TotemStorms — Dungeon Delver Smaugust 01 Angel

#dragon #dungeondelver #angel #smaugust #smaugustchallenge #smaugust2023
Published: 2023-08-02 18:14:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 129; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description So I completely failed to remember Smaugust (which I've never done before in fairness) until I saw this prompt list (www.deviantart.com/pyrrhic-ill… ) this morning.  I'm going to combine this with the Dungeon Delver to give me some extra inspiration.

On the first day of Smaugust, the Dungeon Delver...  Decided that picking a fight with someone who is happy to bless you isn't smart, and so went with bowing instead.  Remember: never look a gift dragon in the mouth.
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