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DoctorLotus ♀️ [38423958] [2016-02-10 20:25:17 +0000 UTC] "Procrastination or Art" (France)

# Statistics

Favourites: 1318; Deviations: 41; Watchers: 30

Watching: 124; Pageviews: 5316; Comments Made: 278; Friends: 124

# Interests

Other Interests: I am French !!!!! I have a good English I guess ^^'

# About me

Not a real artist I guess but I DRAW
Go check My Instagram ! It's emilielotus.o0draw0o !!! I'm more active

# Comments

Comments: 58

InnuDoggy [2018-06-26 20:26:42 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the
Please send love to Mark too. He needs it more now than I do.

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DoctorLotus In reply to InnuDoggy [2018-06-27 06:39:12 +0000 UTC]

No problem you deserve it, and I sure send him love, thank you too !

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fallenRazziel [2017-08-29 17:51:32 +0000 UTC]

Merci d'avoir favé mon billet sur le EruRi^^

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DoctorLotus In reply to fallenRazziel [2017-08-29 18:47:56 +0000 UTC]

Pas de problème, c'est tellement canon ! Merci à toi d'avoir écrit ce billet !

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fallenRazziel In reply to DoctorLotus [2017-08-29 18:58:22 +0000 UTC]

Il fallait bien qu'une francophone se décide à dire la vérité, et tout le monde doit la connaître, n'hésite pas à partager^^

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DoctorLotus In reply to fallenRazziel [2017-08-30 07:31:34 +0000 UTC]

Je connais pas beaucoup de francophones, mais oki doki XD

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fallenRazziel In reply to DoctorLotus [2017-08-30 08:04:51 +0000 UTC]

Oui, je sais, y'en a pas beaucoup... Mais pourquoi !!?? T_T Pourquoi inventer des ships dans SnK alors qu'il y en a un là, déjà tout prêt, servi par Isayama himself... J'comprends pas >_<

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DoctorLotus In reply to fallenRazziel [2017-08-30 09:24:33 +0000 UTC]

Surtout si c'est Livaï et Eren... ouch... En plus avec le Ackerbond, on peut PAS les séparer, et les gens le voient même pas ;A;

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fallenRazziel In reply to DoctorLotus [2017-08-30 11:04:28 +0000 UTC]

C'est clair, le Ackerbond est totalement officiel, et on le voyait déjà avant même qu'on invente le terme XD
Y a des gens qui savent pas voir et lire, je te jure >__<

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DoctorLotus In reply to fallenRazziel [2017-08-30 11:26:09 +0000 UTC]

Bah, on n'y peut rien, faut leur montrer la vérité !

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fallenRazziel In reply to DoctorLotus [2017-08-30 11:55:53 +0000 UTC]

Oui, oui, je m'y emploie XD
Je vais pas tarder à rédiger une chronique complète de l'histoire de Livaï (depuis sa naissance), sur le wiki SnK, si le coeur t'en dit^^
Bon, ce sera pas particulièrement eruri, je me contenterai de dire ce qui se passe dans le canon sans en faire trop, plus les quelques histoires croustillantes que le contenu smartpass nous donne, et tout en meublant les blancs de l'histoire moi-même.

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DoctorLotus In reply to fallenRazziel [2017-08-30 15:02:21 +0000 UTC]

Ah~ ! Interessant ! So histoire est tellement triste, et je pense bien que certains francophones (comme une amie à moi) ne connaissent pas toute l'histoire ! Previens-moi quand ce sera finit, j'aimerai bien y faire un tour ! C'est toujours plus agréable à lire dans la langue natale ! Bon courage (?) XD

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fallenRazziel In reply to DoctorLotus [2017-08-30 15:30:01 +0000 UTC]

C'est pas près d'être fini, je viens de terminer le tout début, mais ça va être volumineux^^
Je te file le lien où je posterai les textes !

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DoctorLotus In reply to fallenRazziel [2017-08-30 15:49:08 +0000 UTC]

Ahah ok ! Je regarderai souvent alors

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fallenRazziel In reply to DoctorLotus [2017-08-30 19:06:18 +0000 UTC]

J'ai posté la première partie !

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DoctorLotus In reply to fallenRazziel [2017-08-31 08:23:44 +0000 UTC]

Du rapide ! Je vais le lire cet aprèm !

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fallenRazziel In reply to DoctorLotus [2017-08-31 09:25:40 +0000 UTC]

J'ai du mal à m'y mettre, mais quand je suis partie, j'écris très vite^^

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DoctorLotus In reply to fallenRazziel [2017-08-31 18:04:49 +0000 UTC]

Je vois ! J'aime beaucou p, et je vois de quoi tu parles XD GG !

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fallenRazziel In reply to DoctorLotus [2017-08-31 18:50:08 +0000 UTC]

Tu n'est pas inscrite là-bas ? Tu devrais, les gens sont sympas et ont serait 3 eruristes^^

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DoctorLotus In reply to fallenRazziel [2017-09-01 08:43:34 +0000 UTC]

Faudra voir, peut-être ^^

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WayTooEmily [2017-08-18 09:09:35 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the watch!

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DoctorLotus In reply to WayTooEmily [2017-08-18 13:22:24 +0000 UTC]

Eheh no problem ! You deserve it ! ^^

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JMA-OCxCanonFanRQ [2017-06-21 05:58:27 +0000 UTC]

Do you take request or you dont do those just asking. 

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DoctorLotus In reply to JMA-OCxCanonFanRQ [2017-06-21 11:05:39 +0000 UTC]

People ask me to draw, and I see if I do it or not, free !

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JMA-OCxCanonFanRQ In reply to DoctorLotus [2017-06-23 00:55:40 +0000 UTC]

Okay, gotcha before I request do you draw couple? 

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DoctorLotus In reply to JMA-OCxCanonFanRQ [2017-06-23 12:06:42 +0000 UTC]

Sure !

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JMA-OCxCanonFanRQ In reply to DoctorLotus [2017-06-23 18:56:40 +0000 UTC]

I'm out of idea, can you draw me a picture of my anime oc rival name Jasper and Rogue from her appearance of the X-Men series from the 1990s series. Both of them hugging and kissing each other, a romantic scene? If that okay with you though. ^^ Here my request idea though. Kiss to the mouth.

Note: Jasper wear gloves

Jasper Braken Darsch

Rogue in her 1990s appearance:

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DoctorLotus In reply to JMA-OCxCanonFanRQ [2017-06-24 07:20:45 +0000 UTC]

Why not ? Yes, I will ! (But don't worry, it might take long as I have others requests to do).

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JMA-OCxCanonFanRQ In reply to DoctorLotus [2017-06-24 07:29:54 +0000 UTC]

Take your time and do your best, oh about the why not part I dont know what fandom if we have in commons / interest do we like, lol. Was bit concerned. 

But take your time and do your best. ^^ 

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DoctorLotus In reply to JMA-OCxCanonFanRQ [2017-07-21 12:20:42 +0000 UTC]

Done (so sorry it took so long D ! Do you allow me to post it ?

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JMA-OCxCanonFanRQ In reply to DoctorLotus [2017-07-22 02:29:43 +0000 UTC]


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Bindi-the-skunk [2017-06-20 20:35:50 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the WATCH ^^

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DoctorLotus In reply to Bindi-the-skunk [2017-06-21 11:05:50 +0000 UTC]

No problem !

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MegaMovieMonday [2017-05-14 18:10:48 +0000 UTC]

Hi there. I hope you don't mind me asking but do you accept art requests?

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DoctorLotus In reply to MegaMovieMonday [2017-05-15 15:36:44 +0000 UTC]

Umh... Maybe ? x) I'll only draw the characters & others that I know though.

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MegaMovieMonday In reply to DoctorLotus [2017-05-15 20:21:59 +0000 UTC]

Okay, only if you're okay with it.
Now I have some questions I want to ask if that's okay.

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DoctorLotus In reply to MegaMovieMonday [2017-05-16 15:30:19 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, ask me anything ! (but you'll have to forgive me for my english  )

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MegaMovieMonday In reply to DoctorLotus [2017-05-16 15:44:36 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! and don't worry, I understand you very well.
So first, do you have any rules or limits on what you can or won't draw? Also, are you familiar with any of the following? Yugioh, the Disney movies, the legend of korra, total drama and the ridonculous race, samurai jack, Dangan Ronpa, gurren lagann, dbz, free iwatobi, voltron, gravity falls. I'll base the request on one or two of the shows that you know. And finally, how many characters can you draw per request?

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DoctorLotus In reply to MegaMovieMonday [2017-05-16 17:41:59 +0000 UTC]

Okay ! So, I know the Disney movies, I don't watch Dangan Ronpa but I might... and that's all. Sorry   And I would take only 1 or 2 characters per request. I don't draw 100% naked people (uhuh) and usually I don't do backgrounds. I don't want to be payed, I draw for drawing and request are good to try new things ! I don't give my e-mail, I just take request from this website. I also don't like time limits ! Obviously, I wouldn't dare taking too long ! It isn't impossible that I decline the request though, but it shouldn't be a problem. In your request, you can give me little details, but not to much ! Did I forget anything ?

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MegaMovieMonday In reply to DoctorLotus [2017-05-16 17:46:54 +0000 UTC]

That's okay with me. I can still work with Disney and I'm glad you can do that number. I also won't mind waiting awhile so there's no time limit. And I'll be okay if this request stays here.
Now just to be on the safe side, would you be okay with drawing a male character tied up, gagged and in peril? He'd still be fully clothed but if you don't like it then I won't ask for that.

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DoctorLotus In reply to MegaMovieMonday [2017-05-16 18:20:04 +0000 UTC]

That's pretty safe for me ! (you're so nice and patient,  I like you ) I'm not used to this and I hope that whatever your request is, my drawing will be good enough !

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MegaMovieMonday In reply to DoctorLotus [2017-05-16 18:51:28 +0000 UTC]

Aww thank you for that. ^_^ And I'm sure whatever you make will be fantastic. thanks for answering my questions.
Then based on Disney's Aladdin and Tangled, can you draw Eugene Fitzherbert but dressed up as Aladdin and in peril please? I imagine his hands tied behind him, his mouth cloth gagged and his barefeet shackled to a ball and chain. What do you think?

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DoctorLotus In reply to MegaMovieMonday [2017-05-16 19:52:37 +0000 UTC]

Sound interesting... I'll try ! Yes I'll do it !

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MegaMovieMonday In reply to DoctorLotus [2017-05-16 20:21:20 +0000 UTC]

Cool! I'm really glad to hear that. Thank you for accepting this request for me.

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DoctorLotus In reply to MegaMovieMonday [2017-05-28 16:55:27 +0000 UTC]

Alright ! Thank you for waiting ! Do you allow me to post it ?

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MegaMovieMonday In reply to DoctorLotus [2017-05-28 16:59:07 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! And yes you may!

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Cobyfrog [2016-12-20 20:48:46 +0000 UTC]

Thankage for the Favage~!

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DoctorLotus In reply to Cobyfrog [2016-12-21 09:05:40 +0000 UTC]


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TVD-Photography [2016-10-04 16:17:27 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the fave on Sherlock Otter ^-^

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DoctorLotus In reply to TVD-Photography [2016-10-04 16:39:08 +0000 UTC]

Thanks to you !

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