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| AlBhedNika
# Statistics
Favourites: 479; Deviations: 100; Watchers: 307
Watching: 74; Pageviews: 31156; Comments Made: 1297; Friends: 74
# Interests
Favorite movies: horror, comedy. ...Favorite games: Zelda, FF, Secret of Mana, Valkyrie Profile 2, ...
Favorite gaming platform: Nintendo & Playstation
Other Interests: Fashion Design, Friends, Games, Cosplay...
# Comments
Comments: 265
Keiiraaa [2015-06-04 21:26:06 +0000 UTC]
Wie hast du das aiko (sophie) cosplay gemacht ? Hattest du ein schnittmuster?
Und kannst du mir sagen wie du die schuhe gemacht hast?
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AlBhedNika In reply to Keiiraaa [2015-08-13 10:55:57 +0000 UTC]
Ich glaube für das Oberteile habe ich mir ein ähnliches Schnittmuster ausgesucht und es entsprechend verändert.
Bei den Schuhe habe ich einfach alte Stiefel genommen und diese mit Stoff überzogen
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willow1968 [2015-02-08 20:10:56 +0000 UTC]
hey... echt tolle bilder... aber bei manchen bildern frage ich mich ja, ob dir klar ist, dass die kerle dann eher NICHT so auf das kostüm schauen! aber auch ohne tamtam schaust du ja richtig schick aus... also ohne kostüm... sehr symphatisch
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Naoapple [2014-03-23 05:16:47 +0000 UTC]
i havent looked at ur stuff for years! and ur still so pretty!!!
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AlBhedNika In reply to zuo2012 [2013-08-10 08:23:23 +0000 UTC]
Maybe Tinkerbell or Rikku but I'm not sure.
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zuo2012 In reply to AlBhedNika [2013-08-10 14:19:15 +0000 UTC]
Thanks comments...You are very kind...
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Baikal11 [2012-12-30 22:48:44 +0000 UTC]
Your welcome. I found your cosplays to be amazing, Madam. :3
Beautiful as always.
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Quiet-Storm83 [2012-12-07 20:20:00 +0000 UTC]
Hi du hast echt Hammer Cosplays und siehst sehr Hübsch aus ^^
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American-Israeli [2012-09-30 16:38:42 +0000 UTC]
You have a really super beautiful gallery I have to add you to my watch Hope you don't mind. My name is Saul by the way and it's really nice to meet you
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AlBhedNika In reply to American-Israeli [2012-10-01 17:11:24 +0000 UTC]
Oh thank you very much! I'm very happy that you watch me and I hope you will also enjoy the photos I will upload in the future!
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American-Israeli In reply to AlBhedNika [2012-10-01 17:51:10 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome Nika And that really makes me happy that you feel that way You're as awesome on the inside as you are on the outside and I am positive that any photos you upload in the future, I will love them It is so nice to meet you Nika
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AlBhedNika In reply to alesaenz [2012-09-28 17:01:40 +0000 UTC]
Oh thank you very much! I'm glad to hear that ^__^
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SophieBrigitteXD [2012-08-06 17:21:40 +0000 UTC]
You have a really nice gallery, I love your cosplays ^-^
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AlBhedNika In reply to SophieBrigitteXD [2012-08-07 11:52:52 +0000 UTC]
Oh thank you very much! I'm glad to hear that <3
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Burkhard55 [2012-05-11 16:58:13 +0000 UTC]
Hi Nika! Würdest Du Dich barfuß in der Öffentlichkeit ( z.B. in der Fußgängerzone einer Stadt ) fotografieren lassen? - Barfuß" meine ich wortwörtlich, also nur ohne Socken und Schuhe, ansonsten aber natürlich voll bekleidet! Ich würde mich riesig freuen, wenn Du Interesse an einem "Barfuß"-Shooting hättest und Dich mal bei mir melden würdest?! Liebe Grüße BURKHARD
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AlBhedNika In reply to Burkhard55 [2012-05-11 19:15:37 +0000 UTC]
Hallo Burkhard,
tut mir Leid, aber ich habe kein Interesse an einem Barfuß-Shooting.
Viele Grüße
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blueJAY2 [2011-12-09 20:10:23 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fave! It means a lot from someone with such an amazing cosplay gallery! (I know I already said that, but still... )
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AlBhedNika In reply to blueJAY2 [2011-12-12 19:31:24 +0000 UTC]
oh, I like your drawings a lot. I wish I could draw like you ^__^ And I never have seen someone who can color fabric so beautiful ö_ö <3
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blueJAY2 In reply to AlBhedNika [2011-12-14 22:02:02 +0000 UTC]
Aww thanks! That's really sweet of you to say!
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AlBhedNika In reply to blueJAY2 [2011-12-16 09:36:10 +0000 UTC]
You're welcomce ^^
I have a question: Can you make progress photos from every step if you paint fabric again? Because I have no idea how to start or which utensils I must use.
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blueJAY2 In reply to AlBhedNika [2011-12-16 11:06:36 +0000 UTC]
Sure! To be frank though, it'll probably be a while before I do a cosplay where I'll be painting fabric again (the next cosplay that I want to do will be a princess Serenity cosplay, which I won't need to paint for).
I don't know if you read any of the comments on [link] but I was actually already asked how I did the paint job, so I've got an explanation of how I did it there (it's the first of my comments on that page; it's REALLY long, so it should be easy to spot ). So if you haven't read that yet then take a look, and let me know if that helps! If you need any clarification on it, then feel free to send another comment my way!
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AlBhedNika In reply to blueJAY2 [2011-12-18 15:27:08 +0000 UTC]
Yes, I have read the comments but I didn't quite follow it. Sorry! :'D For example I don't understand how you get this beautiful transitions/crossings *___* (I don't know which word is right) But maybe you can give me an advice for Tinkerbells dress. Link: [link]
I have tried to paint the swatch on the dress but I failed ^^" It doesn't look like a leaf
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blueJAY2 In reply to AlBhedNika [2011-12-20 22:26:58 +0000 UTC]
Hmmm - well, I'll set if I can make a simple tutorial that can help . I probably won't be able to post it until after the holidays though
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AlBhedNika In reply to blueJAY2 [2011-12-21 12:46:32 +0000 UTC]
Oh thank you so much! ^______^
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blueJAY2 In reply to AlBhedNika [2012-01-10 15:53:38 +0000 UTC]
Hi! As promised, I’ve uploaded a tutorial on painting fabric! Here’s the link: [link]
It’s my first attempt at a tutorial, so I don’t know helpful you’ll find it, but I tried to be as thorough as possible. Make sure to take a look at my comment below it, ‘cause I have another helpful tip there that I didn’t include in the tutorial. I didn’t paint a leaf (I painted a lily instead) – I started to, but I soon realized that with all of the detail in a leaf, the tutorial would have been too complicated to make how I was doing what I was doing clear.
In terms of painting a leaf though, I’ve got 2 thoughts that you might find useful: first, I would consider making the central vein down each leaf dimensional (what I mean is that I would consider making it so that it rises from the fabric, like a ridge). One way you could do this would be by forgoing a brush and just using the nozzle at the end of your fabric paint to squeeze a line of fabric paint directly onto your fabric. My second suggestion regards the painting of the lesser veins of the leaf. For this, I would consider painting AROUND the veins. So, if you’re painting a medium green leaf with light green veins, I would use a light green fabric as a base and then paint the medium green areas, almost in a mosaic-like fashion, so that thin lines of the base fabric color show though as the veins.
I hope you find this all helpful! Let me know if you do, or if you still have questions!
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