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| Gilray
# Statistics
Favourites: 53; Deviations: 4; Watchers: 5
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# Comments
Comments: 3
sk1nz [2011-09-22 10:09:30 +0000 UTC]
cant get hold of you, wanna know if youre still alive etc etc etc etc etc etc etc egg etc etc I'm gonna have to make a gaybook account aint I, youre bang out of order you crusty fried bacon lip on toast with a smidgen of something disturbing I found on the underside of a public toilet seat and bread for 600 years in a shoebox, bang out of order.
love you darling
deviantART muro drawing
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
sk1nz [2009-09-25 10:56:37 +0000 UTC]
how u been mate?!
aint been to this site in ages lol, crazy
whats london treating you like at the mo? andy told me you needed to get hold of me about summin regarding illustration, i need to come up and see ya some time, feels like its been too long. i dont think ive got your mob number other wise i'd ring you kidney bean
heard you been busy, hope its with art n shit
well if you ever come on this site, and read this, get back to me you enlarged fuck knows, summin dodgey
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Gilray In reply to sk1nz [2009-10-03 12:19:20 +0000 UTC]
Radish Patael!
Me neither, how weird.
Whats crackin?
Yeh Im cool turnip leg, skint at times, but its all part of being a starving artist, even tho I barely do any painting, hmmm, so im goin skint for nothin, just to be lazy.
Oh yeh, I met this Women who is a recruiter for game developers, she deals with mainly the art side, concept artist, character design, 3d modelers etc tec etc. It's a good contact, if can be assed to do some work, get a portfolio together, just 12 page make a Pdf or something, I'll send it to here and give you here contact details etc.
Any way troll face, speak soon. x
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