TheRavensBastard39 — Cheetahs

#cats #theravensbastard39 #africa #africanwildcat #africanwildlife #animalart #animals #cheetah #cheetahcat #cheetahs #digitalart #digitaldrawing #endangeredspecies #wildanimal #wildanimals #wildlifeart #wildlifenature #wildlifeanimals #wildlifeillustration
Published: 2020-06-26 20:20:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 558; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 0
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Description I was in the mood of doing a nature piece, and after seeing a very beautiful cheetah at the Turtle Back Zoo yesterday, I got inspired to do some art with cheetahs. I'm neutral towards zoos, but I do very highly support and encourage wildlife conservation and protecting and preserving nature. I really should practice more with drawing animals and make more nature and animal artwork, including with my own characters. Maybe I'll do one of my character Natalie Gardner and Prospero the Tailypo in Africa amongst some cheetahs, especially considering Natalie loves animals...aaaaaaand one where She's timing old Prospy after he insists he can outrun one in a race...I'll be sure to make that one end humorously...also, I would like to see parts of Africa someday...see the beautiful savannahs and rainforests...the majestic wildlife that inhabits those ecosystems...It's a dream I think everyone has...and I have hope that it can become true as we do our part to be better towards mother earth...in the end....life will find a way....oh God, now I'm crying!!!
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L-MASTER [2020-06-26 21:43:38 +0000 UTC]

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