Comments: 11
PsihNenormalniy [2014-05-05 13:29:19 +0000 UTC]
по-моему это восхитительно. на рабочий стол, если вы не против. на "запилить как аватарку" даже не надеюсь. )
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CyberPhoenix001 In reply to QuantumBranching [2013-06-03 07:51:39 +0000 UTC]
Actually, given the context of the fictional universe itself, the argument could be made that Twily is already a bona-fide mad scientist, to wit: magic within the MLP: FiM-verse apparently is considered scientific, given Twilight's comments on the matter in multiple episodes. As for the mad part, she certainly has the neuroses, if not the outright derangement that usually characterises "mad scientists", and she does have a tendency to, shall we say, "experiment". To quote from Magical Mystery Cure:
"I cast the spell so I could find out what it was, but nothing seemed to happen."
That kind of attitude edges dangerously close to that of a Discworld wizard, and they aren't exactly well stocked in the marbles department.
Not to mention Twilight has some pretty wacked-out devices in the library basement; who knows what she does with all that stuff in her spare time.
Maybe Twilight could be the Princess of Magic _and_ Science!
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PHILOSARAPTOR547 [2013-02-26 18:05:07 +0000 UTC]
twilight can kill, fix and torture anypony...........FOR SCIENCE!!!
Great job on this
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marky1212 [2013-02-26 12:16:09 +0000 UTC]
Soo creepy I love it TWT
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xxASKxx [2013-01-13 15:39:01 +0000 UTC]
What a nice Twilight Sparkle~
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PinOddity [2013-01-10 19:11:02 +0000 UTC]
Awesome expression ;D
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