teramiku — Borders - Page 2

Published: 2010-10-03 23:48:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 721; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 10
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Description Success! Page two of my comic. Sorry it took so long guys! Haven't had much time to work on anything other than school work for the last few weeks.

I think this page looks a billion times better than the first one, but maybe that's just me. Also, you get some real dialogue in this one, as well as get to see some of the characters (well three main ones).

Hope you enjoy, and the third one is coming up shortly!

Previous: [link]
Next: Coming soon!

Refs Used:
Panel 1: [link]
Panel 4: [link]
Panel 5: ?
Panel 6: [link]
Panel 7: ?

At the moment I can't find the refs I used for Panels 5 and 7, although as soon as I do, I will be sure to post them here. :]
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