ZiggyKreamer — Drown

Published: 2016-05-30 01:54:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 144; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description I've seen a lot of really talented artist do line-less drawings or paintings and they look so cool. So i decided to try it out. I also made a new watermark! Yay!  
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Comments: 2

GMOcompassBean [2016-05-30 02:01:13 +0000 UTC]

I also really like lineless drawings, but I'm not brave enough to try it. Yours looks really cool though! 

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ZiggyKreamer In reply to GMOcompassBean [2016-05-30 02:45:41 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! And don't be afraid to try something new. It may not always come out the way you like it but it always worth giving a shot. Whether it be on digital or traditional. Yes line less art it a little bit harder but it's cool to see the finished product. Gives a sense of accomplishment. I'm also guilty of doing this, but try not to compare your art to other artist's pieces either. "Your art is yours alone and beautiful all the same." I follow this quote to heart. It may be hard not to but in the end you don't put your art down as much and become braver in trying new things even if it may not be proportional, ect. Just give it a try. I'd love to see it!      

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