The-NightBreaker — Persona

#dragon #fantasy #gold #gray #persona #pretty #shiny #teal
Published: 2020-07-27 19:00:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 399; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 1
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Description Finally finished with my official persona Nightbreaker! (I renamed my old sona)
It took a while to figure out the feathers and the shininess of the teal scales, but I think I got it as good as I could.

Name: Nightbreaker
Gender: Female

Breathes a gold colored fire. Her spinal scales can raise when threatened to make her look much fiercer, and the her horns also can shape and grow themselves rapidly to turn into a large sharp dagger. She usually chooses to have them in a smaller size though to look less threatening. Nightbreaker's eyes look to be made of solid gold, as the pupil is simply a bright shine in the middle. In the dark, her pupils glow slightly, also giving Nightbreaker a great and fast night vision. She can also look straight into bright sunlight without having any afterimage's.

Appearance details:
Nightbreaker's golden tail and wing section have a very similar feel as gold leaf, but much more stronger. The tail feathers can grow back when they are torn out, which happens rarely. 
The feathered part of her wings are very similar to a normal birds'. The gray and teal-tipped section of the wing is simply a wing membrane that isn't very tough, but grows back when torn/cut. the white and gold part of her wing is also a membrane, but slightly tougher. The backside of her wings are the same textures, but simply a dark gray color. The white and gold section only show up on her wing's underside.
Nightbreaker's outer spinal scales are very stiff, but not as hardened or tough as most dragons' scales. They are mainly there for defensive looks. Like her wing membrane, any cuts or scratches will grow back eventually.

Nightbreaker lives in the snowy (yet gorgeous) mountains, and loves to swim in the crystalline lakes.

Being social
Dark chocolate
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
Animals (especially raptors and snakes)

Favorite songs/themes (good to listen to when drawing): www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm-m9z… and the entire Kung Fu Panda playlist.

Art belongs to me
Character belongs to me
Do not copy, trace, or steal
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Comments: 3

DuskShadow-Creations [2020-07-27 19:45:27 +0000 UTC]

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The-NightBreaker In reply to DuskShadow-Creations [2020-07-27 19:48:32 +0000 UTC]

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DuskShadow-Creations In reply to The-NightBreaker [2020-07-27 19:49:10 +0000 UTC]

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