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| Lady-Omnos
# Statistics
Favourites: 894; Deviations: 47; Watchers: 9
Watching: 42; Pageviews: 6672; Comments Made: 725; Friends: 42
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: Mélanie DelonFavorite movies: The strange case of Benjamin Button, Dorian Gray, LOTR, Tim Burton's movies..
Favorite bands / musical artists: Apocalyptica, Edguy and Eluveitie.
Favorite writers: Baudelaire, Rice, Tolkien, Kaori Yuki..
Favorite games: Syberia I & II, Vampire The Masquerade
Favorite gaming platform: Computer & Wii
Other Interests: Write, read, watch and make movies,
# About me
Favourite genre of music: metal? I like all. ^^
Favourite photographer: Yann Arthus Bertrand ! And my father ><
Favourite style of art: I like all, maybe i prefer Litterature.
Operating System: Windows Vista & XP Familial (^^')
Favourite cartoon character: Bugs Bunny XD
Personal Quote: "Qui convertit l'aiguillon en fleur arrondit l'éclair.."
# Comments
Comments: 178
Lady-Omnos In reply to RedPassion [2011-10-10 12:09:36 +0000 UTC]
De rien ! Je l'ai vraiment trouvé très beau ! *o*
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RedPassion In reply to Lady-Omnos [2011-10-10 15:12:50 +0000 UTC]
Ohh merci beaucoup, c´est très gentil!!!^^ <3333
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Lady-Omnos In reply to RedPassion [2011-10-10 21:49:09 +0000 UTC]
Je suis jalouse j'aimerais bien savoir dessiner comme ça ! Tu as appris toute seule??
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RedPassion In reply to Lady-Omnos [2011-10-14 06:54:25 +0000 UTC]
Ahhh putain...je suis desolée, que je réponds si tard, mais tu sais, le temps...-.-
Et mais non, tu ne dois pas être jaloux, s'il te plaît C´est simplement une question d'entraînement. Et oui, je l'ai appris tout seul.
En outre merci beaucoup pour les nouveaux favoris!!^^
Et desolée encore je sais que mon francais est très terrible^^"""
Parles-tu aussi l'anglais ou allemand, peut-être?
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Lady-Omnos In reply to RedPassion [2011-10-14 11:01:56 +0000 UTC]
De rien pour les favoris !
Et tu as un bon français ! J'ai cru que c'était ta langue même, c'est dire
But if you prefer I can speak english (even if I'm not really good) but sorry I don't speak german, I just know a few words xD (Like a child, I know how to say Horse, Cat, Hello and goodbye. And how to ask for a beer. But I think it's not really usefull to talk !)
To answer, I know you put my dear Severus with your own character, but I'm so impressed by your drawings ! I appreciate Lily Potter, but your Emily is so cute too Are you writing someting about her? I red you did fanfictions and RPG with her, but actually do you have projects? (I'm not very clear, I apologize for my lack of words... ><)
I should train myself to draw... Maybe one day I could do the meeting between Snape and anyone of my characters (Dream dream dream... )
Bisous !
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RedPassion In reply to Lady-Omnos [2011-10-14 11:57:55 +0000 UTC]
Oh pour de vrai? C'est trop chou!!! Mais malheureusement, je suis l'allemand. Et je visite un cours linguistique depuis deux ans. Parce que mon copain est Français et il habite à Rouen.
Oh well I don't care cause I understand and write french better than I can speak. I'm still and always so afraid to speak it, most of all cause I fell ashamed and I have a strong german accent Which I haven't in english. But I guess thats cause I'm half british XD
If it is more easy for you you can of course continue to writer in french dear
Its also not bad that you don't know to speak german. My own boyfriend doesn't know to do as well -.- He also have no interests to learn my language like I learn his, but well... So yes you do know more than him!
Thanks that you like my OC. Sadly I must admit that I hate Lily Evans^^"""" Most of all or especially after I read the books. And yes it was before I put my OC to Snape.^.~ My opinion about her isn't sadly the best, I'm sry :/
But as we say live and let live Right?
And yes there is a FF about Emily&Severus. Unfortunately the whole story is in german only. :/ So you would be forced to use a translator ect. (But please not google XD) BUT we also have a english summary of the first chapter
So yes here you find the summary:: [link]
If you habe any question about the story feel free to ask me or my friend who used to write the part of Severus in the FF.
Oh yes sure try to draw it,why not
So you also have a OC?
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Lady-Omnos In reply to RedPassion [2011-10-14 15:21:17 +0000 UTC]
Très sincèrement je n'avais rien remarqué ! Il fallait me le dire pour que je fasse attention C'est courageux d'apprendre le français, c'est pas la plus facile des langues... Même en étant français de souche on continue d'avoir du mal sur quelques règles d'écriture XD
And well I'm not in studies which permitt to speak or write a lot in foreign languages, so, I didn't practice so much... With a lot of regrets, I can say. I loved talk english and I learnt spanish but now it seems very far away !
I decided to watch HP movies in english to go on and try to be better. And, when I saw again the first film, I remember how much I love Severus Snape!! (Look like a big fan, as girl screaming in front of a singer she adores xD shame on me)
I can understand totally why you hate Lily Potter. She's not my favourite character but I think she's just human (qualities and defauts so..) with a very BLIND face about Snape's emotions and feelings. We all know somebody who's like a broomstick for understanding a simple thing as true love from a shy person.
I don't know if my sentences are corrects but it's the idea. Lily is cute but really, she may have something in front of her face, not seeing that ! (However, we couldn't read and discover such a beautiful and so sad love from Severus during the whole story if she openned her eyes one minute... xD
Well, closed file I've red a bit of your FF, and found it really nice ! I have a character yes, and more xD I play a lot in RPG, on forum. I wrote a little background and we are a few persons playing on it. I'd like to write the entiere story but it's not really easy, 'cause it takes place six centuries ago. ^^
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Lady-Omnos In reply to HawtRebelChick-3 [2010-09-08 17:58:17 +0000 UTC]
Ohhh !!! Thank you very much dear, you make me so glad !
many thanks again ! !
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Lady-Omnos In reply to HawtRebelChick-3 [2010-09-22 19:21:10 +0000 UTC]
You're really kind anyway
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Lady-Omnos In reply to Green-Makakas [2010-09-03 17:10:41 +0000 UTC]
You're very very welcome <3
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Lady-Omnos In reply to TheOuroboros [2010-06-26 08:43:52 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome, you've made an awesome work !
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UtkuAtalay [2010-06-06 21:17:04 +0000 UTC]
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Lady-Omnos In reply to UtkuAtalay [2010-06-07 06:58:09 +0000 UTC]
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Lady-Omnos In reply to winona-adamon [2010-05-09 19:12:55 +0000 UTC]
Mais de rien ^___^ C'est Andrea du forum Insanity! J'ai retrouvé l'adresse de ton DA donc je suis revenue voir !
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winona-adamon In reply to Lady-Omnos [2010-05-09 20:05:02 +0000 UTC]
Andreaaaa \o/
Comment vas-tu ? Le forum avance-t-il bien ?
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Lady-Omnos In reply to winona-adamon [2010-05-09 20:12:29 +0000 UTC]
ça va ça va, et toi?
Pour le forum oui pas trop mal on est en plein 4e scénario et ça commence plutôt bien c'est le feu de l'action ! du coup ça fait longtemps qu'on t'avait pas croisée ^___^ quoi de neuf de ton côté?
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winona-adamon In reply to Lady-Omnos [2010-05-09 20:15:46 +0000 UTC]
4ème ? Oh le temps passe vite !^^
Mon année est finie, mon dernier partiel était vendredi dernier donc je peux enfin faire la larve ou presque vu que je vais bientôt déménager : la grande aventure des cartons
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Lady-Omnos In reply to winona-adamon [2010-05-09 20:18:13 +0000 UTC]
Oulah, les cartons... La grande joie ! Mais bon c'est sympa aussi de tout replacer dans un nouvel appart ^__^
Tes partiels se sont bien passés?
Et pour le scénario oui ça a été plutôt vite, hésite pas à repasser si ça te dit ^^ y'a toujours autant d'ambiance dans le flood xD
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winona-adamon In reply to Lady-Omnos [2010-05-09 20:27:06 +0000 UTC]
Les partiels ont été et, étant donné que l'on peut louper un semestre en trois ans et que les cinq autres sont dans la poche pour ma part, que ce soit bon ou non cette fois-ci, rien n'est dramatique ! Youpi ^^
Je repasserai sur le forum quand les temps me seront propices : je suis un peu beaucoup éparpillée en divers endroit, il faut que je me rassemble un peu gnaaah
(Ah ça, le flood c'est souvent ce qui fait vivre les forums! Rhooo maiiis non c'est le RP et le RP avant tout voyons !)
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Lady-Omnos In reply to winona-adamon [2010-05-09 20:30:22 +0000 UTC]
Oh bah nickel alors pour les partiels ^___^ une bonne chose de faite ! Je prépare les miens en ce moment et j'ai qu'une hâte : que ce soit fini !
Et pour le fo' y'a pas de soucis, reviens quand tu en auras envie et le temps ^^ c'est vrai que le scénario était un peu bloqué pour les vampires avant mais là ça s'est bien avancé et c'est plus dynamique (et non, c'est le rp qui fait vivre bien sûr ! oupah....)
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Tensha-chan [2010-04-21 17:45:04 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the fave <3 It's highly appreciated !
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Lady-Omnos In reply to Green-Makakas [2010-04-08 15:39:21 +0000 UTC]
Aw, You're very welcome
Your shots are always awesome !
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DavidDeb [2010-03-20 12:18:15 +0000 UTC]
Good day Cathy,
thanks so much for faving my DD of Arwen grieving from LOTR,
I'll do my best to draw some more of that beautiful Tolkien world
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Lady-Omnos In reply to DavidDeb [2010-03-20 14:33:01 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome David, your gallery is simply awesome !
I will wait for more of your draws
Have a nice day dear ^^
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Lady-Omnos In reply to Nelleke [2010-03-16 18:12:49 +0000 UTC]
My pleasure, you're very welcome!
Really nice gallery
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Nelleke In reply to Lady-Omnos [2010-04-11 07:59:31 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the watch as well!
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