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Jazbagz ♀️ [1903363] [2005-09-18 17:14:21 +0000 UTC] "Photography & visual art" (United Kingdom)

# Statistics

Favourites: 3020; Deviations: 403; Watchers: 308

Watching: 368; Pageviews: 76812; Comments Made: 12098; Friends: 368

# Interests

Favorite visual artist: Elina Brotherus, Tom Hunter, Katy Grannan, Laura Pannack
Favorite movies: Fifth Element, A Beautiful Mind, Memoirs of a Geisha, Studio Ghibli bizzles
Favorite bands / musical artists: Muse, Mindless Self indulgence, Queen, Manson, Morning Musume, Sonata Arctica, Timberlake... etc
Favorite games: Sims 3 & Age of Empires/Mythology, that's all really I have time for atm
Tools of the Trade: Canon 400D, Pentax P30, Bronica ETRS
Other Interests: Photography, Art, Travel, Ancient History/Mythology,

# About me

Making the world a stranger place.


I'm an individual.

Current Residence: United "Tea, Crumpets and 'Your bird's well fit'" Kingdom
Favourite genre of music: www.last.fm/user/Jazbagz/
Favourite cartoon character: Chii - Chobits & Ritsuka - Loveless
Personal Quote: "Still of hand cannot make up for emptiness of heart..."


# Comments

Comments: 2118

0hgravity [2012-09-29 03:36:19 +0000 UTC]

thank you for the fav I'm glad you liked it as much.

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Jazbagz In reply to 0hgravity [2012-10-01 08:18:08 +0000 UTC]

I absolutely loved your stories, I even posted links to them on my twitter (totally forgot I did that)...
The stalker one is great, I did a very similar concept but I made the stalker by the end still seem like it could be all in the persons head... and then she started stalking her stalker and yeah... Really enjoyed reading x

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0hgravity In reply to Jazbagz [2012-10-01 16:49:08 +0000 UTC]

Oh, awesome! Thanks

Thanks, I'm quite partial to that one myself.
Ha, cool. give me a link, I'd like to read it

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PavelFireman [2011-12-29 20:18:31 +0000 UTC]

Hi there, good gallery)

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Jazbagz In reply to PavelFireman [2012-02-01 10:42:32 +0000 UTC]


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DamnOldNylon [2011-03-03 08:37:22 +0000 UTC]

'ello 'dere, JDOG.

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Jazbagz In reply to DamnOldNylon [2011-03-03 23:08:27 +0000 UTC]


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DamnOldNylon In reply to Jazbagz [2011-03-04 04:56:40 +0000 UTC]

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Jazbagz In reply to DamnOldNylon [2011-03-15 23:07:16 +0000 UTC]

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Pixel-Spotlight [2010-10-27 11:33:57 +0000 UTC]

Lovely work.

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Jazbagz In reply to Pixel-Spotlight [2010-10-28 17:34:28 +0000 UTC]

Thanks I'm glad you like it! ^_______^ Means a lot

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Pixel-Spotlight In reply to Jazbagz [2010-10-28 22:28:31 +0000 UTC]

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Jazbagz In reply to Pixel-Spotlight [2010-10-29 08:38:52 +0000 UTC]

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half-eye-9 [2010-10-18 23:30:31 +0000 UTC]

Hey. :]
Thanks for watching me!

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witchlady750 [2010-09-20 12:30:35 +0000 UTC]

Oh hell, my bad, happy late birthday Jaz!

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Jazbagz In reply to witchlady750 [2010-09-20 23:50:04 +0000 UTC]

No worries lovely! How are you?

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Zulinian [2010-07-13 23:15:22 +0000 UTC]

Hey, Jaz. long time no talk eh? Hope all is going well. I mentioned you in my portfolio, hope that's alright.

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Jazbagz In reply to Zulinian [2010-07-26 15:24:24 +0000 UTC]

Long time indeed! Though I've noticed you on facebook and things! Things are going great thanks
I don't mind at all! How did you mention me? I'm curious?

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Zulinian In reply to Jazbagz [2010-07-29 21:23:16 +0000 UTC]

In the "Artist's Bio" section [link] At the bottom. ^_^ It's a good comment so no worries haha

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Jazbagz In reply to Zulinian [2010-07-31 14:12:18 +0000 UTC]

Brilliant I was just curious

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MatthewPayne [2010-03-27 13:04:46 +0000 UTC]

you too
was a fun day

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No-More-Heroes [2010-03-15 16:52:12 +0000 UTC]

Hey I know its not much but you and a couple other people are featured in my journal

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Jazbagz In reply to No-More-Heroes [2010-03-15 21:08:31 +0000 UTC]

Eeee Nice one! That made my day :]

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No-More-Heroes In reply to Jazbagz [2010-03-15 21:13:03 +0000 UTC]

haha lol XP
Well I love ya stuff.. soo thought some others would like to see it lol

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Jazbagz In reply to No-More-Heroes [2010-03-15 21:29:54 +0000 UTC]

^____^ Aww thanks! I'm well chuffed now

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No-More-Heroes In reply to Jazbagz [2010-03-15 21:37:13 +0000 UTC]

haha lol

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Chinastone [2010-03-10 23:23:51 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

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No-More-Heroes [2010-03-10 09:17:02 +0000 UTC]

Hey mt tutor Tom from alyesbury College suggested your page.. and you have some amazing stuff ><
I really love it

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Jazbagz In reply to No-More-Heroes [2010-03-10 09:43:28 +0000 UTC]

Awesome!! I left Aylesbury College last year! I wonder why he suggested my page What kinda work you doing at the moment in college/out of college then? I'm always up for chatting with fellow (especially local) photography enthusiasts I got facebook/msn and all that :]

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No-More-Heroes In reply to Jazbagz [2010-03-10 09:47:27 +0000 UTC]

Ahh cools.. and urmm I was talking to him about bokeh effect, and then he came over whilst I was on dA and told me that I might be interested in your work, and searched for you. He seems to really like your stuff
And in college we are doing fact or fiction atm, I've chosen fact, and documented a friend doing a model shoot, his a talented photographer, was great.
And outside of college, I'm doing the occasional model shoot, some documentary based/landscape/nature stuff, and I do some experience work with a local event photographer
And ahh brilliant you can add me on both
FB is under as JayJay Sharman, im reletivly easy to findd XP
And msn is watching-music-play@hotmail.com though I won't be on for a bit cause internet has been cut off for not reason ¬.¬ should be up soon though.. atm Im using my photo lesson to browse dA

You're in uni now arent you?

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Jazbagz In reply to No-More-Heroes [2010-03-10 09:56:04 +0000 UTC]

Ahh cool cool
Yeah, I seem to be using quite a bit of bokeh in some of my work at the moment, Nothing better than the bokeh on my 50mm though :] That makes sense why he mentioned me then Glad he still remembers my work! Fact or Fiction sounds far more exciting than some of the projects we had, but I guess it's what you make of them... Sounds interesting, documenting a shoot It's really good to do loads of out of college stuff, being creative and having personal work... I do a lot more of that now I'm at uni (moving to another one next year :])... I'm sortof new to events photography but I've got a job for AVDC in a fortnight, so I bought myself a load of kit to do it (and excuse to buy it 'cos otherwise I never will) but yeah I'm rather nervous about that, gotta practise with all the kit and stuff
I've added you on facebook now, I'm off to a lecture/give my essay in :] So yeah, I'll be chatting with you laters
Say hi to Tom from me when you next see him

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No-More-Heroes In reply to Jazbagz [2010-03-10 10:12:33 +0000 UTC]

haha yeah fairs.. well I've been cheating an useing overlays, and so on
Need to work more on it though.. my attempt turnt out a bit too bright, and a but to washed ><
And it's great work, so I can see why he remembered it
What sort of projects you doing atm then?
and yeah was a fun day , I might upload them into a folder on here at some point.
Yeah well Im trying to build up the experience and make a career out of photography, which is going ok actually, I've learnt a lot from it as well
Ahh sounds awesome, and any excuse is a good excuse tbh lol. What sort of stuff you brought for it?
and I'm sure you'll do amazingly, you have the talent to capture it all

And ahh awesome ok
Talk to you later

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Jazbagz In reply to No-More-Heroes [2010-03-10 19:01:11 +0000 UTC]

Ahh yeah, Never really done bokeh with layers but I love using layers for other tricks :] Not done so much of that recently though hehe I always change my mind/find new ways of doing things, moving around from thing to thing... You been using tutorials to figure out how to do it, yeah? or just figuring it out?
I've had a big essay to do the past few weeks, plus interviews/portfolio work, so I have only been loosely doing a project which hasn't turned into much at the moment. I'm starting my Final Major Project next week which is what I'm graded on for the year, so yknow... slightly nervous about that I need to get a good grade for the best Uni... But yeah it's going to be looking at family and the fine line between reality and like the 'fairytale' family that people seem to think everyone else has :] So I want to do crazy things like taking domestic things out into the country etc... That's what I've been working towards anyway :] Sounds a bit wishy washy at the moment But that's because I haven't got into gear yet
Yeah you should upload them, I really should update my dA, I put a lot of more recent work on: [link] Not that I've done much the past month, but if you back a few pages then you'll see more work :]
I've bought a Nissin Di622 Flashgun and just about to buy a Sigma 30mm 1.8 or something <3 So I'm really excited... Not really into the 50mm for my Canon, amazing lens for the price but it really bugs me x]
I'm a pretty shy type in event sortof scenarios, so that is what I'm worried about But once I get going I'm sure it'll be great

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No-More-Heroes In reply to Jazbagz [2010-03-11 19:45:36 +0000 UTC]

Man this is a long message to reply to >< lol

and I love layers, Im always using them
And kinda a mix between figuring it out myself and tutorials, also my friends give me a few tips from time to time

and ohh ouch thats a lot of work ..,

and Imm sure you'll do amazing at it

and ohh sounds like a great idea ..., and upload more to dA >< lol

and ohh wow a fair bit.., and I wnat the sigma ><

and you'll do great just remember you're talented at what you do, and people love ya for it.., and people look up to you

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Jazbagz In reply to No-More-Heroes [2010-03-11 21:18:35 +0000 UTC]

Haha sorry I always do that!
I use layers often when I'm editing work, especially layer masks :] I self taught myself most things, but special things obv I took ideas from tutorials (I'm really impatient though, never like reading tutorials to the letter, so I get the jist and then try it out on my own haha)
I think after I've written up all my brief and action plan this weekend, I'll take time out and update my dA etc (if I've got any work good enough that is!! )
Thanks for the confidence boost eh
Uni was good today, had a chat with some of the tutors and artists that are just mindblowingly inspirational <3 :]

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No-More-Heroes In reply to Jazbagz [2010-03-11 21:21:13 +0000 UTC]

haha no worries its coool plus I do it too lol

and ahh I love layers.. I generally jsut love doing b&w layers with a few layer masks to bump up the picture
and yeah some thing you need to learn of the net
and yeahh same.. I jsut kinda glance at the imnportant parts and try it lol

and update ittt haha lol

and hehe anytimes

and ahhh awesome I need to meet some more inspirational people

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Jazbagz In reply to No-More-Heroes [2010-03-11 21:28:46 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I love using the b/w layers and changing the layer modes
really gives images that tiny kick :]
Trick is to get it to be amazing but still subtle at the same time, over-edited images aren't what people want
They want to believe the authenticity that you photographed it and turned out as AMAZING as that :] That's what I love about it, it's a real skill
I might look through stuff and update this weekenddd dunno hahaha :]
Yeah surrounding yourself with inspirational people is the best thing ever, I need some more

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No-More-Heroes In reply to Jazbagz [2010-03-11 21:42:30 +0000 UTC]

Sameee.. it really adds to the image I never thought it would though, until I tried it and was like D: how did I not know thisss >< lol

and yeah.. I have a problem of over editing though I think >< lol

and dooo ittt lol

and it really is it helps you too

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mental3pal [2010-03-06 20:37:12 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the

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Jazbagz In reply to mental3pal [2010-03-07 01:15:38 +0000 UTC]

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Tanparmaiel [2010-02-04 08:45:24 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for adding my Fog to your favorites! I'm really happy you like it!

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csali [2010-01-21 09:01:16 +0000 UTC]

T h a n Q s o M u c h . . .

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Gazoogleheimer [2010-01-19 04:40:20 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the !

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Jazbagz In reply to Gazoogleheimer [2010-01-19 12:13:26 +0000 UTC]


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PiecesofSunlight [2010-01-17 07:40:41 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much for the !!

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clockworkartshop [2010-01-15 05:08:21 +0000 UTC]

Only slightly belated... Thanks for the favourite! *

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Jazbagz In reply to clockworkartshop [2010-01-15 09:54:12 +0000 UTC]

No worries

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hokwong [2010-01-11 18:00:48 +0000 UTC]


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navidsanati [2010-01-10 08:41:55 +0000 UTC]

thnX for the S

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Cosmocrat [2010-01-09 05:36:15 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fav!

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