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| Argussov
# Statistics
Favourites: 169; Deviations: 97; Watchers: 97
Watching: 433; Pageviews: 18461; Comments Made: 1532; Friends: 433
# Interests
Favorite movies: The Simpsons, only The Simpsons!Favorite bands / musical artists: Alicia Keys
Favorite games: Pou :)
Other Interests: writing, reading magazines, friends, travelling
# About me
Hi there!
My name is Marek Fekete and I'm from Slovakia. I live in Bratislava, the capital, at the moment but I'm originally from Poprad. My surname is hungarian, I know. But to talk about my surname, it's a long story. So maybe later. I'm a hobby artist, but I'm an art school graduate. I'm a keen traveller and travelling is the thing I spend my money on. When it comes to art, I can take pictures. I can't say they're brilliant but I think they're not so bad. I also create webpage layouts and designs- I'm self-taught And I can (maybe) draw, but only abstract things and buildings.
So welcome to my deviantArt
Something more about me:
-I wanna be a virgin untill the day I marry
-I love my mother and I love my family!
-I support immigrants
-I love, love, love Slavic countries, especially Russia!
-I'm so much proud that I'm Slovak!
-I like women...I just wanna say I'm straight
- I believe that terrorism has no religion.
- I hate teenagers more than anything else, because they're just dumb people trying to be grown up. Well, not all of them
- I love football and I'm a Real Madrid fan.
- I don't drink alcohol and I don't smoke
- I like not popular things and I'm proud of that.
- I hate a major part of technology.
- Countries I like: Slovakia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Kuwait, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, India, Bangladesh, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Cuba, Venezuela, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, Moldova, Hungary and Belarus. GO!
And by the way, never talk to me if you are against Slovakia or Iran. NEVER!!!
And one little poem (Go West by Petshop boys transformed to Go East)
Life is not peaceful there
But if you love, you don´t care
Baby you and me
West wasn´t our destiny!
# Comments
Comments: 171
BlackCatBF [2015-03-16 10:07:56 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fav, the watch and llama Kataa~~xD
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Argussov In reply to MustafaSEZER [2014-02-21 19:54:55 +0000 UTC]
Wow nice animation!
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Argussov In reply to GiardQatar [2014-01-06 19:49:13 +0000 UTC]
You are welcome, your art is always very beautiful
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GiardQatar In reply to Argussov [2014-01-07 16:03:19 +0000 UTC]
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Jencity [2013-12-31 23:53:16 +0000 UTC]
I just want to take a moment to thank you for being one of my watchers.
Your support, thusfar, means a great deal to me.
Since you found something in my gallery to your liking, I'm hoping you'd consider checking out my comic on FaceBook. I've been working hard on this project for a while now, and - come the first of the year - we'll be launching a fundraising campaign so the comic can be produced. Even if you can't donate, yourself, sharing the project with friends and family - even liking the page to show support - would mean the world to me.
Again, thank you for watching, and thank you for all the support you've shown.
Time to get back to work.
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Bassiya [2013-12-31 20:20:50 +0000 UTC]
Šťastný Nový Rok! Všetko najlepšie a dobré gryaschem roka! ))
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Argussov In reply to Bassiya [2014-01-01 14:05:47 +0000 UTC]
oooh, that´s sooo sweeet! Thank you very much
A aj tebe prajem šťastný nový rok Všetko najlepšie v novom roku, veľa šťastia, zdravia a Božieho požehnania
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Argussov In reply to roblfc1892 [2013-12-31 09:46:24 +0000 UTC]
Ahaaa So then you´re welcome, you have got lovely art
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zohreh1991 [2013-12-17 09:37:26 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fave, dear friend
Greetings from Iran
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Argussov In reply to zohreh1991 [2013-12-20 12:11:13 +0000 UTC]
Oh, you are welcome! Long life Iran!
Thanks for the watch
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mahditaba [2013-11-11 18:56:59 +0000 UTC]
Sorry mr Argussov for my delay . Im run out of time . i havnt been here for a long time . but I recommand you to ask my friends in
iranian groups.
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Argussov In reply to mahditaba [2013-11-11 19:37:16 +0000 UTC]
Okay, nevermind So I hope you will soon come back with new picures of your lovely country
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MoonlightTheif In reply to Argussov [2013-11-04 21:54:43 +0000 UTC]
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Rodegas [2013-10-31 17:18:34 +0000 UTC]
I support immigrants... tak s tym prestan cim skor, vdaka
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Argussov In reply to Rodegas [2013-11-03 16:53:43 +0000 UTC]
Ale ale! A čo keby si sa aspoň trošku pokúsil argumentovať? Keď sa k tomu nemáš ty, tak ti ja poviem svoje argumenty...
Takmer ti prajem, aby keď ťa niekedy (nedaj Bože) vyženie zo Slovenska vojna a ty budeš nútený ísť hocikde inde, len hlavne ujsť pred vojnou, tak na teba budú ukazovať prstom a šikanovať ťa za to, že si sem prišiel. Imigranti, to sú úbohí ľudia- a tí si zaslúžia podporu, lebo sú v zlej situácií.
Však pozor! Slovom IMIGRANT nemyslím Maďarov, ktorý sa nám tak nádherne rozťahujú na celom južnom Slovensku a stále žijú v nádeji, že Slovensko bude raz celé ich. A keby som aj myslel-pozri sa na moje priezvisko-z nejakého dôvodu už bude maďarské, nie?
Nevidím dôvod, prečo prestať, pokiaľ sú milí a slušní, rešpektujú nás, ktorí sme vo väčšine a rešpektujú našu kultúru. Aspoň tak, ako sa dá. A keby aj nie, my sme demokratický štát, takže musíme prijať aj ich kultúru, či nie? A možno tak zanikne tá naša-to je však už chyba nie moja, že ich podporujem. To je chyba tých štátov, z ktorých museli odísť.
Takže-aké sú tvoje argumenty na nepodporovanie imigrantov? Argumentuj, sakra, lebo ich budem podporovať uvidíš ešte AKO.
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Rodegas In reply to Argussov [2013-11-04 09:24:34 +0000 UTC]
Preco mam argumentovat, ak uz mas svoje presvedcenie o imigrantoch? Mat nazor je preca chvalihodne, ale tvoj nazor je v uplnom rozpore s tym v co verim ja (a preto sa budeme neznasat )
Madarov nechat tak predpokladam ze rozpravame o moslimoch.
1. ak je v krajine vojna tak by som urcite nezradil svoj narod a neusiel a nenechal ostatnich ludi len tak na pospas osudu,ved tu mam rodinu a kamaratov...
2. „ sme demokratický štát, takže musíme prijať aj ich kultúru, či nie?“ a presne o to tu ide oni sem privedu svoju kulturu a na tu nasu nemusia brat ohlad lebo je tu demokracia ne? To je uplne chore toto je nasa krajina, nestaci ze sa nasa kultura vytraca (namiesto toho mame McDonald, coca-kolu, a iphone) ale este aj toto cital si o situacii v zapadnej europe? Kde nemozu davat vianocne stromceky, predavat pohladnice atd. Mozem respektovat nabozenstvo ale nie utok na nasu kulturu ktora nas robi tim cim sme Slovakmi, but sa prisposobia ale nech odtialto vypadnu.
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Rodegas In reply to L33tl3boy [2013-11-07 10:07:58 +0000 UTC]
Wait, Stalin did not invade my homeland, did USA invaded France? (thing were more complicated) And our government chose communism (i guess back then it look like good idea and everything has its pros and cons) so this is not the issue.
But Argussov sure is weird person, I mean who likes Islam? We don't want them here in Slovakia...
I guess with his Hungarian name he couldn't blend anywhere, so he chose Islam to be a part of something or something like that .
Stop Islamisation of Europe! Stop Islamisation of Europe!!
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MoonlightTheif In reply to Rodegas [2013-12-11 08:17:04 +0000 UTC]
I agree but we rather stop fundamentalism in Islam especially the Sunni which did more damage then the Shia in Iran.
But don't go too much on stopping till you become a mad fascist killing immigrants like in Greece
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Rodegas In reply to MoonlightTheif [2013-12-11 15:43:18 +0000 UTC]
Well the problem is probably not struggle of religions it's probably about culture. The biggest muslim country is indonesia but they seems like normal people problematic countries are one from middle east... They should go true some radical modernization otherwise coexistence is unimaginable, and also they are not very patriotic if they are just like that leaving their homeland.
I don't know much about greece problematic but they are getting swallow by turks from what i heard.
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MoonlightTheif In reply to Rodegas [2013-12-11 21:59:09 +0000 UTC]
Yup culture which can flare up ethnic conflict like in Yugoslavia, wait did Indoensia? My Neighbor? Yeah I live in SEA in a country name Brunei. Huh Indonesia the authorities are corrupt well in both countries they are establishing sharia law which gonna suck a lot really DX. People get their hands cut off for stealing and everybody in the country are not allow anything above the knee.
Just in case Indonesia is a capitalist which I don't mind well I am a Socialist. But Indonesia type of capitalism is not the one I favored. Iran and Brunei is better
Sad isn't'? Just people who can't seem to accept their own homeland. Even doe I hate Brunei for the religious laws but I still proud of my country. Well Turkey is part of Euasia well damn Asians are not really proud of their homeland well in a small percentage.
Not just Turks but Pakistanis, Africans, Arabs and I think other minorities from Europe in Greece. Well Golden Dawn is gonna swirl around beating up foreigners like they did to their neighbors who are hooligans...
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Rodegas In reply to MoonlightTheif [2013-12-13 11:45:00 +0000 UTC]
Abaut Indonesia, it is the largest Muslim country but the government law and society is secular right? from what i heard everyone hates the radicals and enjoy having religion and law seperate from each other (Aceh is the only region that has Sharia law) but they have big problems with corruption.
Still i don't support immigration it is not patriotic at all.
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MoonlightTheif In reply to Rodegas [2013-12-14 10:57:15 +0000 UTC]
Well the government there is right. Bloody Yes religion and law need to be separated. They can't atheist or other believer to follow the Islamic laws. Indonesia is far worse then the ones in Indochina and Philippines. Plus Indonesia have loads of immigrants in many SEA countries it is like Mexicans in America or the Turks in Greece.
And death penalty for drug trade as the Golden Triangle in SEA is still operating. I can't seem to trust the police officers in Indonesia since it is just like the prohibition in 1920s USA. Well some Capitalist countries are good and bad damn... Indonesia is just off the freaking scale... damn extremists and pickpockets
Well that's your view
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Argussov In reply to Rodegas [2013-11-07 17:02:44 +0000 UTC]
Diky, aspoň trochu si sa ma zastal...nie si taký idiot Ale nie, aj tak nie si, rešpektujem ťa, lebo každý má svoj názor. Ďakujem ti. A nie, fakt nie som žiaden nasledovník Stalina, panebože, to je nenormálna lož a somarina
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Argussov In reply to Rodegas [2013-11-04 17:51:15 +0000 UTC]
Úprimne? Prajem západu, aby ho celý ovládli, lebo si to zaslúžia- nech Iračania ovládnu USA a nech sa tam primiešajú aj Vietnamci! Nech Anglicko ovládnu všetky krajiny, ktoré boli ich kolóniami a to isté Francúzsko. Vôbec ma nebude mrzieť, keď vymizne západná kultúra, lebo tá je na 90% na škodu--nič v zlom. Pozri, nás tu neovládajú muslimovia-máme ich tu 0,1%! To je veľa?! Haha!
Len keď zanikne západná kultúra, budeme môcť byť SLOVENSKO, pretože je to práve západná kultúra, tak ako hovoríš ty, ktorá nám úplne nivočí tradície, nie islam! Navyše-islamské tradície nie sú na škodu-práve naopak. Islam nie je terorizmus, islam je mierové náboženstvo.
Takže tak. Je pekné, že nezradíš krajinu, aj ja som veľký vlastenec-doma mám na stene namaľovanú vlajku-vlastnoručne, keď sa hovorí o SR, vravím o ,,našom nádhernom štáte" atď. Nikdy nás neovládnu muslimovia, nikdy! Je ich tu žalostne málo (a to je škoda), ale západu to prajem, pretože ZáAPAD ovláda nás. Zaslúži si to. A potom-čia je to chyba, že zanikajú kultúry? Asi demokracie, nie?
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Rodegas In reply to Argussov [2013-11-05 11:08:49 +0000 UTC]
No, v podstate je to aj nasa vyna ze sa nechame manupulovat zapadom ale zas nic zle im asi neprajem (zi a nechaj zit) tak ako u moslimakou nech ostanu tam kde su a bude klud. A neviem preco nejdes niekam do pakistanu ved tam vladne to tvoje mierove nabozenstvo urcite tam viac zapadnes, chcem povedat tu kolko ludi zdiela tvoj chory nazor?
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