Ynishii — Outpost [🤖]

#outpost #composition #scifi
Published: 2023-06-07 14:40:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 1082; Favourites: 50; Downloads: 0
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Description This image of Chan-Si 2 shows part of the prevailing desert landscape and the above-ground part of a research and monitoring station of the Pyridian Order. There is also a small military outpost there, manned almost exclusively by Canids. In the foreground, a canid military man in traditional casual dress can be seen on his way to the Underidian springs to refresh himself after duty. The caves are about 1000 canid steps from the outpost, about 1 mile. The image is from a perimeter scanner that records and identifies beings coming and going. Perimeter scanners are small, hovering spheres with a broadband sensor array that can detect cloaked and out-of-phase objects and life forms.

The planet's atmosphere is breathable to canids, Wentraxi, and even humans, and the gravity is about 1.1 Gs. However, it is very warm by hominid standards, about 52 °C (~ 125.6 °F) on average, so hominids (i.e., humans) rely on protective gear and breathing apparatus. For canids, it's comfortable, almost like being on Xoor, the world of their creation.

Cargo ships of the Pyridian order hover above the scene, with a characteristic squeezed egg shape.

This image is a composition of 3 AI images (Midjourney and Leonardo.AI), plus a little photo retouching.
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