TheStarlightPrincess — Non comfort zone - The mainstream keeps on lying..

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Published: 2020-11-05 21:49:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 2047; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 0
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 lawyer Rudy Giuliani: 4. 11 vote watchers forced to stand 10 metres from not being able to even see the votes, the water marks and stamps
The president speaks about votes: rapsodia.fi/trumpin-tiedotusti…

 Because it's so fun to draw characters out of their comfort zone, also depicting your own frustration and tiredness of all this (forgive me) ludicrous theatre. Well, like I said in the latest status, we knew to expect this, and especially a massive fraud and that the Archbishop wrote to Trump on 25th October 2020 tells something... Like I'm not going to debate this but seeing his campaign and seeing his massive crowd and support, it is just expected our corrupt media tries to make it seem just upside down. I can hear, and see desperation on their faces.

I woke up the count day, and just said to myself "those numbers aren't true". I mean, how very fitting the numbers seem just about right, for our biased media, like Yle, who's been a sucker for Biden ever since this competition started. Our media shouldn't be biased, but each person in their tv broadcast is B-supporter or believes B to win or doesn't comment. The most people whose interviews they show are B-supporters', or even "lovers'".

Whereas, if you go online and actually look at the B-campaigns, you discover a whole other reality. That there is barely anyone present. B has struggle getting full sentences out when he's left to speak alone (you don't have to watch even that many clips to figure out), he has clear dementia. And his speeches are very, very strange, some of them, like:

Biden-talks hairy legs - got lost in bizarre speech  
(just less than 2 min of the beginning)

Never heard such, before.   

Now, having a paedophile Hunter son, is this a surprise? Oh, and just as a suggestion, I suggest you go look up Sky News Australia news, since they seem to be less biased and present more truthful view of the world, also what the mainstream leaves out and doesn't tell you.  

Not that I picked any sides, it's only because I support justice. And I would love to see the fastest route to ascension timeline. 
And that you burn buildings, or votes end up missing or are found in the river (only the other candidate's), is already signifying of a fraud attempt. We know the other side is trying their everything! Their everything to prolong and deny the answer, because it's their end. And we know if America falls the rest of the world will likely follow. Forget all about some virus, this is not that, this is struggle, info battle between freedom and tyranny. This has nothing to do with disease or even politics. You can see it how they keep implementing the term "new normal" to everywhere, especially in the news. New normal = NWO = globalist agenda = one world government = fully controlled society = tyranny. 

But I want to make it clear, and also to say to all of you Trump is not any messiah. And him winning is not inevitable, but the other outcome would make this energy-draining, injustice situation continue much longer, apparently. And the term Messiah, actually is never one person. This is a misunderstanding. The term messiah, is always more, the people, you. All of us together, protecting our rights, our human rights that've been stolen from us by "abnormality" and the rest they're trying to steal from us by those yet another abnormalities, not based on any scientific or medical evidence to justify.

Like I wrote here, in the latest journal: The Plan ....and I forgot to mention that in that World Economic Forum "     " action platform there also reads that in 2030, no biological children would born by the normal way, without lab aid... 

Remember that during Nazi-Germany, the Nazi ruled under a martial law, it was never abolished during their rule time. Better keep that in mind, when you look today, because this is the situation now. Look at what's happening to Canada. Google/[insert other search engine] it if you please. :/ 

This is the one I hinted about here: Non-comfort zone - How fact checkers make me feel , sort of "mirrored" aesthetically,
pose ref .

So yes, Mida is in Farrvaarh's natural kind of Northern ("Iron Age") clothing, though I may have drawn the sleeves a bit longer than usual for artistic touch, and because I thought to make it Medieval first. But then I saw this dress on my Pinterest and got inspired. Kept Mida's natural Heian make up though, for fun, and also her hairstyle with 鬢削ぎ (binsogi); the sidelocks = symbol for adulthood and that the person is engaged. ^^
The face pulled quite an Asian style look to it, no? I'm surprised and very pleased, and she looks kind of mature, though still young. Maybe I start to get a long and understand sexual energy better. Or I've improved on drawing faces from this angle.  
The cloak is also there, because at least the soldier's blanket was the cloak in the Middle Ages, not sure if it's that for the Vikings, but I think it's handy that wherever you go you have your "blanket" with you. Like in Heian times they used those enormous robes as blanket, yes, those silky, shiny ones with patterns they wear daily (how I'm jealous XD) they removed them at night and only kept their underwear or slept completely naked, I guess. So not like in the previous work.   
The background is random with complex tablet weavings with ancient symbols. I have yet to learn that technique and get even one simple pattern without errors.  

Out of my frustration, I've been 'studying' Heian kasane no irome (colour combinations) and figured out the layering better, and it makes me almost "frustrated" if I don't get to draw some Heian garb right now, I seriously think I have a past life experience at that period...  and it sets me completely free from everything going on in the world.     

Anyhow, do everything to maintain your love frequency, stay in high vibes! Overcome the fear and stress and the negativity. Hug each other, stay close, support each other! Love yourself, love each other! Do inspiring things. as you may notice, even if I was frustrated, I'm turning that energy into art, into something useful. Meanwhile I get a little time to rant it out, as well.   

One thing I've been practising lately, consciously, is abdominal respiration (palleahengitys). Because they say health starts from correct breathing. So I suggest you try it, if not in crowded place, at least at home or somewhere, even 5 min, the effect is outstanding! You've heard from the Buddha statue's belly? That his belly is like that, not because he was fat or had eaten too much, but because he knew how to breathe. Children breathe that way normally, but as you grow up you might forget it. And how can you say to know to live if you cannot even control or feel your own breath? 
Because especially in bus and out in public, the collective fear energies attack, and I want to stay out of them. So I rather focus on my breathing. It's very good practise, also to clear the mind and just chill out. I would argue, it will instantly increase your health.  


And that aside, German Lawyer explains (in English) how the current c-restrictions aren't at all liable and are crimes against humanity on every level:   

New! German Lawyer speaks, Crimes Against Humanity, 2: 
rapsodia.fi/paivitys-rikos-ihm… (scroll down for video)

MUST WATCH Probably the Biggest Crimes Against Humanity!!! Dr Reiner Fuellmich -Suomeksi tekstitys

if it gets removed, you can find it here: www.bitchute.com/video/zwWgmJK…

The class action lawsuit he speaks about where anybody to whom these crimes have affected, like if your company has gone bankrupt, sounds absolutely wonderful, that you can take part in that event, and also GET FULL COMPENSATION FOR ALL YOUR LOSSES! EVERYONE WHO'S BEEN ON THE VICTIM PART IN THESE CRIMES, HAS THE RIGHT TO GET FULL COMPENSATION!!!


Some day they (the children) will ask; what you did on the year 2020?

(of depopulating the planet,
Agenda 21, Event 201, Agenda 2030): 

The Plan ...



Greetings from: World Economic Forum "   " Action Platform  


"THIS WHOLE THING IS A BIG SHAM" - DR. KARY MULLIS:www.bitchute.com/video/TE7DDij…  (about HIV and the p c r tests)




- rapsodia.fi/kanada-on-muuttuma…  
 "massakanne": brandnewtube.com/watch/massaka… , lakimies muakana!!!    


Massakanne Suomessa!!!: youtu.be/hByJ16vTbeE

- Red Pill: www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bP49d…

- WHO muutti kantansa lockdowneista "kaikkien johtajien tulee lopettaa ne maassaan, globaali, talouskatastrofi!": www.bitchute.com/video/yQdSeF ... (yllättävää...)

- Jyrki Pykäri: "NYT RIITTÄÄ!": brandnewtube.com/watch/nyt-ri ... (kuinka tämä on projekti)

- Synnyttäjillekin naamari?: www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NNue ... (eikö vieläkään riitä tämä mielettömyys...?)

- Bill Gates ja rokote: www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqXxuj…

www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHBpuc…  (Uutisoimaton miekkari 10.10.2020, sanomataloa vastapääätä!)


Simo Ruoho, kuinka YLE MOT vääristeli hänen sanomaa: youtu.be/5CUnRkUjU9U  

Do you understand now why the US election aren't just about politics, but about freedom vs totalitarianism? Because the US as well as Canada, is pretty much the only place in the world where the most effective form to such law in court for class action lawsuits (joukkokanteet) still exists! So this is very crucial, in order for us to get these criminals into the court and face their responsibility from the crimes they've committed to thousands and millions and billions of people from all over the world! Because even the foreign people can take part into the US /Canada class action lawsuits!

Make this message go viral thanks!  

#1 Time of truth:  Time of Truth, Ease for negative news...?

#2 Time of Truth: ToT2: UFOs-Mars-Moon-Taygeteans-Our Space History

#3 Time of Truth:  ToT:5G-SSP Submarines-Elites-Science Flaws-Portals

4# Time of Truth:  ToT4: UFOs-Disclosure Pyramids not tombs, far more

5# Time of Truth:  ToT5: Masks-hygiene-holiday-protests:The World Sings

    Related:  Did we know of this back in 2017...? What is WITS?

6# Time of Truth:  ToT6: Bamboo-Ecohygiene-Trump-Currency Reset N/G!

7# Time of Truth: ToT7:Info Battle-reloading-subbing-vids-censorship-Antifa-California Fires-

    Related Status:  DNC symbol-White House press conferences- how to accomplish DNC win-judgement coming

Finns, YLE journalist priorities changed in 2020, alarming!!!


Big things promised to happen this October. Huge things happening behind the scene.       
Stay grounded! Stay close!  Remember your power, your sovereignty.      
It all comes to light bit by bit~!  
Well, see you later! 


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