The-Bradshacalypse — Animated Sketch - A Frisky Stroll of DETERMINATION

#animatedgif #animation #cartoon #fanart #frisk #walkcycle #cartoonystyle #undertale #undertale_fanart
Published: 2016-01-30 23:26:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 1879; Favourites: 64; Downloads: 9
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Description It was only a matter of time before I did some kind of Undertale something-or-other. I figured I should probably go ahead and do so before the game suffers from Too-Popular-For-Its-Own-Good Syndrome (assuming that hasn't already happened). 

Anyway, here's Frisk the Human taking a jaunty stroll through the underground (or some featureless white void, more like). Not entirely sure where he/she/it/they are headed, probably to go flirt with something. I based it on the actual sprite from the game. 

It's a little twitchy in certain areas, particularly the hair highlights and pant legs, but overall I think it turned out pretty good. It looks a lot better zoomed out, though. 

Here's a "fun" fact: Way back in my Starmen.net-going days, I kinda-sorta knew (of) the guy who would eventually make Undertale. He went by Radiation on the forums there (he might still, I don't know, I haven't been there in years). I remember seeing him a bit on the PK Hack boards, if I recall correctly. I might have even interacted with him once or twice, I don't know. I mean, that was way back in 2007-2008. But whatever. Enjoy your absolutely useless trivia! 


Does this little animation fill you with DETERMINATION? If so, here are a few other things that might have a similar effect: 

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Comments: 3

DarkJesterFox [2016-02-02 00:55:17 +0000 UTC]

Not a bad run cycle.  With a little spit and polish, you could make a animation project from something like this...maybe something with music!

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The-Bradshacalypse In reply to DarkJesterFox [2016-02-02 03:08:34 +0000 UTC]

I've actually thought about doing something like that. Once I get the hang of Toon Boom and animation itself I might try to tackle a small animated project... Emphasis on "small", though. Animation takes forever. This one little walk cycle probably took me at least 8 hours total, probably more, and it's basically just a pencil test with a quick splash of color. Don't want to make the mistake of taking on a whole, fully animated pilot episode of a series all by myself... again... 

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DarkJesterFox In reply to The-Bradshacalypse [2016-02-02 14:25:54 +0000 UTC]

A small project sounds perfect, as we wouldn't want your time taken away from other projects on your list for too long.

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