technochroma — the meteor and the mirror

#chaotica #dream #fantasydreams #fractalart #futuristic #intricate #portal #sciencefiction #scifi #scifiart #space #spaceship #stargate #technology #foldingspace #chaoticafractals #detail #chaotica2 #scifidreams #portals #scificoncept #scififantasy #scifisciencefiction #spaceart #spacecraft #spacescape #scifiscience #scificonceptart #scififuturistic #technochroma
Published: 2022-09-25 20:43:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 1049; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 0
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Digital abstract fractal art created in Chaotica. Raw fractal, no post-processing and no AI.

Possibly one of my favorite sci-fi pieces I have made in a long time. This is inspired by an incredible dream I had a little while ago, where I was traveling in a small transport ship with my family towards Jupiter. The technology of the ship was such that it could fold space, which was why in my dream it only took a couple hours to reach Jupiter's rings. Somehow all the moons were in alignment at the time, so you could see Callisto and Ganymede very well in the viewport. What we didn't know is that the space-folding engines reacted with a rip in time caused by the technology of an ancient civilization, so looking down at Ganymede (which was oddly habitable, complete with atmosphere, water and surface forest) you could see this undulation around an undeveloped island chain looking like a stringy outlier of the Mandelbrot set - in one second empty, with turquoise tropical shores and wild growth, and the next, a ghostly sprawling megastructure that shimmered metallic blue and purple. (Purple and black has always been the "color theme" of my "8th dimensional dreams" which are kind of like a sensation of intense gravity, two-dimensionality, free-floating without gravity, and timelessness stretching out to infinity.)

Anyway these ripples encompassed the ship, so some amount of time passed but we were unsure of how much, and for some reason I started breathing very very shallow to conserve air (even though my oxygen levels were still in the 90s). What also really got me about this dream were the neon blue, detailed readouts, like I had a full virtual UI within the ship, was in a suit so I had oxygen readouts and everything. Anyway we ended up traveling through the rift and encountering these aliens, who tore apart out ship. So we ended up crashing (totally a scene out of Lost in Space), although one of our sister ships got stuck in some black-and-white pocket of sightless flat dimension within the rift and remained there, safely tucked away from these aliens for 27 years when only a couple hours had passed on the outside.

The structure where we landed turned out to actually be some kind of grandiose bright golden torchlit temple and there were some endless challenges in there, but that's where my memory of the dream fades.

ArtStation: www.artstation.com/artwork/lRv…

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tsahel [2023-02-04 22:26:12 +0000 UTC]

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