— Engine Lord
2023-03-04 11:03:51 +0000 UTC
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"Are those some kind of drones that Scutari is shouting at?"
"Should I put a photon bolt through his head?"
Commando Hoplite Sergeant
and Commando Hoplite
Engine Lords are a type of officer type of the Scutari Empire. They are engineers and leading mechanics, but they often have a unit of worker drones doing all the work for the Lord as he yells at them to hurry up with the repairs or the Gods will get very mad. They perform the primary role of mechanics and engineers to the Scutari Armed forces. They do have larger numbers of them in the ships of the Scutari Navy. They are also tend to be members of the Cult of Steel Truth, where they worship their mechanical God.
The Drones that often comes with them, are lightly armoured, lightly armed, and are not very bright, but can do their job, if at a slow pace, as if the IA system of the Scutari are not up to par of the AIs of other Powers across the Universe.
Elite Unit
Combat Skills: 3
Marksman Skills: 4
Strength: 3
Toughness: 3
Wounds: 2
Speed: 3
Attacks: 2
Counter Reflex: 3
Morale: 8
Equipment: Flak Armour, Blaze Pistol, Butcher, Blaze Grenades, Tool Kit, Drone Control System
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