yami0204 — Unit Debut!

#aph #cbx #exo #hetalia #raivisgalante #torislaurinaitis #eduardvonbock #aphlatvia #aphlithuania #aphestonia #aph_estonia #aphbaltics #aph_latvia #aph_baltics #exo_cbx #aph_lithuania
Published: 2016-11-07 01:28:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 495; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 1
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Description "Every day is a party day !"

I may be an EXO-L, but these guys are EXO-LEL ! I continued my drawing of Latvia as Xiumin by throwing in the rest of the Baltics. Thank you, EXO-CBX, for having the members be color coordinated to the Baltics. Left to right: Estonia as Baekhyun, Latvia as Xiumin, and Lithuania as Chen! I've been listening to the Hey Mama! mini-album all week. orz
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