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| Feriku

Feriku ♀️ [18810850] [2011-08-27 21:08:23 +0000 UTC] (Unknown)

# Statistics

Favourites: 317; Deviations: 48; Watchers: 9

Watching: 10; Pageviews: 4835; Comments Made: 1683; Friends: 10

# About me

"And the night and the dark and the hopes and the dreams
As we all play our parts while ignoring the screams
So we lie to ourselves, and we just carry on
Never stop, never turn, don't admit what has gone
Into this twisted story
All these things so clear before me
Every path we've ever taken
Can't admit we were mistaken
In this night of my devising
Never live and never dying
Each escape I've never taken
Never dream and never waken."

--Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Epiphany

# Comments

Comments: 616

AlithiaSigma [2017-09-25 17:23:17 +0000 UTC]

Heya, I'm a big fan of your Blackquill fics.

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Feriku In reply to AlithiaSigma [2018-01-16 00:17:42 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed them!

(Sorry for the late reply. I haven't logged in in a while.)

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evilinsomniac1313 [2015-10-19 17:24:31 +0000 UTC]

Hello! How's everything going?

Found a Dark Shadows quiz you might like. decades.com/quiz/quiz-which-da…

I got Julia Hoffman, lol!

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Feriku In reply to evilinsomniac1313 [2015-10-20 19:30:02 +0000 UTC]

Hey! I'm doing well. I've turned in my thesis novel. One mentor passed me and now I'm waiting to hear back from the other.

Ooh, let me take it.

I also got Julia.

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evilinsomniac1313 In reply to Feriku [2015-10-31 23:07:17 +0000 UTC]

That's awesome!

Happy Halloween btw! There's a DS marathon on tv today.

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Feriku In reply to evilinsomniac1313 [2015-11-01 00:21:11 +0000 UTC]

And I got my second pass! My thesis has officially passed, and (unless there's some disaster) I'll be graduating in January.

Awesome! I had a writing deadline, so I spent most of the day writing.

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evilinsomniac1313 In reply to Feriku [2015-11-24 06:25:56 +0000 UTC]

That's awesome!! Congrats! ^^

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Feriku In reply to evilinsomniac1313 [2015-11-26 04:19:24 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! ^_^

And how have you been?

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Hellodie-Bunnie [2015-09-27 09:20:01 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the favorite !

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Feriku In reply to Hellodie-Bunnie [2015-09-27 17:23:00 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! Thank you for fueling my Tales of Symphonia obsession with artwork. xDD

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Hellodie-Bunnie In reply to Feriku [2015-09-27 20:15:15 +0000 UTC]

Ha, ha This game is awesome.

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Feriku In reply to Hellodie-Bunnie [2015-09-27 22:32:03 +0000 UTC]

It is! I played it for the first time earlier this year and fell in love with it.

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Hellodie-Bunnie In reply to Feriku [2015-09-28 08:32:20 +0000 UTC]

I played it (Gamecube) with my brother and my sister. I remember a book. At the end of this book we had to fight an empty armor. I found it really hard !

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Feriku In reply to Hellodie-Bunnie [2015-09-28 17:29:11 +0000 UTC]

Was that the bonus dungeon, with the Niflheim demons?

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Hellodie-Bunnie In reply to Feriku [2015-09-28 17:35:24 +0000 UTC]

Yes, it was.

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Feriku In reply to Hellodie-Bunnie [2015-09-28 22:50:57 +0000 UTC]

I didn't get through the dungeon and just moved on to the end of the game. But the PS3 version added a boss battle to it that just breaks my heart. XD www.youtube.com/watch?v=UT6lS4…

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Hellodie-Bunnie In reply to Feriku [2015-09-29 08:51:14 +0000 UTC]

The PS3 version had a lot of new things compared to the gamecube one. I was so disappointed too when i saw that. ( New costume T-T )

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Feriku In reply to Hellodie-Bunnie [2015-09-29 16:20:23 +0000 UTC]

The PS3 version also had things like making it harder to get Kratos at Flanoir and making Abyssion harder, so it's a toss-up which is better to play, I think. XDD (Though I've only played the PS3 version.)

The PS3 version also hides clarifying backstory information in optional, hard-to-find places, because why not?

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Hellodie-Bunnie In reply to Feriku [2015-09-29 18:07:45 +0000 UTC]

I totally agree. Abyssion (mania mode) is quite hard but not enough to me. ^^

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Feriku In reply to Hellodie-Bunnie [2015-09-29 23:38:06 +0000 UTC]

I failed miserably against Abyssion on normal and gave up. XDDD

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Hellodie-Bunnie In reply to Feriku [2015-09-30 08:28:11 +0000 UTC]

Don't give up, the world needs you ! Besides it's a real satisfaction to see him die, Mwahahaha.

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Feriku In reply to Hellodie-Bunnie [2015-09-30 15:59:52 +0000 UTC]

Well, if I play the game again someday, I'll try. ^_^

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dragonsong17 [2015-05-01 16:03:46 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the fave!  

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Feriku In reply to dragonsong17 [2015-05-01 22:58:21 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! Thank you for uploading that entertaining comic!

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pikachuart [2015-02-02 15:49:46 +0000 UTC]


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Feriku In reply to pikachuart [2015-02-02 22:54:45 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! ^___^

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pikachuart In reply to Feriku [2015-03-07 06:13:10 +0000 UTC]

'welcome! Do anything special??

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Feriku In reply to pikachuart [2015-03-08 17:51:52 +0000 UTC]

Not really, that I remember. It's been a while now.

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pikachuart In reply to Feriku [2015-03-11 03:59:06 +0000 UTC]

yeahhhh man the days are just flying by!! ^^''

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Feriku In reply to pikachuart [2015-03-11 18:26:47 +0000 UTC]

I know! I can't believe we're partway through March already!

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pikachuart In reply to Feriku [2015-07-05 03:28:13 +0000 UTC]

and now we're in july............. 

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Feriku In reply to pikachuart [2015-07-06 04:39:06 +0000 UTC]

Wow. It's been a while. o_o

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pikachuart In reply to Feriku [2015-07-06 23:20:43 +0000 UTC]

YEAH. ^^'' I feel so bad!

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Feriku In reply to pikachuart [2015-07-07 16:36:59 +0000 UTC]

What have you been up to lately?

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pikachuart In reply to Feriku [2015-09-08 02:03:48 +0000 UTC]

Welll I haven't been on here that much lately because I lost my inspiration to write... haha ^^'' 

also my summer job took up a ton of my time and... yeah.

But things are settling down now that I'm back in school. I'm taking 3 history classes this semester so I have tons of reading to do...

How about you??

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Feriku In reply to pikachuart [2015-09-08 15:57:47 +0000 UTC]

Sometimes, when I can't seem to get anything written, it helps if I just make myself write something. After a while, I get back into it!

Ooh, are they interesting history classes? I took an elective on Alexander the Great when I was in college, and that was pretty cool.

I'm doing well! I just got feedback from my mentor on my latest submission (180 pages, yikes!) and it's coming along really well! The things I've been having trouble with are finally working out. And it's almost over... at the end of this month, I have to turn my completed, revised novel in to both my mentors for their final verdict. 0_0 I can't believe it's so close!

My freelance writing is also going well, and I'm the editor for an indie RPG in development!

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pikachuart In reply to Feriku [2015-09-10 13:23:09 +0000 UTC]

I'm trying that! Thanks!

yeaaaah it's early Asian, early Christianity, and Vietnam war...

wooooooh. glad to hear it's going well...

COOL! what is it??

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Feriku In reply to pikachuart [2015-09-10 23:46:26 +0000 UTC]

No problem. I hope it works!

Oh, that sounds like it could be interesting!


The indie RPG? It's called Parachronism: Order of Chaos - ninjavault.biz/

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pikachuart In reply to Feriku [2015-09-12 03:09:54 +0000 UTC]

woahh the website is super cool....

Yup they are!! I'm happy that I finally get to take classes that have to do with my major

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Feriku In reply to pikachuart [2015-09-12 23:28:53 +0000 UTC]

Working on the game has been a lot of fun. First my job was just to edit the story scenes and smooth out the overall plot, but now I'm working on NPC dialogue. I can't wait until the game is complete!

Oh, you're a history major?

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pikachuart In reply to Feriku [2015-09-25 14:18:17 +0000 UTC]

That sounds super awesome...!! (I still think you should work as a translator...... ^^) (then you could work for capcom... and get the PW games here heheh)

YUP! ^^ I'm finally done with my GE's so I get to choose the classes I'm interested in. like last semester I took a class that focused on WWI and it was AWESOME.

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Feriku In reply to pikachuart [2015-09-26 16:03:22 +0000 UTC]

Except to be a translator, I'd have to be fluent in another language... I think I'll stick with English writing and editing for the time being. xD

Great! That sounds like a lot of fun.

As for me... yesterday I turned in my completed thesis novel to both of my mentors. o_o Now all I have to do is await their verdicts.

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pikachuart In reply to Feriku [2015-10-05 02:18:50 +0000 UTC]

ohhhhhhhhhh wish you luck!!

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Feriku In reply to pikachuart [2015-10-06 01:56:34 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I still haven't heard back.

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pikachuart In reply to Feriku [2015-10-07 01:13:34 +0000 UTC]

When did you turn it in?

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Feriku In reply to pikachuart [2015-10-07 03:07:14 +0000 UTC]

September 25. *paces*

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pikachuart In reply to Feriku [2015-10-25 22:03:49 +0000 UTC]

any feedback yet?? it's been a month!

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Feriku In reply to pikachuart [2015-10-26 01:42:44 +0000 UTC]

One mentor passed it, but I'm still waiting to hear back from the other. *paces* It should be any day now, because the grades are due by the 28th. xD

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pikachuart In reply to Feriku [2015-11-06 15:11:59 +0000 UTC]

ooohhhhh so I'm guessing you got them..

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Feriku In reply to pikachuart [2015-11-07 01:28:33 +0000 UTC]

Yep! Passed by both mentors! This means I'll graduate in January.

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