XimonDunedain — Inktober 2021 - Day 13 - ACEO

#blackandwhite #crosshatching #drawing #inkdrawing #nightingale #pagoda #inktober #inktober2021
Published: 2021-10-13 21:08:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 439; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 0
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Description So, I finally decided to try this Inktober thing, but specifically in the form of ACEOs - 2.5" x 3.5" art cards.  The media used is Micron pen.

While I've been mostly using the official prompt list, I'm not tied to it because my daily art is made to accompany my astrology delineations (which appear here in my journal posts), so the symbolism is specific to the astrology of the day, and if the prompt actually works for that, great, but if not, no worries.  Today's piece aligns with the official prompt of "roof."

More information can be found about this piece in this post on Patreon .  It is available for purchase in my Etsy shop .
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