SweetHoneyPetal — SaiSaku: Rumors

Published: 2013-07-27 02:42:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 1078; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 2
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Description Ino: He's very rich, although his ancestry is rather unknown.
Sakura: Really?
Ino: Here' I'll distract Naruto, that way you'll have him alone.


My game hates me. Even though in the game Sai and Sakura are already married, Sai is attracted to Ino, Naruto is attracted to Sakura, Ino is attracted to Sai and Sakura is attracted to Naruto.

It's like the game KNOWS.

Will Ino's plan work? Will Sakura finally spend time with the hot new comer? Will Naruto manage to butt out? Tune in (tune in? the hell...) next time to find out!!!

Anyway, enjoy!

Check out the first installment of this SaiSaku gallery -> sweethoneypetal.deviantart.com…

All of my work is made with the Sims 2! <3
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