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| KitsunekoShojo
# Statistics
Favourites: 5857; Deviations: 522; Watchers: 73
Watching: 301; Pageviews: 35990; Comments Made: 8074; Friends: 301
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: Ôse Kohime, Alfons Mucha, Kiyo Kyujyo, Sarah Kay, Helene Schjerfbeck, Patricia Piccini etc...Favorite movies: Ghibli ones.
Favorite games: Sonic Colors (Wii)
Tools of the Trade: Most likely digital media: ArtRage2, MS Paint, GIMP & dA muro, choose what you want./ProMarkers.
Other Interests: drawing, lineart, manga, hard view angles, different cultures all over the world
# Comments
Comments: 1548
AURINKOKUU [2024-07-22 09:11:17 +0000 UTC]
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Charoi [2015-05-20 07:48:37 +0000 UTC]
Terve ^^ sain viimeinkin itseni deviantartiin pitkästä aikaa. Nyt kesällä pitää taas alkaa lisäilemään piirustuksia... Mutta hei, sun galleria näyttää hyvältä ^^
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
KitsunekoShojo In reply to Charoi [2015-06-12 17:00:15 +0000 UTC]
Moi! Ja kiitos Pahoitteluni myöhäisestä vastauksesta, en itsekään ole ollut dA:ssa vähään aikaan ^^' Kesä tosiaan on hyvää aikaa panostaa dA-galleriaan
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KitsunekoShojo In reply to SkyePenumbra [2015-06-12 16:58:39 +0000 UTC]
Eip kestä (ja anteeksi myöhäinen vastaus!) ^^
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
pinkfluff-kitsune [2014-10-01 00:56:32 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the favorite!
Your gallery is wonderful and I love how much variety you have!
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KitsunekoShojo In reply to pinkfluff-kitsune [2014-10-03 19:09:36 +0000 UTC]
Wow, thank You! I'm honored to get watched by you ^///^ I'm sorry I don't remember my fav anymore... overall, you have nice style! Keep it up!
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pinkfluff-kitsune In reply to KitsunekoShojo [2014-10-05 16:09:40 +0000 UTC]
No worries! I look forward to more art from you!
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KitsunekoShojo In reply to pinkfluff-kitsune [2014-11-05 17:42:56 +0000 UTC]
Oh, that's great to hear (me late )
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KitsunekoShojo In reply to Ukuli [2014-10-03 19:07:00 +0000 UTC]
Ei kestä (taas mulla kestää vastaaminen x'3)!
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Ukuli In reply to KitsunekoShojo [2014-10-03 19:21:02 +0000 UTC]
No entäs mulla sitten. Puhumattakaan kuinka kauan menee saada jotain valmiiksi.
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KitsunekoShojo In reply to Ukuli [2014-11-05 17:54:18 +0000 UTC]
No ollaan ainakin sit tasoissa vastausnopeudessa Kyllä mullakin nämä opiskelukaudet aina menee ilman et ehdin piirtää mitään... Vaik toisaalta välillä kun kouluhommat stressaa liikaa niin sit piirrän vaikka ei olis aikaakaan :'>
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Ukuli In reply to KitsunekoShojo [2014-11-07 14:14:01 +0000 UTC]
Arvostan jo sitä hetkeä kun on taas paljon aikaa. Tänä vuonna ei edes joulua saa viettää rauhassa, vaan pitää paahtaa alkuviikko töissä. =..0
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KitsunekoShojo In reply to Ukuli [2014-11-07 17:20:08 +0000 UTC]
Njoo, välillä on kiire melkoinen Vaikka olen huomannut ettei se vapaakaan tunnu miltään jossei välillä oo kiire
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Ukuli In reply to KitsunekoShojo [2014-11-07 20:46:54 +0000 UTC]
Vapaalla ei juuri ehdi tehdä mitään.
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RosalindClarke [2014-09-13 22:14:20 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for taking the time to acknowledge my art. Your gallery was great to see. Happy times ahead!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
KitsunekoShojo In reply to RosalindClarke [2014-09-14 11:54:44 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! I loved how detailed yet airy you drew that peacock <3
And thank you very much I don't have much time to draw at the moment, but I wish my next holidays will fix that again
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KitsunekoShojo In reply to s-viv [2014-09-14 11:51:53 +0000 UTC]
Aww, no problem! TB is one of my all time favourite mangas ^^
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KitsunekoShojo In reply to s-viv [2014-09-14 17:01:36 +0000 UTC]
Yea It's just sad we've reached Japan in our country, so it always takes a year or more to get next volume TTvTT
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
s-viv In reply to KitsunekoShojo [2014-09-14 17:04:51 +0000 UTC]
That stinks...I think we get stuff faster in the US.
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KitsunekoShojo In reply to s-viv [2014-09-14 19:05:09 +0000 UTC]
Oh yea x'3 But we do get many mangas faster, most often its one volume/in one or two months. But I think it's so slow on TB just because of we have to wait that they draw a new volume in Japan before it can be published there... idk. Anyhow, it's irritating x>
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s-viv In reply to KitsunekoShojo [2014-09-14 22:15:06 +0000 UTC]
I know what you mean...but at least the art in TB is worth the wait!
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KitsunekoShojo In reply to odekocchi [2014-08-05 18:30:01 +0000 UTC]
No probs my friend ^^ I just loved how I could see the process of coloring trough your submission. The atmosphere changes interestingly while the coloring processes. And great job, btw, exactly like the style of mangaka Kyujyo Kiyo <3
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odekocchi In reply to KitsunekoShojo [2014-08-10 15:09:08 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for that comment~! It motivates me to strive harder! ^_^ I'll also do my best to improve~ Thanks so much!!! <3
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KitsunekoShojo In reply to odekocchi [2014-08-11 09:01:38 +0000 UTC]
Oh, no problem ^^ I like to be help to people, I was lucky to find the work I faved from you, so that I could comment it If you keep on this level, you'll become great talent, I'm sure ^^<3
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kokachu [2014-07-14 20:48:07 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much for the favorite on Kohaku (Wish fanart) WIP 2
It's greatly appreciated!
If you wanted to view the finished version, here it is: Wisteria
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KitsunekoShojo In reply to kokachu [2014-08-05 18:24:21 +0000 UTC]
Oh, not a problem ^^<3 I loved how you turned a manga character to realistic! Actually, I was looking for Wish fan art to get inspired to this work:
Your work was a good support
Ps. Also thank you so much for the links! So few people seem to note that wish of mine ;>
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
kokachu In reply to KitsunekoShojo [2014-08-07 12:27:52 +0000 UTC]
Thanks! Sadly, it is a terribly under-appreciated series :< I'm glad someone not only recognized it, but enjoyed it as much as I did making it.
Glad to help out :> I know I started going it for situations much like this one, where people would favorite a work-in-progress and never go on to check for the finished product. Part of that is my fault too...I forget to edit the artist's comments with the finished image as well Oops.
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KitsunekoShojo In reply to kokachu [2014-08-11 08:59:45 +0000 UTC]
No probs ^^ Yea, I think it's because of the series is so old, many people are suspicious to grab on an old manga... which is sad, as you often find them in low price & they're something different than today's manga. I found the series from flea market myself, as well Well, I have to say that even if I loved the storyline & characters, I coulnd't undertand the ending. It's probably so that they've been told to finish the series quickly with no more chapters to use :< Luckily, one can create different kind of ending by imagination
Yea ^^ It's impossible to find out what work people mean when they come and say "thank you for fav" :3 I'd like to be more help to people and better tell why I liked their works, but blah, my wish of link to the work is hardly ever noticed :'3
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kokachu In reply to KitsunekoShojo [2014-08-22 01:05:44 +0000 UTC]
True I'm also an old fart, and tend to prefer old manga myself...There's something more deep and wholesome about most older manga that a few of the newer ones lack. Although I've been finding some newer anime and manga (finally) that I've been enjoying as well. It's just a toss up, I suppose!
Awe! D: Well I'm glad I did something right!
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KitsunekoShojo In reply to kokachu [2014-09-14 17:10:06 +0000 UTC]
Sorry I'm late ^^' Yea, sometimes it feels like new mangas just copy older ones But I've been also thinking so, that maybe in older mangas, the best works have already been found. I mean, the series have already ended, you don't have to read them unsure whether the end is good or not. It might be so that only the "hit" mangas are remembered from the past, so you don't have to read trough so many poor to find good ones. I'm pretty sure there have been good and poor series in all times
Haha, you did!
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kokachu In reply to KitsunekoShojo [2014-09-16 23:42:03 +0000 UTC]
No biggie at all I've been behind on my messages as well...student teaching has taken up pretty much all of my free time. Sorry about that!
That is true; I hadn't even thought about it that way. And then there's fantastic upstarts that came to my attention lately. I got into Junji Ito as of late. Not the newest of new, but he wasn't also working in the 70-80's either. Absolutely fantastic art, super odd and intriguing stories.
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KitsunekoShojo In reply to kokachu [2014-10-03 19:15:07 +0000 UTC]
Oh, looks like horror! 8D But absolutely well detailed drawingstyle, I have to say I got lately hooked in xxxHolic by CLAMP, art is just stunning and the storylines also fine (well, at least in the first volume). There just is something special in the feeling of reading an old book - no matter if it was a novel or a comic
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kokachu In reply to KitsunekoShojo [2014-11-10 02:49:08 +0000 UTC]
YUp That's what hooked me originally was the drawing style; it was my brother who suggested me read it first. Oh, oh! I love holic! I literally just got the first Kei volume release in the States. 2 and 3 should be released in the next few months. It felt like there was a really large leap in time, but I'm just grateful for the return to the story.
(Sorry about the slow reply... That was my bad. I'm student teaching and I haven't been able to get online for much more than a few minutes for weeks, so I became really lazy. I do hope everything is going well with you!)
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KitsunekoShojo In reply to RosalindClarke [2014-06-30 16:17:00 +0000 UTC]
No probs! Oh, every time I visit your page I find a new work to fav... xD Well, you've great art
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Natsumi-angel [2014-06-26 09:02:30 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fav on my pic ^-^
I'm glad u like it
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KitsunekoShojo In reply to Natsumi-angel [2014-06-26 19:16:43 +0000 UTC]
Oh, not a problem ^^ I loved the makeup among the dress and pose
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RosalindClarke [2014-06-20 23:09:48 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for your interest in my painting. Made me smile!
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KitsunekoShojo In reply to RosalindClarke [2014-06-25 19:54:57 +0000 UTC]
I loved your style (I've dreamed to one day to learn not to draw lineart "perfectly", but let it to breath - like you do)! Have you studied asian arts?
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