Comments: 36
julia1a [2017-05-31 20:33:47 +0000 UTC]
I think deep down, john and paul really had a brotherly understanding about the idea. at the time, bitterness and a willingness to break free was present when they were going through the last two years of the group.
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figooza990 [2014-03-21 02:58:10 +0000 UTC]
This is sad...
Beautiful drawing!
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Yingyue-draws [2014-02-26 00:54:20 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, but John and paul had to become friends again.
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ThisBirdTooHasFlown In reply to Yingyue-draws [2014-02-27 04:14:24 +0000 UTC]
They do eventually. : ) More or less. They were never great friends again. Though I'll always believe that they might have been, someday.
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Chrissy2 [2014-02-21 20:00:24 +0000 UTC]
Very sweet : )
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CurlyPenguin [2014-02-21 15:17:20 +0000 UTC]
Paul shouldn't have deserved all that hate D:
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ThisBirdTooHasFlown In reply to CurlyPenguin [2014-02-21 16:45:57 +0000 UTC]
I agree - that was not an easy time for Paul, and it's sad that he had to go through all of it.
And I wish that people now-a-days wouldn't hate on him as much as they do. :\ But I've noticed that a lot of fans - especially online - love to defend their favorite Beatle by saying nasty things about Paul. And I'm sure it works in reverse, too - that there are Paul fans who do nothing but say nasty things about John, or whatever. It's all just rather depressing. And Paul seems to get the worst of it.
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CurlyPenguin In reply to ThisBirdTooHasFlown [2014-03-02 14:34:14 +0000 UTC]
I hate those kind of fans, I can't understand why if you like something or someone more than others you have to throw hate on someone else. I know a couple of blokes who prefer John to Paul, and they despite the last one for no particular reason, saying that he isn't worth the half of John etc, it's pretty stupid in all truth.
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ThisBirdTooHasFlown In reply to CurlyPenguin [2014-03-07 22:05:07 +0000 UTC]
I know - it's really depressing. I see it all over the place, too - but it's especially sad in the Beatles fandom, because at the end of the day, the boys all loved each other - and I'm sure they wouldn't want all this hate and bitterness. : (
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SarcasticLeaves [2014-02-21 03:31:22 +0000 UTC]
Paul must have been a true friend to respond in such a kind compassionate way. This is a beautiful piece. I especially love Paul's expression, it really captures the lyrics.
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ThisBirdTooHasFlown In reply to SarcasticLeaves [2014-02-21 16:37:06 +0000 UTC]
He's said, later, that it was really tempting to just bite back, but he didn't - and I respect him a lot for that. And John came around, eventually - they were never bosom buddies again, but they made their peace.
Thank you!
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ThisBirdTooHasFlown In reply to SarcasticLeaves [2014-03-01 22:38:09 +0000 UTC]
I'll never understand it. I do know that John Lennon, because he was murdered, has become something of a martyr - and a lot of people love him without really knowing much about him. And, because of that, they assume he hated Paul, and, therefore, Pual must be horrible. So, even today, Paul gets a lot of crap from people - despite that fact that, at the end of the day, Paul and John loved each other. It's pretty sad.
Oh, I could talk for hours about Beatle drama! The abridged version is that John and Paul were super close friends, and that friendship held the band together. Paul was the most musically gifted, John was the best leader, and together they got the rest of the band to do some amazing stuff. But then John got distracted... kinda lazy, actually. Paul tried to step up and take over the role that John left - the leader. But he wasn't as good at it - he didn't command authority, and he tried to be diplomatic - not a good thing for a leader to do. And basically the other members just developed a lot of animosity for him. This was the era of Sgt. Pepper - Abbey Road, so they were making phenomenal music... but it ended with a really nasty blowout.
Paul was in love with the band, so he tried desperately to keep it together. He prolonged things, but his efforts just made the eventual break more explosive. Without him, though, The Beatles never would have made their finest music.
I will never understand why there's so many biopics about Lennon, but no one has ever made a movie about the tragedy that is Paul's attempt to keep the band together.
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ThisBirdTooHasFlown In reply to SarcasticLeaves [2014-03-07 22:16:53 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, there's a lot of that - I try not o make too many assumptions about the personal lives of the Beatles, but I'm sure I'm guilty of it, too. I just try to stick to what I've heard in interviews from the people directly involved.
Isn't it insane, though? And I'm sure there was much more to it. But there were reports of Paul leaving the studio in tears frequently, and nasty arguments, and... it's just really, really sad.
It is interesting to think about what the Beatles would have been like, now. Especially with some of the social differences between then and know. Hmmm. I bet a lot of the inner workings still would have been kept very hidden - Paul put a lot of effort into the band's image up, and I'm sure he would've been much the same, today. He doesn't like putting his actual emotions out for everyone to see - that's what makes songs like the Abbey Road medley and "Dear Friend" so striking. But, yeah, a lot of stuff would have been much more visible. Uncomfortably so, I'd wager.
I like John... but I think he's pretty overrated, in most ways. :\ He and Paul were a great team, but John's solo stuff was never that good, I'm afraid. And... he had some issues. Poor guy. But I don't think his troubles justified a lot of the crap that he put other people through. Especially Cynthia, his first wife. :\ I don't know. I try not to judge, because who am I to do any such thing? But it does make me sad that so many people pass over Paul in favor of John, who was... troubled. In ways that most people refuse to point out.
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SarcasticLeaves In reply to ThisBirdTooHasFlown [2014-04-14 23:46:55 +0000 UTC]
Oh, I see! Yeah, I know what you mean. That's probably my least favorite from what I heard on the radio. I'm still not a huge fan of them though. At least not big enough to go out and buy their CDs. I believe I currently have one song of theirs? And that's a song that isn't played on radio a whole bunch, at least as far as I'm aware? And that one is "Won't Go Home Without You".
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