tohdraws — Changgwi

Published: 2022-11-07 15:46:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 17267; Favourites: 307; Downloads: 0
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Been listening to this creepy cool horror song by Korean artist Ahn Ye Eun, titled CHANGGWI . Based on a Korean folklore, a changgwi is a type of ghost that was killed by a tiger, and cannot pass onto the afterlife, forced to serve the tigers for eternity as slaves unless they succeed in luring in a new human victim to take their place instead. (Tigers were often viewed as divine creatures, and were frequently regarded as lords/guardians/gods of their mountains.)

Thus, an inspiration piece/fan art of sorts of Alex confronting a Changgwi in the deep dark forests in South Korea. 

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Comments: 1

avancna [2023-02-08 02:42:22 +0000 UTC]

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