TinkerTanker44432 — (ALT SW) Galactic Remnant, Avenger-class, LSD

Published: 2023-05-12 16:17:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 3022; Favourites: 58; Downloads: 69
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Description Armament: 6 x Quad Heavy Turbolaser Turrets, 120 x Dual Point-defense Laser Cannon Turrets, 120 x Dual Point-defense Ion Cannon Turrets
Length: 800 Meters
Height: 225.93 meters
Width: 500 meters
Crew: 14,200 (3,200 x Marine Troopers , 7,000 x Enlisted, 4,000 x Officers)
Complement: 14 x Shuttles
Shielding: Equipped
Nav Computer: Equipped
Hyperdrive: Class 1.5 with class 8 backup
Engines: 6 x Main Drive Engines

    The Avenger-class light star destroyer was a variant of the Galactic Remnant's main capital ship, the Defender-class light star destroyer  introduced around the same time. Born from the same development program that gave birth to the Defender-class, the Avenger-class was basically the same ship, but with larger armament, thicker hull plating, and a larger main reactor. Though the ship did sacrifice a dedicated hanger, only carrying over a slightly larger shuttle hanger from the Defender-class. However, this wasn't seen as a downside as the ship was always meant to act within a fleet that either had dedicated carriers, or Defender-class light star destroyers that could provide fighter coverage. However, on e the eave of when both the Defender-class, and the Avenger-class were meant to be accepted into main service, the New Republic intervened.

    Fearing the development program that created this ship class, along with several others, was merely a stepping stone to a reborn Empire, the New Republic stepped in and placed restrictions upon the Galactic Remnant. In these restrictions, it dictated how many ships they could build, and how they could use them. A combined total of 512 ships (341 Defender-class and 171 Avenger-class) were allowed to be constructed with the ships only being able to be used in "self-defense situations" with the only allowed "aggressive operation" they were allowed to partake in were reactionary operations. For the most part, these ships were to be only deployed in defensive positions around key planets, outposts, and installations with the ships not even being allowed to conduct border patrols. Though many argued against these restrictions, there was very little the Galactic Remnant could do as they had few allies and the ones they had didn't have the strength or influence to fight the New Republic. While the ship was slated to enter service in earl 26 ABY (After the Battle of Yavin) due to all the New Republic push back, they didn't end up in service till late 28 ABY.

    However, the ship entered service at a key point in time as what would be known as the "Great Pirate Incursion" happed in early 30 ABY. A large group of well equipped pirates made an incursion into Galactic Remnant territory taking several of their more outermost settlements, outposts and blockading trade routes. In the ensuing battle to liberate these areas, and kick the pirates out of their territories, the Defender-class, and  the Avenger-class led task forces successfully destroyed all pirate vessel they encountered. By the end of the incursion, an estimated 85% of the pirate forces were destroyed for only a few Galactic Remnant casualties. Though the new Galactic Remnant capital ships proved themselves, when the First Order destroyed the New Republic in 34 ABY, the Galactic Remnant feared they weren't up to the task of defending their borders.

    Based upon an old ship I made for a past iteration of the Galactic Remnant. Going to try and tie this ship, and other ships I make for this faction, into a fan fiction I got cooking up.

(older illustration)
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Comments: 4

ShadowtrooperDragon [2023-05-14 03:41:01 +0000 UTC]

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TinkerTanker44432 In reply to ShadowtrooperDragon [2023-05-23 00:26:08 +0000 UTC]

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ShadowtrooperDragon In reply to TinkerTanker44432 [2023-05-23 00:27:25 +0000 UTC]

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warrior31992 [2023-05-12 17:26:23 +0000 UTC]

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