Comments: 7
necrohunter7 [2013-10-09 01:39:16 +0000 UTC]
Fang: how many friends do you have?
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Askthewerewolfprince [2013-10-08 22:18:20 +0000 UTC]
"Aw yeah~! Tell me about it girl, Halloween's the best for us werewolves. I mean not that we need the excuse for being em, but ya get to be more open about it and people are less wary. And not to mention intentionally scaring people just for the fun of it. eue "
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AnAdminNamedPaul [2013-10-08 13:00:55 +0000 UTC]
Bloomette: THAT'S RACIST!
Herbie: Q3Q...sorry
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
TheGreatWarrior [2013-10-08 04:21:31 +0000 UTC]
Kenny: *Drinking from hit canteen and sitting on a tree branch, a lone warrior watches the black werewolf. Aware of a possible attack by such a creature, Kenny peers at her with his glasses. However, he could sense no evil coming from her. It was probably his instinct that was telling him this being was not posing much of a threat. Even if she did, he always had a weapon on him at all times. The friendly look in her eyes gave him the feeling he could communicate with her easily. And so, with her below him, Kenny knocks on the tree and calls down.* Hello down there~
((Wow, that's her werewolf form? O _ O I call cuddles!))
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TheCupcake-Queen In reply to TheGreatWarrior [2013-10-11 15:37:21 +0000 UTC]
(( *Violet cuddles you* :3 ))
The werewolf had been fumbling around through the bushes, sniffing this and that. She had a cloth bag slung loosely around her neck, hanging down her back. She let out a short snort of frustration before she stood full once more. Her ear twitched at the sound of a voice behind her. She turned quickly, knowing that she was unsafe outside the kingdom walls. There were a handful of ignorant people who were still frightened of werewolves for some reason or another, and would attack on-sight. But the voice didn't...sound like its bearer meant harm. Her eyes scanned the ground, and she tilted her head in confusion. Finally she drew her gaze upwards and saw him sitting there in the tree. After studying him for a moment, Violet's tail began to wag very slightly. "Hello to you too!" She pulled at the strap around her neck loosely and tried to manage a smile through her canine lips. "Might I ask what you're doing up in that tree? You're not spying on little old me, are you?"
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TheGreatWarrior In reply to TheCupcake-Queen [2013-10-11 17:55:56 +0000 UTC]
(( *cuddles back* So adorable and furry ♥♥♥♥♥♥))
Kenny: *Shaking his head, Kenny let's his body fall back with his legs hooked on the tree. Hanging from the branch easily, moves his head up to look at her face and grins.* No I'm not. I could be, since I'm so skilled, but you're the one who's crossed my path, miss~ *With his assassin training, Kenny could move on the ground, in the trees, or in town with hardly and sound and with great quickness. Even the keen ears of animals could be unaware of his secretive manner. However, that talent was for when he was on the job, which was not then. Swinging slightly on the ranch by his legs the warrior lets his grip go and falls to the ground, landing into a front roll and then to a full standing position. Looking down at the smaller woman before her, Kenny gave a friendly grin to show he would not bring her harm.* So what 'cha got in that bag madame, if I may ask?
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