VedranR — A warm lunar kiss by-nc-nd

Published: 2014-02-14 15:33:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 882; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 3
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Description -Lunaris:Happy Valentines : Day,my love...

-Alythia: Oh thank you!Your kiss warms my heart against this bitter winter...

A Valentines Day came during the bitter winter,a great storm of ice was blewing in all direction.Alythia and Lunaris got seperated by bitter and envious weather,jealous of their love the weather created the great storm of ice and caused a thick blizzard,making the couple's love union unable.The both of them craving for touch of one others hand and warmth of their heart tries to reach each other through the blizzard.But Alythia was bitter cold despite the thick jacet she ware,her limbs began to freeze,she suffered the great deal.Feeling that she will never reach her beloved,she began to cry a frozen ice tears.But Lunaris despite feeling the terrable cold too,walked further through the blizzard until he reached Alythias frozen streched hand.Then the blizzard stoped and the snow turned to cherry flowers that float through air on a easy wind.The ice that groved on Alythia's frozen limbs began to melt and she again felt warmth.When Lunaris kissed her,her heart steamed up and blew with joy and love,her chicks blushed,her hands griped Lunaris',her tail twisted around Lunaris' and she smiled gantley,like an excited love-struck mate that just learned what joy brings Love.Then she turned toward her loved one,watched him squere in the eyes and she reached for his lips,her breasts squeezing against him,her hands huging him around his shoulders and kissed him,waking the sun of a coming spring in both of them.

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY  let the LORD GOD bless you with a long and happy life of enternal Love!

Lunaris belongs to
and Alythia to
and art to me.
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Comments: 1

StarLight158 [2014-02-15 02:54:52 +0000 UTC]

This is such an amazing gift! Lunaris and I LOVED it when we looked at it together. I was happy that he made it here in real life to spend the day of love with me and had a good time. Thanks so much for this picture. We shall cherish it with the love continues to warm our hearts among this bitter cold.

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