TheDawnofSnowdrop — Sorish and Sapphire

Published: 2011-03-20 14:03:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 154; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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So I wanted too make a drawing to explain Sapphire role in story.
She have been protecteing Sorish in there past, because many wizards, demons and dark creatures were after him.
(there reason: Sorish is very powerfull.)
Sapphire was an old friend of Sorishs mother so that's how they know each other.
Weedos and humans are normaly not good friends, but som things came op...
(Weedos normaly sees humans as stupied creatures how are always creating trouble.)
I know that theres no background but the drawing program on my computer is dead, so you have too live without... -.-
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