TeaPhotography — Tribute to Our Beloved Katie Rose

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Published: 2016-05-06 11:01:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 848; Favourites: 64; Downloads: 0
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Description Katie Rose was born on 5-6-1998, and passed away 3-3-2016. She was nearly 18.
She was my darling Grandmother's cat for the first half of Katie's life, and as I promised my Grandma that if she ever needed me to, I would take her... and well that day did come, when the Assisted Living place did not accept pets. So we drove to Tucson to pack up Grandma's little Katie Rose, very painful in and of itself, especially for my Grandma, who was already going through many changes.

I did know Katie, and met her as a kitten the Summer after she was born. My Grandpa had adopted her from Pima County Animal Control. She was on "death row" for being unadoptable, due to her ornery behavior- such a young tiny kitten!
I'd seen her and played with her several times the first half of her life!

In truth, Katie just had more "rules" than other cats, and you just had to be patient enough to figure out which of the keys unlocked her quirks, to understand her. My Grandpa and Grandma (very good natural cat-people) got along with her just great and so did we!  She was an odd, funny little cat, who played "hall moniter" with the younger cats when they would start to have "too much fun"... yelling at them to "Slow down in the hallways!"

She preferred things to be just so, like many cats, but MORE so, very specific about her toys, where and how she slept, and who was near her as far as other cats and dogs.

Katie was a true lap cat, probably mostly because of her love of warmth. Due to her life of adventure, covering most of the Western part of the USA, she lived first in Arizona, then California, and lastly Oregon- and always ran "colder" than most cats, to begin with! So she would adore to sit in ANY lap. (Just, please don't remove her with your hands- if you want her off, simply sway your knees from side to side, and she'll gladly oblige and get down... example of "key to quirk".)

She was unique looking, being a teal-eyed tabby Manx. She talked constantly, and had a lot to say.
I cannot begin to explain my grief when we lost her. It's too hard... it was also wrapped up in the re-losing of my Grandmother, and it was (and still is) a very difficult time for me.

We knew it was inevitable, though, of course it always it, but I mean, she was diagnosed with kidney disease in January of 2014, and did famously well with it for such a long time. Sure a lot of care when into her diagnosis, a change of food- and the constant re-changing of her food- as "kidney cats" are very picky with their food- they tend to be feel hungry, but most foods are not palatable to them, so a lot of song and dance goes into making eating interesting for them- and yet their food must be very specific for their kidney needs.

Eventually, it came to weekly fluids, which I didn't mind taking her to the vet to do, because she still had so much "life" left in her!!
Still liked to play, snuggle, scold the younger cats, etc., We did this for quite a long time, but to spare the details of the rather quick deterioration at the end... it was just obvious when she could no longer do her life, and I understood completely.

Though I know it was the right thing, my mourning was extremely deep- and even now too difficult and inexplicable for words.

Some of you may know about, and/or at least have seen some blurbs about my medical issues floating around, so you might guess, that March, in particular, was one of the most difficult months I've had in a super long time, and we are still reaping the hardships... such things don't just come and go... they are ongoing for a while.

I wanted to give beloved Katie Rose the tribute she truly deserves, like perhaps on a journal, or something, but, with the time that's past, and the time I lack, this is the best I can do.

I did know I couldn't let life go completely by saying nothing at all,
seeing just how incredibly much she meant, and will always mean, to me.

Other photos I have of her on dA:

I dream of you over the Rainbow Bridge, eating whatever you want, my beloved Katie Rose.


[ NOTE: Thank you, in advance, for any 's I may receive for this image. I am honoured and grateful that anyone would think well enough to it. So thank you from the bottom of my heart . I understand if you don't have time to comment, but thank you for any kind comments, too. It's important to know this NOW, as I may NOT be able to do individual thank-you's for 's, or in case I cannot respond to each comment, either. Thanks for understanding. And, if you just came to view, I appreciate that, too.

Respect � Tea Photography.
ALL work produced by Tea of � Tea Photography is protected, and shall NOT be reproduced, altered, or used in ANY kind of way.
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Comments: 100

Schlumpelschlurps [2021-02-06 10:50:42 +0000 UTC]

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Aislinn-Ace [2017-04-25 21:54:08 +0000 UTC]

Im so sorry

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Samcatt [2016-06-13 07:42:05 +0000 UTC]

aw hun, so sorry for your loss

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vanndra [2016-06-10 05:57:31 +0000 UTC]

So sorry for your loss and I do have an understanding of how devastated you must be feeling. It's very hard to lose one of our fur babies. I'm sure she'll be happy now waiting for you at the other side of the Rainbow Bridge 

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LindArtz [2016-05-18 02:07:40 +0000 UTC]

Aww I'm so very sorry for your loss, Tea.   Katie Rose (such a pretty, and fitting name), sounds like she was quite the character. I know you must miss her terribly.
You shall always have your memories. And your photos of her.   Again, I am so very sorry my friend.

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TeaPhotography In reply to LindArtz [2016-05-18 03:13:25 +0000 UTC]

I appreciate your loving comments very much. Yes, this is a lovely name... of course named by my Grandmother...

the names I give tend to be odd (or simply from foreign countries, and misunderstood by monolingual speaking US speakers! )

I really do miss her very terribly- sometimes I think I hear her... since she was so vocal, and I definitely expect to see her in any number of about 5 of her favourite spots. It's just very strange... without her.

But I DO try to believe in something like "The Rainbow Bridge".. y'know.

Memories and photos are good- I hope I can keep one or the other or both for as long as possible.

Thank again Linda, my sweet friend.

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LindArtz In reply to TeaPhotography [2016-05-18 19:07:16 +0000 UTC]

As promised....Here we go.

In the original photo of her I have flipped her around horizontally so you can better see what I mean; also traced the cloud formation to make it clearer, if need be.   It's interesting in the cloud formation, her eyes look like they are closed....Resting in peace.

My Little Big Girl Angel, Cloud

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LindArtz In reply to TeaPhotography [2016-05-18 17:23:28 +0000 UTC]

Maybe you are really hearing her, Tea.  She may be coming to you as a source of comfort, to let you know in her own way that all is okay with her.
...Lets just say,...until my mother passed away, and I had an experience of my own, I never believed in ghosts.  I believe now. Or that they can visit for a time, if the need is strong enough, or if they, themselves, might be especially concerned for the welfare of their loved one.  And this includes our critter friends too.  (The fact my dog reacted (first) to get my attention, in regards to my mother, was the real proof.  My husband was in the room, and his reaction said it all too.

I believe in that Rainbow Bridge, too.    Also, your memories and photos will be with you forever.     I promise you, the pain will numb as time goes on.  It did for me with the loss of my dog Lacey. (I had her for 16 years, since she was 2 months old).
I still miss her dearly and always will. But the pain is not so raw now.  She's been gone since 2010.. ( She appeared to my husband, in the form of a cloud, resembling very much my favorite photo of her which is on my profile page - and he just happened to have the camera in his hand!  I'll try to dig those pictures up to show you so you can compare... And that was no coincidence either.  Let me tell you, when I saw that picture, it was an unspeakable comfort to me; gave me a sense of peach which I can not explain.
Hang in there, sis. !!

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TeaPhotography In reply to LindArtz [2016-05-21 02:18:27 +0000 UTC]

Linda... thank you, for sharing these things with me, from the bottom of my heart!

I believe in all that you have said here- I believe your experiences! Thought it matters most that YOU believe them, but I do believe, also- I've had some similarish experiences of my own, as well...

Every such loss of someone so precious is slightly different, but also so very keen.

I've so far lost two doggies since an adult (lost two as a kid), and two other cats before Katie, but they were super young- one was almost 12 weeks, a Foster we had decided to keep, and then another from a strange tragedy at almost a year old!
And my s.o. was across the county with his mother at the time, and I spent the whole full week going through that alone.

This, Katie Rose, is my first older cat... who, though raised for the first 9 years by my beloved grandma, and then by me the last 9 years, I knew her since a kitten, and the loss is slight different than the very young cats,

my two doggies were definitely older.

And my closest human to pass, thus far, was indeed my beloved grandma, as we were closer than anything, even traveling together just the two of us, even doing the eulogy at her service, my first and only time doing such a thing! And is ONE source of "my experiences" of which I relate to with what you have shared about your mother, and also your beloved pets.

I love you called me sis, sis,

and I actually do want to reply to you know where, it will just be a while.

Actually I've been bed-ridden 3 days in a row for the last 3 weeks- this week it's the 5th day, and mainly because went into the hospital and stayed one night. Due to insurance, wasn't able to stay longer anyway- I can't break the pain cycle, I didn't ask them for anything related to pain meds, and they don't treat many conditions with pain meds anyway, actually what I wanted was to see if they had ANY meds that I didn't already have, so as to break this horrid pain cycle (the migraine derived from central nervous system declining of nerves...) and they did, but basically I slept the whole time, and the following day, I was still in the same amount of raging pain, so the cycle was still not broken. And I was sent home. There was another condition I was being treated for, as wlel.. but, if I remembe I tell you later.

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LindArtz In reply to TeaPhotography [2016-05-21 20:17:00 +0000 UTC]

Yes it's all hard Tea,... but harder the longer we have a pet. I agree.  And of course, it goes without saying the depth of the grief we feel when we lose one of our human loved ones. Time, time, and not enough time, is all in the world which can help us with that one. And of course, only second to the comforting hand of God.

I do recall actually the picture you had posted sharing with us the loss of your beloved Grandmother.  I remember strongly because I was not watching you you at the time, did not know you in fact, at the time at all.  I had stumbled across the photo one day.  But it struck me how I was pulled to the image, and then could feel through the cables your grief.  It made quite the impression.  I left a comment, but remember feeling as I typed out that words,...how "well wishes were pretty much going to be no comfort to you at all".  And wishing for you a speedy passage of time in your adjustment period.
I hope you are in a better place today.    And you WILL be with your Grandmother again.  Take comfort in that knowledge, sis. !!

haha yes, I enjoy calling a selected few "sis";...those who I feel particularly close with. !!

No worries or pressures at all about replying quickly or at all if you don't feel up to it. You just take your time and relax.  Especially with all the pain you are in.  I wish there was something I could do to ease that for you.  I hate feeling helpless when people, or critters that I care for are hurting in any way at all.
So, you just take care of 'you'.   It amazes me you can get half the things you do, done.  I admire your strength and spirit, Tea!! !!

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surrealistic-gloom [2016-05-17 07:16:35 +0000 UTC]

I am so very sorry, my dear Tea! 

Katie-Rose was beautiful! 

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TeaPhotography In reply to surrealistic-gloom [2016-05-18 03:08:50 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, my sweet friend.

This has been very difficult for me. She was my grandma's cat for the first half of Katie's life, and as close and my Grandma and I were, it's brought back a lot of feeling from THAT loss as well.

I appreciate your comment- I KNOW you understand.

Cheers to the life of the beautiful Katie Rose.

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Aussie-Blonde [2016-05-17 05:06:34 +0000 UTC]

oh wow, Katie Rose,   has a fine tribute, what amazing writer u are....  thanks for sharing that story too...  and im so glad  that Katie had a good life , she had ppl to love her.

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TeaPhotography In reply to Aussie-Blonde [2016-05-18 03:05:49 +0000 UTC]

Thank you... it took me so long to try to write something- ANYTHING about her... half because so much else was happening at the same time, but the other half, is trying to bring myself to do it.

Thank you for your very sweet compliments about my writing- if anything, if I didn't write, I don't what I'd do- it remains a very helpful tool for me, simply in being able to "get through" life. I think you know what mean...

I was please to finally get something written about her- she really is a great subject to write about, and her life WAS good with ppl who DID love her, and SO thankfully so-- because her "quirks" put other people off- and her "teal" coloured eyes, made others with superstitions act a bit strange about her.

We got the best part, by getting to know and understand one of the best living creatures ever!

I really appreciate your kind comment, Linley!

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Aussie-Blonde In reply to TeaPhotography [2016-05-21 00:34:21 +0000 UTC]

your truly so welcome Tea ....  I meant every word of it......  wonderful memories u have to cherish

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Ingelore [2016-05-15 18:15:14 +0000 UTC]

I'm so sorry for your loss, dear Tea! But she will never really leave you because you will always carry her in your heart and thinking of your time together will make you happy! I really do know how you are feeling right now and I'm sending you some big hugs!  

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TeaPhotography In reply to Ingelore [2016-05-18 03:00:20 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much dearest Ingelore!
I know you're right, and I feel her there, but it also seems I feel her everywhere. Maybe cause it's still so fresh- like I expect to see her, in all her favourite locations... sometimes I think I hear her, and that's just probably part of the same reason.

She WAS such a funny little girl, so thinking about her usually makes me laugh.

But you are also right, you DO know how I'm feeling, how I've been feeling... with your recent little one.

Katie may have lived til nearly 18, but we've had a 1 year old kitty pass with a mysterious tragedy, dear Merlyn, and
a Foster baby kitten who we were keeping, and he was only 8-12 weeks... up and down, until just down... I get so upset by these things. *sigh.

Thank you.

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Ingelore In reply to TeaPhotography [2016-05-19 17:22:57 +0000 UTC]


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Annissina [2016-05-12 18:00:37 +0000 UTC]

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TeaPhotography In reply to Annissina [2016-05-18 02:36:41 +0000 UTC]

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CRG-Free [2016-05-11 00:01:41 +0000 UTC]

I'm so sorry for your loss Tea. I don't know what I'd do without my sweet Buddon here.

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TeaPhotography In reply to CRG-Free [2016-05-12 16:33:49 +0000 UTC]

You are absolutely so kind Casey... That's the thing, it's really difficult to realize she's not living with us. I expect to see here everywhere, and hear her, and do this or that for her...it's just very strange. *sigh.

But I try to believe in the Rainbow Bridge, and get some kind of comfort from that.

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tinylaughs [2016-05-08 22:43:15 +0000 UTC]


there's really no words to ease the loss. but my heart goes out to you, and I hope you find comfort in your memories and the knowledge that she had a very full life and lots of love.

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TeaPhotography In reply to tinylaughs [2016-05-10 05:50:09 +0000 UTC]

I really do appreciate that, Stina, thank you very much... it is very comforting... I feel so blessed that I loved and had a cat like Katie. I learned a lot from her.

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Anj3lla [2016-05-08 20:19:44 +0000 UTC]

Sorry for your loss, dear Tea.

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TeaPhotography In reply to Anj3lla [2016-05-10 05:49:04 +0000 UTC]

That's kind of you, thank you Angela.

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Anj3lla In reply to TeaPhotography [2016-05-20 20:24:26 +0000 UTC]

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Yanagi-no-Yume [2016-05-08 10:05:48 +0000 UTC]

Oh no I'm so sorry to hear that... She seemed like such a sweet cat, and I'm sure you made her really happy throughout her long life.

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TeaPhotography In reply to Yanagi-no-Yume [2016-05-10 04:24:33 +0000 UTC]

Aww thank you very much, she was was... sweet some of the time, but she was mostly vocal, and had more rules than your average cat- and cats generally have a lot of rules anyway.
I did get to make her happy for the last half of her life, after I had to take her from my Grandma... thank you.

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taiama [2016-05-08 01:04:28 +0000 UTC]

So sorry for your loss, Tea.
I can relate. I lost my beloved cat too back in September (I still cry whenever I remember her, so many happy memories). She was 19 yrs old. Same thing, kidney problems. But I'm glad that in the earlier years of her life she was full of health and had a happy life. I think we can say the same for little Katie here. Thanks for the memories, our dear kitties~

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TeaPhotography In reply to taiama [2016-05-08 06:54:22 +0000 UTC]

You are truly so sweet.
And indeed you CAN relate. ...it's really amazing though, how long they can live with kidney disease especially when given the needed care for it.
My first dog, (as an adult) passed from kidney disease as well, - she was about 15, but lived with it for a year, though back then, I didn't know quite as much about the disease.
I recently heard that if cats and dogs live long enough, that one-third of them will pass away from kidney disease.
It is just that common, in cats and dogs who live long.

We are indeed lucky to have had our kitties for so long in our lives, healthy and happy. You are very right about that.
Thank you for your wonderful comment.

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Gryffgirl [2016-05-07 14:37:03 +0000 UTC]

I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved fur baby, Tea.  She looked like a lovely, sweet girl.

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TeaPhotography In reply to Gryffgirl [2016-05-07 23:43:16 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, you are kind. She was lovely, and sometimes very sweet.

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bergunty [2016-05-07 13:46:35 +0000 UTC]

Sorry for your loss Tea.

Touching tribute, Katie-Ross sounded like a wonderful family member.

She was an odd, funny little cat, who played "hall moniter" with the younger cats when they would start to have "too much fun"... yelling at them to "Slow down in the hallways!" - The photos you provided of Katie-Ross do make her look like a stern character.

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TeaPhotography In reply to bergunty [2016-05-07 23:42:47 +0000 UTC]

That's so nice Kelly... I appreciate it. And indeed, she was a family member, a for a long time.

I like the part you quoted, there were a lot of funny things about her- she was kind of born "crotchety", even as a kitten, though had her sweet moments, and ya just had to "learn her"

Yeah, I guess her facial expression didn't change too much, you're right- we went a lot by body language, to know when she was being sweet.

The top right, she's actually going "What the heck is happening over THERE!" (between two other cats)
I love the bottom left, because in the middle of folding CLEAN T-shirts during laundry, she help herself to sitting on top of that pile- she did do soooo many things that made us laugh.

Just the way she walked or ran- with a puff for a tail like a bunny, her back two legs would hop simultaneously, and she seriously did look like a bunny- I guess because of the Manx breed.  It was adorable.

My favourite is the middle bottom with heavier frame (older photo) because being on her back with her arms "hugging herself" as some cats will do, is a sign of trust, being sweet, and in general being in a good mood.

So, yeah.  But overall, she was seen as a stern character. I mean to be on death row as young as she was!!

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bergunty In reply to TeaPhotography [2016-05-08 14:46:12 +0000 UTC]

Aww....that's pretty sad that she was on death row as a kitten for being a bit prickly, but I guess it worked out in the end as she ended up with your grandparents and you.

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TeaPhotography In reply to bergunty [2016-05-10 10:49:45 +0000 UTC]

It did! But yeah, some facilities, do nothing, or have no resources to socialize animals that need it, and due to lack of space, they'll just euthanize. 

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JocelyneR [2016-05-07 04:58:18 +0000 UTC]

I am so sorry for the loss of Katie Rose, my dear Tea, I know it is so painful!

My heart goes out to you!    

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TeaPhotography In reply to JocelyneR [2016-05-07 23:01:28 +0000 UTC]

It's been a very difficult time, my dearest Jocelyne, so hard, I've had hard time to express it anywhere, especially with all of my medical problems happening at the same time. It's been such overwhelming time for me.

I DO know, that YOU, understand... and how you feel when you have experienced this yourself.
It means so much your own comments.

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crazygardener [2016-05-07 01:16:25 +0000 UTC]

sorry for your loss..... 

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TeaPhotography In reply to crazygardener [2016-05-07 22:59:12 +0000 UTC]

I appreciate that, Dave.

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crazygardener In reply to TeaPhotography [2016-05-08 06:26:56 +0000 UTC]

smiles!!! :due: 

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TeaPhotography In reply to crazygardener [2016-05-08 07:20:40 +0000 UTC]

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ImADiablo [2016-05-07 00:13:51 +0000 UTC]


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ImADiablo [2016-05-07 00:13:43 +0000 UTC]

So sorry for your lost what a nice, long, happy life for the cat though.

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TeaPhotography In reply to ImADiablo [2016-05-07 22:58:55 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, and oh my yes indeed! 18 years is super long, and she lived quite well, thank you!

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ImADiablo In reply to TeaPhotography [2016-05-08 02:07:29 +0000 UTC]


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LuLupoo [2016-05-07 00:08:30 +0000 UTC]

Very sorry to hear about Katie Rose Tea. She certainly look like a beauty. RIP sweet little Katie. My condolences to your grandmother. 

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TeaPhotography In reply to LuLupoo [2016-05-07 22:58:11 +0000 UTC]

Thank you sweet friend. She was a beauty for sure, and she did live very long..
I appreciate your kind comments so very much!

About my Grandmother, I'm hoping they will be able to find a way to meet up in the afterlife somehow, since my Grandma is passed for four years, also since March- same month Katie passed. No one knows how it all works, but that's just what I hope.

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LuLupoo In reply to TeaPhotography [2016-05-09 00:42:15 +0000 UTC]

Hi Tea
I am so sorry I didnt realize your Grandmother was gone as well. Sometimes when I 
read things I have to read them a few times and still dont get it right. I am sure they will
meet up and I am sure Katie is sitting in her lap right now.  

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