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| Illis
# Statistics
Favourites: 640; Deviations: 264; Watchers: 40
Watching: 24; Pageviews: 13176; Comments Made: 3025; Friends: 24
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: M.C. Escher, Vitaly S. Alexius (http://alexiuss.deviantart.com/gallery/)Favorite movies: The Godfather (Part 1 of course)
Favorite bands / musical artists: You can't do that to me...
Favorite writers: J.R.R. Tolkien, Frank Herbert, Susan Cooper, Robert Frost
Favorite games: RISK
Favorite gaming platform: PC
Tools of the Trade: Nikon D4ox, Adobe CS3 Web Premium
Other Interests: Church, Music, Photography, Running, Sketching, Soccer
# About me
Current Residence: USA
Favourite genre of music: 80s or anything fast like Punk/Screamo/Thrash Metal... mostly Christian music
Favourite photographer: TJ McKimmey (didyouloseasock.deviantart.com/)
Favourite style of art: Photojournalism (concerts)
Operating System: OSX Leopard
MP3 player of choice: Creative Labs - Zen Vision:M
Shell of choice: 18 inch main battery round (gunboat)
Favourite cartoon character: TROGDOR the BURNINATOR!
Personal Quote: "Somewhere between studly and seductive!"-Theresa
# Comments
Comments: 281
Illis In reply to nfteixeira [2010-11-22 12:23:41 +0000 UTC]
You're most welcome. Cross Heart is a great piece! I love everything that is going on there (more than just a subject like a sketch might have, but not too busy that it detracts from the subject at all). Excellent balance. Cheers!
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coldlightmirror [2010-11-18 21:56:30 +0000 UTC]
Hey, thank you for the watch!
Sorry for my late reply, ... haven't been round here for some time...
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Illis In reply to coldlightmirror [2010-11-19 02:30:34 +0000 UTC]
No problem or offense taken. I'm not on here much anymore either, and I don't think that I've actively posted in about 2 years.
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smilesarebetter [2010-10-28 09:05:36 +0000 UTC]
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taffmeister [2010-07-21 22:05:20 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the 's and Justin, much appreciated.
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Illis In reply to taffmeister [2010-07-22 14:59:26 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome. I would say that I just like to look at quality photos... and you just happen to take them! Cheers!
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Illis In reply to RickHaigh [2010-07-22 15:03:13 +0000 UTC]
You're most welcome. Very dynamic photography and besides, I like the b&ws
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Illis In reply to REMorgan [2010-07-21 01:04:28 +0000 UTC]
Why of course! Stirling Bridge and York Minster are both incredible photos with excellent angle, perspective, and subjects in general. Your work is splendid and deserves to be recognized... that's all there is to it. Thank you for sharing your talent with us here!
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whatarandomsn5 [2010-05-26 17:45:17 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the fav feel free to stop by again for more anytime
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Illis In reply to whatarandomsn5 [2010-05-27 02:08:49 +0000 UTC]
Well, Walkway to Heaven is a great atmospheric piece. Minimalistic, yet extremely effective. Out of your entire gallery the two from this locale happen to be my favorites, and this piece, in my opinion that happens to count for next to nothing, is your strongest. I'd like to see even more play with lighting. Keep the good stuff flowing!
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whatarandomsn5 In reply to Illis [2010-05-27 06:01:48 +0000 UTC]
If you like that you may like the one I just posted it is in my opinion of all the work posted and not the second most powerful another unposted one being the most but thank you very much for your comments I appreciate them very much
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Dannhe [2010-05-22 05:21:05 +0000 UTC]
I gOt a Question .. did you take fireflight piCtures?
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Illis In reply to Dannhe [2010-05-24 05:15:09 +0000 UTC]
I have six Fireflight pictures here . The rest of my pictures of them from different events have not been uploaded...
I see you liked Nova , but Fan the Flame is probably my favorite of that series of pics.
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JohnEliason [2010-05-07 17:20:51 +0000 UTC]
Hey so I was wondering, I do photography for various music groups, like I've done some big names for different colleges. I'm wondering should I have my watermark in the middle or down on the side in a corner or what? I know people could crop it if its in the corner but if its in the middle of the picture it could detract from the picture itself. What do you think?
Also this would also apply to my other photography areas.
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Illis In reply to JohnEliason [2010-05-09 07:47:16 +0000 UTC]
I'm no expert on the subject matter. If you're going for safety put it over the image, if your going for impression then put it in the corner. I suppose it depends on how worried you are that your pics will be stolen. you can always keep an unmarked copy for your portfolios, etc...
All said, I'm not really the person to ask about these things. Perhaps get on a couple photographers websites, and actually email them asking for their advice?
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JohnEliason [2010-01-07 01:13:40 +0000 UTC]
Hey, how have you been? I haven't heard from you in a while. I pray your Christmas season went well. Peace.
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Illis In reply to JohnEliason [2010-01-07 01:23:51 +0000 UTC]
It's been pretty good, a little slow without a job, but I've been enjoying most of it. I really haven't been on dA much. Christmas was good. How have you been, sir?
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JohnEliason In reply to Illis [2010-01-07 01:38:47 +0000 UTC]
I'm with ya on the whole lack of a job thing, no doubt. Christmas was good getting together with the family, and them all coming back home for a few days. Now my days consist of cruising the internet and applyin' like a mad man to jobs everywhere, that have something to do with video/photography. I really don't want to work at a grocery store.
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JohnEliason [2009-10-18 02:14:20 +0000 UTC]
Is this like you mean: [link]
I do like that now too. I'm just wondering, what made you want to see it with magenta/purple rather than another color?
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Illis In reply to JohnEliason [2009-10-18 18:14:35 +0000 UTC]
You're getting pretty close there to the feeling that I was shooting for, but it's honestly more about how you're feeling towards the picture.
For my personal taste you made it a bit too contrasted to where you cannot see a lot of the details (and I'm a details guy, it's just my style). Because of the flowers and all of the highlights in the original, I could see this picture in a yellowish / sepia, however the high brick content, the rust, and especially the light/shadow in the alley lead me to the magenta tint and a cooler feeling color scheme. I also think that with some of the older subjects (i.e. your car) it is nice to throw in a little vignetting, and since the subject (car) was in the upper left I decided not to do a standard framing vignette but rather to shift it closer to the subject and run it off the page to move the picture in that direction.
You should compare your original to your edit to my attempt to get my feel and to see if it is or isn't a way that you would personally take this piece. I would recommend opening them all in separate tabs and jumping between each (or download them all to your desktop and open them in some sort of previewer)...
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JohnEliason In reply to Illis [2009-10-18 22:09:24 +0000 UTC]
Yea, I do like how its darker, its true. I've never gotten into the whole vignetting for pictures. I'll look into it. Thanks sir.
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Illis In reply to JohnEliason [2009-10-18 23:46:19 +0000 UTC]
best suggestion there is just making a bg layer of black, using an elliptical selection tool with feathering of at least 25px, and then selecting the inverse of your selection and deleting it with backspace.
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JohnEliason In reply to JohnEliason [2009-10-18 22:38:00 +0000 UTC]
I tried and tried again honestly to remake my original. Honestly I do like my original one more, I like what you've done to it too, but mine fits well with me. Like you said, do what feels right for yourself, I like that.
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JohnEliason In reply to JohnEliason [2009-10-18 02:15:23 +0000 UTC]
Ooooh, go me, I was your 5,000th pageview.
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JohnEliason [2009-08-18 00:44:28 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the faves. bud. So when does school start up for yerself?
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Illis In reply to JohnEliason [2009-08-18 19:50:55 +0000 UTC]
Well, you are certainly welcome. Good art should get recognition!
I've haven't written a journal in 3/4s of a year and my last upload was about 16 months ago... I'll probably end up passing... Oh, and I leave for school Wednesday, but it won't be starting for about a week after that (I'm just trying to get there to get a job)
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JohnEliason In reply to Illis [2009-08-19 03:04:18 +0000 UTC]
good stuff, where do you go to school again?
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Illis In reply to JohnEliason [2009-08-20 03:33:54 +0000 UTC]
Greenville College (a private Christian College in Greenville, Illinois)
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The-A-Strike [2009-06-22 23:35:24 +0000 UTC]
Hey man, thanks for all your comments and such!! I really appreciate you taking the time to look at everything so carefully You been keeping busy this summer? I hope things are going well for you!
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Illis In reply to The-A-Strike [2009-06-26 04:43:28 +0000 UTC]
Your welcome, but it's just what I do. I mean people who put stuff up here for critiques have come to me before looking for more (I just wish that they would have done the same for me when I still cared and posted stuff all the time).
I just now got a job and this Digital Video Editing Independent Study is kicking my butt with no teacher or classmates to help me figure this stuff out... God will provide.
Things are mostly well for me and Katie is finally doing a bit better with me being away for the summer, but there are still daily trails and complications. So is life...
How/what are you doing? I pray all is well with you and Shari. If you need to talk, prayer, or just want me to check something new you've posted just let me know! God bless you, Tyler for your heart and the effort that you put into things.
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The-A-Strike In reply to Illis [2009-06-29 00:06:27 +0000 UTC]
Good to hear from you, man...I hope things improve, but yes, God will provide - He always does
Shari and I are doing great - couldn't be better Besides visiting back and forth, I've just been working and taking an online class...keeping pretty busy for the summer.
Hope your job goes well and you figure out your video stuff...say hello to Katie for me - take care
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sevenwillow [2009-06-10 01:12:18 +0000 UTC]
thank you very much for adding my Down the Street photo to your favs!
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Illis In reply to sevenwillow [2009-06-10 07:40:37 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome. It has an amazing atmosphere to it, for a still, and the b&w fits the capture just perfectly. Thank you for taking it and sharing your talents with us here.
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JohnEliason [2009-06-10 00:36:57 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the favs and comments bud. I its cool to get them from ya. How have you been? Will you be able to make it to Bash this weekend?
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Illis In reply to JohnEliason [2009-06-10 07:36:02 +0000 UTC]
Thanks. I've been good, but I've got some tuff decisions facing me. And yourself, sir? How have you been?
Oh goodness no, not this time, unfortunately. I'm about 13 away at school for a summer class. Please get a few front row passes for me and some hot pics, of course.
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JohnEliason In reply to Illis [2009-06-10 17:35:19 +0000 UTC]
What have you been thinking about? Oh I wish I could get in the front row. My foot is broken so I'm on crutches. I would probably die.
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Illis In reply to JohnEliason [2009-06-11 16:31:54 +0000 UTC]
... Dang! At least the music will always be good.
I've been thinking about moving up back home 2.5 hours north of school and doing my independent Digital Video study there, where it will cost me $0 to live with my parents and there is about 5 times more job availability. Sounds like a simple answer, right? Well, my girlfriend of 9 months now lives in this college town and since it is just that, a college town, everybody she knows is already gone. On top of that, her landlord told her that she can't get a dog, so she's really upset that she'll have nobody for more than 2 months.
I look at moving back as being responsible, saving over $680 and a far better chance of getting a job, so that I can finish out my last year at school next year (because as of now I have $2k to my name, no job, a bill next year of $11k). However, she sees it as me just listening to my parents, doing everything they say, not being independent, and not fighting for her...
I know what I'm going to do... I'm moving back home, but I don't know how to help her see my point and I don't want her as entirely mad at me as she's been... I don't know. It's out of my hands.
Hey, thanks for listening.
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JohnEliason In reply to Illis [2009-06-11 17:08:44 +0000 UTC]
Uff da. I do believe you are making the right decision moving back though. If she knows what's right, she'll stick with it and understand your reasonings. Its the smarter choice.
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Illis In reply to JohnEliason [2009-06-12 01:06:21 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, John. I appreciate it.
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DerekDD [2009-04-08 01:21:58 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fav! It's much appreciated. If you liked that work you may like some more of my pictures. Check then out
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coltchr [2009-03-18 15:40:35 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the fav, mate! How come i hven't seen any of your new posts on my DA watch?
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Illis In reply to coltchr [2009-03-20 17:09:41 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome. Your art continues to inspire me.
I've been pretty lazy lately because I have too many pictures and not enough time to sort through them for the really good ones, so I haven't posted anything. Even though I got lazy, I didn't want to become sloppy as well and tarnish whatever small image I have with friends here about my art. If I find or make time (after writing papers for classes) I will do my best to post some but not overwhelm everybody with all my art at one time (that's always the hard part for me, as I find time so little)!
and about the tattoo, if I were to get one, that'd be the one, so I totally approve! It's a sweet signature.
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