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# Statistics
Favourites: 647; Deviations: 71; Watchers: 10
Watching: 157; Pageviews: 5174; Comments Made: 137; Friends: 157
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: akima, kinu nishimura, gage lindsten,tayler chiu,you and neru,lots moreFavorite movies: the last dragon, teenage mutant ninja turtles (91) ,the golden child
Favorite TV shows: carnival row,
Favorite bands / musical artists: Altered gee, teal child, thundercat, mr finger,frankie knuckles, larry heard, bright boy
Favorite books: the power of silence , stranger in a strange land, 100 years of solitude, fire next time
Favorite writers: james bawldwin
Favorite games: streetfighter ,skyrim,breath of fire dragon quarter,mass effect,jade empire,tekken,
Favorite gaming platform: all f them
Tools of the Trade: pen and paper, clay,magic, cyborge implants,rocket pack
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