is singing and playing music that she wins all the time. She is a big fan of several rock groups, and her dream is to become a rockstar and lead singer of her own band. She owns and plays an electric guitar, with which she has proved to be a very good guitarist. Her skills aren't limited to just the guitar though. She also plays the drums, as well as other instruments, as seen throughout the series, which is useful because she can teach her friends how to play them too. Being half-girly and half-tomboyish, Liz loves to wear makeup, dress up and paint her claws, which she sharpens a lot that she would use them for cutting and slashing. She becomes a crafty prankster that she gangs up with her best friends, Foxy and Mariposa, Evie and Ash and the Camo Crew, forming the Jungle Pack to prank bullies and the mean girls as paybacks for their mistreatment towards Wynonna. She even exposed them with their secrets shown to everybody, humiliating them in front of the crowd. 

At the age of sixteen, she heard that her maternal uncles, Cedric, Jasper and Emmett stormed into a laboratory and attacked military government soldiers to help a particular woodpecker in a rescue, leaving many scarred and scratched. To ease herself from it, she went to the cafe to hang out with Evie but she later caught the eye of a young dark maned lion from Japan named Hikaru, who later becomes her boyfriend and is added to her team. She later reunites with Ash, who returns from her vacation in Ireland and meets Remus Wolfsbane in the process. She and her friends formed a band, with her as the lead singer and guitarist, Hikaru as the lead guitarist, Evie as the drummer, Ash as the bassist and Remus as the keyboardist. They would have jam sessions in the Lionheart mansion and sometimes, collaborated with Foxy and Swallowtail, who formed a pop duo, Rain Forest. They also make music videos that it earned them fans, especially one groupie, Vincent Smorsgabord. She was reunited with Wynonna Woodpecker that she met her new friends and she and her group of cool kids become good friends to them. 

Wynonna Woodpecker the 18 year old half human and half woodpecker girl who is the next generation for Woody Woodpecker and her new friends: Anthony Panda the 17 year old next generation for Andy Panda, Sheldon Clam the 17 year old good, friendly, but rebellious, fun-loving teenage nephew of the purple clam guy from 1999 - 2002 New Woody Woodpecker Show episode, "County Fair Clam-ity", Tomo Penguin the intelligent, youngest 14 year old next generation for Chilly Willy and Rampleton Rat (C) Magic-Kristina-KW  
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Comments: 3

TMNTLoneWolf [2018-11-09 19:57:22 +0000 UTC]

She is an awesome rocker

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sweetheartbetta1997 In reply to TMNTLoneWolf [2018-11-09 22:34:36 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TMNTLoneWolf In reply to Sweetheartbetta1997 [2018-11-09 23:14:28 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome

👍: 0 ⏩: 0