WolfeHanson — Vector Villains: The Watchdogs

#adobeillustrator #avengers #captainamerica #comicart #marvel #marvelcomics #marveluniverse #mcu #redskull #vectorart #johnwalker #watchdogs #vectorvengers
Published: 2024-02-23 04:25:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 4873; Favourites: 40; Downloads: 0
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Description The Watchdogs was a rightwing terrorist group that sprung up around the time Steve Rogers had to briefly give up being Captain America. They claimed to be against porn, LGBTQ+ rights, abortion, sex education, and presumably books and being nice to kittens. And they did not have a problem with creating violence and chaos to get their point across. Because, as we all know, brutal violence, arson, kidnapping and murder are all "less bad" than owning a spank magazine or merely existing as a gay person.

Anyway, unlike most of these sorts of clowns who are bad at, well, everything, the Watchdogs were incredibly organized and seemed to have deep pockets. The US Government had just selected former Super Patriot, John Walker, as their all-new Captain America, and he was sent investigate the hate group with his partner, Lemar Hoskins (who was unfortunately called Bucky for a hot second, not knowing the racial connotations, but not to worry, he eventually became "Battlestar").

This new Cap infiltrated the group as a new recruit - with Lamar pretending to be a dirty porn guy they could try to harm. Quite the stint operation. Walker, being a Conservative himself, ended up being a bit conflicted. Many of their less horrible views, he agreed with. But when they DID try to hang his partner, he sprung into action and took out this faction of Watchdogs alone. Ya know...after hesitating. Bad look, John.

Unfortunately, after John's secret ID was leaked publicly, other Watchdogs kidnapped and murdered his parents as revenge. Yikes. Walker lost his hold on reality and killed every last one of them. Daaaaaark stuff.

As it turns out, The Watchdogs, like many other radical groups like U.L.T.I.M.A.T.U.M. and the Resistants, were all bankrolled secretly by the Red Skull to sow chaos. C'mon, an actual WWII Nazi has GOT to be worse than porn, right?

*Do not repost my art without permission
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Comments: 2

NRGComics [2024-02-24 04:00:48 +0000 UTC]

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WolfeHanson In reply to NRGComics [2024-02-25 04:07:00 +0000 UTC]

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