tunesan — Dog tired

Published: 2022-12-13 16:50:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 1027; Favourites: 49; Downloads: 0
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Description Yes, dog tired synonyms of tired lmao
I’ve just been tired from family problems
Like keep getting death threats, got hit, get yelled over small stuff and the fight have gone confusing and their words never make shit sense, and get flashbacks from people keep liking the shit that discomfort me. Pretty traumatizing and dark that my brain likes to think about some stuff that person struck me mentally and verbally instead of something else while they tell themself to me that they’re good now while being unaware of my feelings about them and I’m aware of how they keep avoiding it. Oh well, let them be happy and let them have fun. While to me, I’m not having fun and happy from them. I’m just trying to distracting myself from those type of shits lol
I haven’t been sleeping well.
Secretly, pressuring myself is sometime fun. I’d like to stay up lol
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Comments: 1

BlizzardLeDragon [2022-12-14 01:57:10 +0000 UTC]

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