TehShadowdargon — Solemn Strength

#animals #bear #blue #celestial #galaxy #magic #original #painting #spirit #stars #sun #universe #vivid #watercolor #nature
Published: 2018-11-03 19:39:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 198; Favourites: 12; Downloads: 0
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Description Watercolor and acrylic painting exploring the galaxy and its connection with the creatures on this world.

I love watercolors, the way they move, change, and evolve on their own through the process of creating a piece. Something about the very process itself connects to the eternal shifting and movement of the heavens. A few years ago I felt so uncomfortable letting go of control and using watercolor. Now there is almost a peace to it.

Check out my website www.tehshadowdargon.com
Original for sale here: www.etsy.com/listing/610981136…
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Comments: 1

MaskedDragonLin [2018-11-06 00:13:16 +0000 UTC]

The use of gold paint is beautiful here, I love the stylized texturing of the fur, it looks like elaborate tassels.

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