TitanTamer17 — Wagyl

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Published: 2020-01-14 04:59:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 1673; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 0
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Description Monarch designation: Wagyl

Species: Titanus Wagyl (The rainbow serpent)

Origin: Prehistoric Titan

Abilities: Bite, tail swipe,  charge, coil, water manipulation, water spray, slash, stomp, Water breath, atomic breath, camoflague

Allies: All good monsters

Rivals: All bad monsters

Age: Millions of years old

Height: 170 ft tall

Length: 1081 ft long

Weight: 124096 tonnes

Info: Wagyl is a giant Australian titan that is named after the mythical snake creature known as Wagyl, and the great Rainbow serpent, creator of the land, sky and sea. It turns out this creature is both Wagyl and the Rainbow Serpent. This large beast has existed for millions of years and has created new lands and trails all from him slithering across the lands. 

Inspiration:  Manda, Rainbow Serpent, Wagyl, Quetzalcoatl, Rainbow Boa

Monsterverse belongs to Warner brothers, Legendary productions, and Toho. 
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