theonlyangelx — Rask the Barbaritops

#barbarian #furry #lizardman #pathfinder #roleplaying #scalie #scaly #zorn
Published: 2022-11-07 09:13:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 273; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 1
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Description This is going to be a character for an upcoming Pathfinder 2 campaign based loosely off of One Piece.

Rask was kidnapped as an egg, and was raised in a gladiatorial arena. He honed his skills as a prize fighter, and eventually rose to the Champion's position. At great cost, he and several other gladiators escaped. Now he lives free, and seeks to protect his new found family.

I didn't mean for his junk to be so prominent, but it'dlbe hard to go back, pardon the pun.

Poseref is jasonaaronbaca
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