Comments: 56
Doll-Ladi [2013-12-08 03:47:50 +0000 UTC]
They are so adorable and look like they are best buddies I always enjoy seeing closeness like this among animals.Thank you for sharing their story and a big thank you for all the kindness you do for the benefit of animals.You are such an angel for caring and loving them and for giving them all a sense of security.They really are a gorgeous pair.
Love you Melissa
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bewilderedconfused [2013-12-06 04:33:26 +0000 UTC]
I just love this photo of Winston and Raya together!!! They seem to love it other!
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Geak-of-Nature [2013-12-03 21:15:38 +0000 UTC]
It's so nice that you've provided them with a safe, warm place to stay!
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TeaPhotography In reply to Tigles1Artistry [2013-12-07 02:36:20 +0000 UTC]
I'm so happy you like this, and I know you loves these babies!
I think the situation of many ferals is very similar in many countries, because I have seen it the same in all of the countries I have been to, and I have heard of it in so many more, and you know I have been to Portugual. :aw:
But what is different, is something else you said... it is the perspective and attitude in general of the people of the country toward the feral cats which do tend to differ as a whole. This I know is true, and I find it fascinating. There are lots of reasons for the different perspective and attitudes of course.
But cats being domestic by species should never have become feral to begin with, so it's strange that they have been allowed to do so, and for example in countries where feral cats are more of a concern, it isn't that they are a threat to people as much as that they are a threat to themselves- and the idea of so very many sick, tortured, unloved, domestic animals left to turn back to "wild" without actually being "IN the wild" to be exactly properly equipped... some may not look so sick, but cats are great at hiding illness in order to protect themselves from being vulnerable.
But anyway, in some countries it is why as much effort as possible is made to bring down the feral population, whenever this is possible, and to find ways to help them... since they are not actually "wild cats" by species, but domestic cats.
I think the wild in myself, makes me very fascinated by this whole concept... I think many of us, DO have a wild side...
I love you so much for caring!
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Tigles1Artistry In reply to TeaPhotography [2013-12-07 14:08:30 +0000 UTC]
In fact my sweet sis...
If you have the time to look at this journal which I
did about the wild life in Lisbon
Lisbon’s wild life is too precious to be discarded,
specially to its people....
In Lisbon... we live with jays, kestrels, turnstones,
seagulls, kormarans, owls, red squirrels, foxes... etc......
Turnstone by ~Albi748Seagull by `PixydreamA Very Curious Seagull by *SalemCatSeagull by ~scumdee
Blue Jay 05 by ~Jay-CoBlue jay 3 by ~purple007
you will see how things are developing now and
how we live with wild life.....
Have a lovely week end sweetie......
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Fractalholic [2013-12-03 13:30:14 +0000 UTC]
Beautiful babies!!! Thanks so much for caring about them and actually
doing something for them rather just saying it's a shame like so many folks do!!
I have over a dozen now! It's all I can do just keeping up with feeding them! lol
I'd love to have a few of those heat pads for them to try but I'll never have money for that!
It would be great if you could maybe do a report on the pads you use and how well they
work or don't work!
Anyway, here's a small portion of my clan! lol
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TeaPhotography In reply to Fractalholic [2013-12-07 02:07:44 +0000 UTC]
Thank you!
Yes, we are people of action, that much is true... animals are what we do in life anyway.
We had a lot more, in the immediate area, to be honest, but as we could not afford to feed so many, and care for so many, we took it upon ourselves to foster the tamer ones first, to prepare them for the humane society, and then when the kittens came we fostered them, and took them into the humane society, and we rescued a few others... and finally we were left with our two main ferals which we had grown quite close with, and plus we just knew they would always be too feral to be taken to our humane society... I did foster Raya's, [small striped one above] kittens, as soon as I could find them and that was difficult as they were turning feral... and it was at this point, we humanely trapped Raya and Winston, these last two, so that we would not have anymore growing populations in our area. This is too hard to deal with, and expensive for food, and difficult to properly care for.
So, we have not even seen new kittens in almost two years, and as far as other cats, just a couple indoor/outdoors that roam, but we know their owners.
So, we only have two of the heating pads, one for each, but they usually share one compartment together. They were donated to us, through the shelter, though, so I do not know how much they were.
They have continued to work since September so far... they seem to work well, so far... and have never gotten too hot.
Your photo is cute, I shall fav' it... it looks like we started out with about twenty or so plus also about four kitten litters, too, during the first Summer we were here... but our goal was to break the cycle and get it down to as few as possible, otherwise I can't imagine how many we'd have now, since cats can grow so exponentially!
But with a lot of work, we did that, and no cat was put to sleep in the process!
So we just have the two and it is manageable, even with our many indoor cats!
Good luck with yours, my friend!
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Fractalholic In reply to TeaPhotography [2013-12-07 04:26:52 +0000 UTC]
WOW! I'm kinda in the same boat now! I hope their done having kittens
for the winter but I'll be in trouble this spring and summer! Somehow I'll
have to get them all fixed!
Thanks Darlin! I appreciate it!!!
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Gryffgirl [2013-12-03 12:11:48 +0000 UTC]
They are very beautiful!
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davincipoppalag [2013-12-03 09:55:52 +0000 UTC]
awww they look wonderful tea
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jennystokes [2013-12-03 09:11:27 +0000 UTC]
Not looking to Feral now!
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jennystokes In reply to TeaPhotography [2013-12-03 09:42:11 +0000 UTC]
I don't know whether you read my Newspaper article from Beaucaire (where I live) in France?
The Town Hall has decided to capture all the Feral cats that live on the street and on the roofs.
They will be all 'murdered.'
A LOT of us have got together with vets. and Animal Rights Assoc. to stop this...........I HOPE we can do it.
I think the best answer is to neuter them all and to put them back.
Our Town is very old Medieval, we need these cats to keep the mice and cat populations in check.
Also educating people!!!!!!!!!!
SO sick of all this.
BIG hugs Tea
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TeaPhotography In reply to jennystokes [2013-12-03 13:27:52 +0000 UTC]
The only way to win, is for the LOT of you to do what you are doing with vets and Animal Rights Assoc. to stop this.. as you are. You can only do what you are doing to FIGHT against these insane crimes of insanity.
They are still so few are far between here and it costs a lot of donated money to raise such programs, but there are TNR programs, you know, Trap Neuter Release Programs, where that is exactly what is done.
Volunteers go out and humanely trap them, and bring them to vets and humane societies or wherever there is the medically capable resource to do the neuters and spays, and they are indeed returned to where they were from. It may be costly up front, but it cost-effective in the long-run, and it begins to balance out the populations in the areas over time.
I know it is very very frustrating!
Medieval areas, medieval practices!
Or just plain lack of caring, or willingness to understand?
It does get exhausting over and over fighting for animals, against the same issues,
I truly feel you on this.
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jennystokes In reply to TeaPhotography [2013-12-03 13:40:36 +0000 UTC]
Thanx Tea..........................yes!
I try to tell people all the tme...........'OK so you this now and then what???????????????'
WE are getting stronger by the minute.
SO exhausting especially in France, which is a 'macho' society and people will not spey and neuter.
BIG hugs
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jennystokes In reply to TeaPhotography [2013-12-07 11:32:57 +0000 UTC]
SO right in every way................completely fed up.
Then the Ecologists have a go, kill the cats BUT noone in that 'genre' ever speaks about educating!
BIG hugs
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