TheBootesArtVoid — Queen O' The Skies Natural-eye

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Published: 2022-06-28 06:27:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 469; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 0
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For this one i kept the darker background and only had colour for the eye, the eye colour was left untouched

Program used:

Luminar AI

Editing Done:

So at this stage i more or less have a process down.

1: Applied general template and then processed the masks

1a: Mask 1 was to capture the background only, this took the most time as i needed to make sure all the smaller feathers sticking out were not captured in this mask as much as possible

1b: Mask 2 was for the everything but the eyes

1c: Mask 3 was for the eye only

1d: Mask three was to add a layer of zero saturation to ever so slightly overlap the edge of the feathers sticking out to minimize/eliminate the effect of the background colours bleeding onto the main image of the bird.

From here i went and played around with the settings as per usual

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