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DanielRock ♂️ [1898490] [2005-09-16 13:31:31 +0000 UTC] "The Smiling Killer" (Hungary)

# Statistics

Favourites: 234; Deviations: 320; Watchers: 29

Watching: 63; Pageviews: 20506; Comments Made: 2970; Friends: 63

# Comments

Comments: 252

tonysandoval [2012-04-11 17:40:17 +0000 UTC]

well,you are right! thanks dude!!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

hali6 [2012-03-15 19:48:49 +0000 UTC]

thx 4 the favorite

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DanielRock In reply to hali6 [2012-03-17 15:19:22 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome, keep up the good work

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

hali6 In reply to DanielRock [2012-03-22 03:04:00 +0000 UTC]

thx u 2

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Mystery-Kitty [2012-01-28 02:39:39 +0000 UTC]


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DanielRock In reply to Mystery-Kitty [2012-02-02 09:42:40 +0000 UTC]

*mad killer smile* >:3

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Mystery-Kitty In reply to DanielRock [2012-02-02 11:17:07 +0000 UTC]

-hides- :3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

longangle [2011-06-09 19:55:59 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fav

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DanielRock In reply to longangle [2011-06-09 20:51:15 +0000 UTC]

it's okay

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XMyCrimsonTearsX [2011-05-18 10:14:04 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the fave

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DanielRock In reply to XMyCrimsonTearsX [2011-05-18 20:17:36 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome, that thing is funny

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

XMyCrimsonTearsX In reply to DanielRock [2011-05-18 21:03:52 +0000 UTC]

Glad you think so.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Mystery-Kitty [2011-05-15 16:58:13 +0000 UTC]

Well Mr Daniel, it's been awhile since we spoke and your artwork has continued to develop nicely.

Well Done

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DanielRock In reply to Mystery-Kitty [2011-05-18 08:58:56 +0000 UTC]

Well hello, Miss Mysteryous Kittus :3
You won't believe it, but I've thought about you twice recently. First when I played Portal 2 and a character had australian accent, then when I've found an australian guy talking in hungarian: [link] he's really funny guy anyway
about my arts.... you know, I have an art blog I had developed ( [link] ) but recently I don't care about it and neither about the dA. it's a book I'm about to publish and I work with that.
How about you?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Mystery-Kitty In reply to DanielRock [2011-05-29 10:35:14 +0000 UTC]

You thought about me I feel so loved right now

Your site has some funny stuff, i just can't read it lol.

I really need to learn the language don't i.

A book you say? Well i definately want to hear about that

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DanielRock In reply to Mystery-Kitty [2011-05-29 10:58:54 +0000 UTC]

you probably are ^w^

About the site, I haven't even thought you should undestand that Hungarian is a very hard language, and you go nothing with it Your lucky ahving english as your mother language

the book, oh well.... it contains little novels and illustrations by me. I don't think it will be ever released in english in order I can't keep the feelings in english version - I hope you knnow what I say. Anyway, here's the cover of it (designed by me ): [link]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Mystery-Kitty In reply to DanielRock [2011-06-23 09:37:22 +0000 UTC]

Unfortunately i can't see the image maybe if you emailed it too me then i could see it?

Damn straight i'm loved. Which reminds me, are you still seeing that girl we once talked about?

I often wonder what people have done to the english language because australians have this weird knack for shortening things. It's a shame too.

Well i could always attempt to translate it. Or you could write me something in english so i have an idea of what your doing. I like this idea

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DanielRock In reply to Mystery-Kitty [2011-06-24 09:19:38 +0000 UTC]

uhmm thats okay, you can see it on my ID (with me )

ohh, haven't we talked for such a long time? I've managed to meet her live - she just didn't appreciate my feelings about her, so it had have to stop. by the way there is a girl I had marvellous dream about last night. well, I have no opportunity to get her (as she is in relationship) but still, that one dream felt good.

about australian english... honestly, it's really strange a bit, but english is english everywhere even in Hungary (actually we pronounce words well, and hungarian is a very nice language though)

Well, if you would like to translate some, there is the link for the blog, go ahead I've translated one once, I will send you that by the time I find it.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Mystery-Kitty In reply to DanielRock [2011-06-25 13:15:05 +0000 UTC]

Win pretty sure that you should explain how to make those ID's cos i could never work it out

Yeah? That sucks man Having feelings for someone whose already in a relationship is so crap. I was getting along really well with this one person but she was already in a relationship with one of my best mates. Needless to say, friendship before love. -.-'

I most definately do that

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DanielRock In reply to Mystery-Kitty [2011-06-27 13:07:42 +0000 UTC]

first you upload a picture with the type: deviantART related/deviantID. Then you go to your profile page, and choose it as an ID on the right. quite easy.

That really sucked in times, I used to suffer about it, but now I definietly went through it. About your case... that's at least as bad as mine was. I'm having a hangover so I can't give you advice

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Mystery-Kitty In reply to DanielRock [2011-07-18 01:31:35 +0000 UTC]

I was referring to your ID mainly. I've never been able to create a picture that moves like yours.

Haha good work. What's the poison of choice? (And by that i mean the achohol)

So what's on the relationship cards now? Something interesting i hope?

I'm seeing someone now anyway so it all worked out for me. Unfortunately for her, she screwed her boyfriend around too much and he broke it off.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Mystery-Kitty [2010-05-11 16:26:20 +0000 UTC]

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DanielRock In reply to Mystery-Kitty [2010-05-11 18:19:58 +0000 UTC]

what's so funny?

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Mystery-Kitty In reply to DanielRock [2010-05-12 08:24:27 +0000 UTC]

it's a secret. You have to guess.

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DanielRock In reply to Mystery-Kitty [2010-05-12 12:44:07 +0000 UTC]

ohh well... I know that I look funny is that it?

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Mystery-Kitty In reply to DanielRock [2010-05-12 16:31:52 +0000 UTC]

actually your pretty cute. Guess again

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DanielRock In reply to Mystery-Kitty [2010-05-12 16:57:16 +0000 UTC]

okay then...

Did I write something funny? O_o

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Mystery-Kitty In reply to DanielRock [2010-05-12 19:36:03 +0000 UTC]

I wish they had a :strokesego: emoticon.


Keep guessing.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DanielRock In reply to Mystery-Kitty [2010-05-12 21:28:32 +0000 UTC]

haha, okay... I don't know even if I'm in good way... xD

soooo... is this something people usually laugh about if they see it, or only you are so silly to do it? xP

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Mystery-Kitty In reply to DanielRock [2010-05-12 22:16:27 +0000 UTC]

It's probably just me, cos I'm rad and I'm totally like Sherlock Holmes

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DanielRock In reply to Mystery-Kitty [2010-05-13 14:17:54 +0000 UTC]

cuz I totally don't have an idea after 3 days...

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Mystery-Kitty In reply to DanielRock [2010-05-14 08:10:20 +0000 UTC]

I was laughing at your avatar. :giggles:
It caught my eye a few days ago and i went through some of your works.
Pretty sure you should include me in some

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DanielRock In reply to Mystery-Kitty [2010-05-14 13:42:37 +0000 UTC]

hahh, well... I don't have many models, so If you could modelling for me, that would be nice It's just I've never been to Australia, and I don't know if when I will be

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Mystery-Kitty In reply to DanielRock [2010-05-16 12:13:36 +0000 UTC]

Well if you like cold weather and no snow, your perfectly welcome to visit me! We also have the famous kangaroo. (I almost forgot how to spell that just then)

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DanielRock In reply to Mystery-Kitty [2010-05-16 13:31:06 +0000 UTC]

Thats nice of you even though I don't like cold weather xD

But I've never seen a kangaroo in real life :3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Mystery-Kitty In reply to DanielRock [2010-05-16 16:04:46 +0000 UTC]

Well i'll send you one?
Ha ha well you'd an Australian summer then!
Do you understand what these llama badge things are??
I dont

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DanielRock In reply to Mystery-Kitty [2010-05-16 18:40:13 +0000 UTC]

I think so Until it is as hot as it has to be

I guess this llama things are for friends, so they send llamas to each other... but I'm not into this stupid thing, I think my friends know that I like them (even though I don't send llamas)

hey, I've just came from my english teacher. What do you think, is my english good?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Mystery-Kitty In reply to DanielRock [2010-05-17 17:19:14 +0000 UTC]

Gah! Your avatar is so distracting!
Well i now have 48 llamas
Haha well lets hope your friends do!
Our summers are so hot its not funny! It's like living in an oven sometimes!
But we have air conditioning so it's okay!
Btw, as to your question about your English!
It's pretty hardcore!
I think your profile said Norway yes?
What exactly do you guys speak there??
Is it called Norwegian?
Or something else?
And why would you need English?
That confuses me...
This is turning into a pretty long comment...
Maybe next time i should write my reply in a journal?
That would be funny!
Have you ever seen Humon's comics?
She did a strip today on Norway and Swedan and stuff about how they're some of the least religious countries in the world!
Is that true?
This is a lot of questions.....

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DanielRock In reply to Mystery-Kitty [2010-05-17 21:07:13 +0000 UTC]

oh well thanks
Congratulation for your (pretty pointless) llama collection

Is it hardcore? So do I speak bad? xD

Nooo, I'm not norwegian I'm from Hungary, pretty far from it And Norway is subarctic, and we are continental xP

I speak english, because I learn it in my school

I don't know that Humon's comics thing But we - being hungarians - are not that unreligious

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Mystery-Kitty In reply to DanielRock [2010-05-18 08:10:54 +0000 UTC]

Why your welcome
My llama collection is not pointless.
It allows me to obtain page views which means that at least half those people will look at my work.
I do all this by simply posting 'llama for llama' and it all works
Hmmm... Maybe you weren't from Norway then!
Well i''m still Australian!
But why English??
That just seems silly...
Maybe our blocks of floating land are moving closer yes?
Hardcore means excellent or it is more well known as a style of music.
I just like saying it because then people get confused and talk more. (Yes i realize that's really sad)
So what religion do you practice?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DanielRock In reply to Mystery-Kitty [2010-05-18 12:48:03 +0000 UTC]

hey, in Hungary, people talk hungarian and they teach english in schools, because english is a language, that everyone knows in the world. Every human being knows at least 2 words in english (yes and no)

In Hungary, most people are christian. As for me, I have my own religion, that is sort of like christianity, but the way I imagine it

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Mystery-Kitty In reply to DanielRock [2010-05-18 16:29:13 +0000 UTC]

So your spiritual then?
That makes sense!
I'm Anglican but i don't follow the church.
Lol! I'd love to go to Hungary!
It would be epic!
Hey! People also know how to say HELP and hospital!
And i consider screaming a word... It's just loud and you can't really spell it...
So explain this religion you created!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DanielRock In reply to Mystery-Kitty [2010-05-18 18:22:39 +0000 UTC]

Hungary is a really nice country, but most of places looks totally the same, I guess

Well yes, there are a lot of people who knows the "help" word, but "yes" and "no" are more famous

And well, it's hard to explain my religion in english... it isn't even a complete religion, you know... it's just that I believe in god, but not in a christian way, or other religions. My god is only a judge of us, but he listen to our prayers

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Mystery-Kitty In reply to DanielRock [2010-05-20 04:44:46 +0000 UTC]

I highly doubt they do.
Where i live, all you can see is farmland.

Lol, well yes and no do generally tend to help when it comes down to the matter.
Not to mention they're easy words to learn.

I would personally call that spiritual.
I'm an Anglican, which in case you didn't know is a branch off the catholic tradition.
We got to divorce first before the Catholics and Christians
Although... Maybe that's not such a good thing.....

Can you tell me about Hungary?
I'm really interested.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DanielRock In reply to Mystery-Kitty [2010-05-21 17:56:29 +0000 UTC]

And how much are you religious? So, do you go to the cathedral and stuff...?

Well, Hungary is a really nice country with less nice people in it ^^" But I guess there are assholes in every country.
Well, there is an ethnic community, that came from India, and call themselves gypsies ("cigΓ‘nyok"). Every hungarian hate them because they think, they are just insects in their country, who also keep us frightened. In fact, they're right in part. Our politic situation is totally the same than in other countries, so there are politics, who give everything us, but not the truth. Well, education sucks, and so does our economy.
But you know what? I really love it! It's the place where I was born, many wires keep me here from my early past, and the best: I really like to laugh about the ignorance that many people has. Our "totally same" fields are REALLY totally the same. Beautiful! Really, they never get old. I love the wonderful scapes in the summer evenings, when the sun goes down, and everything change to sort of dark, but still colorful. You just nap on the grass, and watch the creation of God. Every continental country has this scape, but this one is REALLY mine. If there was a war, I would die for it with tears in my eyes, but huge smile on my face

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Mystery-Kitty In reply to DanielRock [2010-05-26 03:04:21 +0000 UTC]

I prefer to find God in my own way as opposed to the way of the church. It's too formal and restricted and i don't believe that God want us to build things like churches when the money could go towards helping others.

Yes, arseholes happen frequently here. So i can agree with that statement. How can a Gypsy frighten you? That's so strange! I want to know more!

Be thankful you don't have Kevin Rudd or John Howard. Worst Politicians EVER! They can't even lie properly.

Can you take some photos? Your world sounds so interesting and different to mine. And it's refreshing to see someone who actually appreciates their country.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DanielRock In reply to Mystery-Kitty [2010-05-26 12:20:20 +0000 UTC]

I think exactly the same! I also wrote this in my journal here before

ONE gypsy can't... but they walk in gangs, and if you are alone in a dark street, you better run.
Not that, not all the gypsies are like this in the country, but unfortunately, most of them are.

I guess they are like GyurcsΓ‘ny Ferenc and OrbΓ‘n Viktor in my country. GyurcsΓ‘ny had also got burnt, when he said once in a conference that: "We fucked up" ("ElkΓΊrtuk"). Fortunately, he is not our prime minister since this year.

Well, you can see photos in my gallery But I will take photos for your request, that shows the worse and the better face of the country.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Mystery-Kitty In reply to DanielRock [2010-06-02 03:28:20 +0000 UTC]

Well i'm glad that someone else shares my view.

Well a gang may be a problem yes. We have a similar... I dislike the use of the words situation or problem because they seem to demeaning but i hope you get what i mean... with some of the aboriginal gangs here in my home town. It's so sad to see children of 10 or 11 in trouble with the police. It really does make my heart break.

Elkurtuk (excuse my lack of proper symbol thingies)sounds like he could at least be frank with the people of your country. Our politicians do nothing but lie and evade the questions that need answering. It's so bad that an australian TV show actually devoted a section of his show to making fun of our current prime minister.

I've had a look through your gallery. I love how you address the issue of polluting the planet. You should do a real series on it.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DanielRock In reply to Mystery-Kitty [2010-06-06 08:15:30 +0000 UTC]

Well, in my case, it's good that not hungarian people are the worse ones. They aren't nice, but they couldn't hurt anyone (most of the time).
Anyway, it was funny, when a gipsy-girl gang was coming before me, smiling at me with their teeth haven't seen toothbrush yet, and saying:
"You aren't uglyyyyyyyyy" (it was ironic)

You know, I'm not into politics any longer, so I just don't give a shit if I have to pay more for bread (or water in the future).

Well, if I have time, I will go out. But now... I'm learning all the time.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Mystery-Kitty In reply to DanielRock [2010-06-16 05:50:24 +0000 UTC]

Most of the time?
That's strange!
I'm using a friends laptop and it's TINY!
These gypsy people seem strange!
Maybe they should see a dentist?

Haha it's funny that you swear!

You should teach me words in hungarian!
Just cos you can
What are you learning?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

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