This was one of the biggest works I've ever been a part of. Lots of blood sweat and tears into this, it was from the heart, commissioned by Deviantart and SyFy!
it represents the waters back to the deserts, forgiveness for things that we have seen too early, or too late, and the writing at the top says
"Time Travelers were always going out of their way to look in on us,
To this end they had stewards,
Men and Women of like
as a mean of recognition they had certain signs
kindness in every place that they dwelt."
The hands are giving, the shape it makes is the same as in ancient times, a water pot pouring out the waters of life, or hands pouring out the giving waters. The Tombs re-lit, the lanterns Lit, the times we are gone, our planet will birth a new world to the ancient ones, it has. Omnius Capti Volumnis.
The middle is inspired by Ezekiel, or maybe he saw me........only one knows.