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# Statistics
Favourites: 7159; Deviations: 56; Watchers: 50
Watching: 287; Pageviews: 22778; Comments Made: 751; Friends: 287
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: YOU!Favorite bands / musical artists: So many preferences, that I may not have a preference anymore. Mind-boggling, indeed.
Favorite books: (No patience.)
Favorite games: { ~~~ :::.. D A R K S O U L S ..::: ~~~ } and some others.
Favorite gaming platform: PC, please.
Tools of the Trade: Graphics tablets, Galaxy Note (b/c Cintiq is expensive ;-;), Java, Mechanic pencil, paper and pretty much any scripting language you can throw at me.
Other Interests: Did I mention computer science?
# About me
Oh hohoho ho ho ho oh oho oh!
(i should draw more... actually, color...)
# Comments
Comments: 278
Coccineus [2017-12-20 15:31:24 +0000 UTC]
I came here to give you a llama, but it seems I already did so in the past
I'll leave a coffee here instead
...I hope you have a nice day thenΒ Β
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LinkinT In reply to Runshin [2017-04-08 15:45:33 +0000 UTC]
No problem! Of course I'd watch you!
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chryssv [2016-01-24 01:52:54 +0000 UTC]
Heyy!! ^^ I just wanna say a big THANK YOU for the watch, I appreciate your support!! :3 Hope my future paintings wont dissapoint you!Β
Feel free to check my facebook page as well forΒ wips,Β sketchesΒ andΒ videos process,
I would be more than happy if you do! ^^ Β -> www.facebook.com/chryssva
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LinkinT In reply to chryssv [2016-01-25 03:22:59 +0000 UTC]
No worries, you really deserve all the support, your paintings are amazing! I really like your technique, and I wish I can learn some of it someday (because I suck at painting in general ;-; )
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Mordasius [2014-09-07 03:36:22 +0000 UTC]
Greetings and thanks for adding ~DanteWontDie's artwork with the Alice-Reworked skins to your collection.
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LinkinT In reply to ZixPainter [2014-09-04 13:52:05 +0000 UTC]
No worries, dear! You deserve it! :3
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giusynuno [2014-05-10 16:09:45 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for faving!!!! It means a lot to me
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LinkinT In reply to giusynuno [2014-05-15 20:50:32 +0000 UTC]
Well deserved, my dear! The photo was amazing, and the costumes were superbly crafted! Keep up the good work!
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giusynuno In reply to LinkinT [2014-06-04 10:23:46 +0000 UTC]
Waaaaaaaai!!!! Thank you so much!!!! I'm glad you liked it
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Semrosto [2012-09-27 13:16:09 +0000 UTC]
** Brigado pelos favoritos, eu estou um pouco afastado do deviantart, mas irei retornar em breve.
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LinkinT In reply to Semrosto [2012-09-27 19:40:32 +0000 UTC]
Poh, espero que volte mesmo, adorei a sua arte! Gosto da atenção que vocΓͺ dΓ‘ aos detalhes, e ao dinamismo das cenas de uma forma geral.
Valeu, brother! Abraços e boa sorte!
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AllGeekComics [2012-09-24 21:35:46 +0000 UTC]
Curti muito teu trabalho
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LinkinT In reply to AllGeekComics [2012-09-25 03:04:56 +0000 UTC]
Nossa! BrigadΓ£o mesmo! Γ muito gratificante receber um elogio de um artista profissional talentoso como vocΓͺ, Γ© um motivo a mais para largar a preguiΓ§a e tentar produzir mais arte iuahiuahuia
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hbeyza [2012-07-30 20:57:28 +0000 UTC]
Hey, thanks for the faves.
I think we used to draw together on iscribble? Or am I wrong? >_> It's been a long time.
Anyways, how have you been? ^^
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LinkinT In reply to hbeyza [2012-07-31 19:53:19 +0000 UTC]
Yea! We indeed used to draw together, with Arukado (she just disappeared, i guess ), and i even did an openCanvas1.1 session with you two, it was awesome!
Quite some time since i last came here at dA, i'm impressed at how you progressed with your art! Congratz!
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hbeyza In reply to LinkinT [2012-07-31 20:32:43 +0000 UTC]
The name Arukado seems so familiar, but I can't really remember anything about her. Did she happen to draw animals a lot or am I making up that detail? xD
Sadly, I don't remember the openCanvas session. I actually saw this of yours [link] and judging from this, our last encounter was probably in 2007 then? So around 5 years ago?
Thank you, I've been practicing a lot (at least this summer although the progression is not much for 5 years) and I think I grew up a little bit xD But there's plenty of room for improvement.
Based on the comment below, I'm assuming it was your birthday 2 days ago so, happy belated birthday old friend ^^
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LinkinT In reply to hbeyza [2012-08-02 00:21:21 +0000 UTC]
Hey thanks! :3
Well, the opencanvas session was with another artist.
And Arukado was a girl first obsessed with an american rock band called Metalocalypse, and then obsessed with Hitler and all things nazi. She'd often draw cute little chibis or characters, and sometimes something crazy or out of ordinary.
I have two deviations that has her participation:
Well, that's it. :3
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hbeyza In reply to LinkinT [2012-08-02 03:13:09 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome ^^
I saw the opencanvas session and I don't recall it nor does it look like something I would have drawn. But thanks for showing me c:
Oh yes! I remember now. The Hitler thing made me remember it. hahah She used to draw his mustache a lot too if I remember correctly.
I just checked this out: [link] I think it may be her because of the sign up date, but she might've hiden all of her participation on drawings.
Also, didn't we used to call her Aru? Or a shortened version of her nickname. It's starting to come back a little bit xD
Have we ever drawn anything on iscrib together that you still have saved?
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LinkinT In reply to hbeyza [2012-08-02 22:45:15 +0000 UTC]
I took a look at my older files, but i haven't found anything here from that time... I also relogged on iscribble to see if i still had anything saved there, but i apparently have nothing anymore. It even looks like i'm new to the site and all, maybe it has to do with system limitations, maybe they cannot keep data from all members for that long of a time if they don't keep on being active, because i, too, don't have any participation on anything...
And yea, we used to call her that, it was easier to type heh. She was a good artist and friend, I kinda miss her :<
Oh, the artist in the oC session is
And iScribble hasn't changed a bit in 4 or so years, with the three-layers and basic tools and all, and it's still crowded and full of amazing art
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hbeyza In reply to LinkinT [2012-08-02 23:22:14 +0000 UTC]
Oh well.
Actually, about maybe 1-3 years ago on iscribble, there was a notice that said that all of the private boards that hadn't been touched/drawn for "x" ("x" because I forgot the exact number)amount of time (days/weeks/months/years) would be deleted. So before the deadline, I ended up going to my private boards and just erasing 'empty areas' to make it look like I worked on it without actually doing so. I haven't been going on iscribble, but sometimes I check when it comes to mind so that was probably how I was informed about this thing.
But even if this was the reason why all of your private boards as well as Aru's were deleted, I dont know why the drawings in your galleries would be deleted as well. D: I have some saved iscrib drawings, but I dont think any have contributions from you or Aru.
Also, regarding iscribble, it actually sort of changed a lot since the very first day I signed up xD Now, it's super (x99999..) crowded and there are new people added to the moderation as far as I've seen (although both of these would be expected.) I feel like there was a much smaller community back in the day and many people knew each other. Oh well.
Yes, I just saw Amy's account and she also moved to a new one so you can probably still keep in touch with her if you want you, if you're not doing so already.
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LinkinT In reply to Morigalaxy [2012-02-22 02:12:44 +0000 UTC]
Well deserved, you're welcome! :3
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LinkinT In reply to Marlowlover [2011-06-19 02:47:03 +0000 UTC]
Np, i like your haircut :>
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JACAC [2011-03-22 19:36:56 +0000 UTC]
h e l l o .
t h a n k . y o u . f o r . t h e . k i n d . . o n . m y . 4 t h . DD
i . h o p e . y o u . l i k e . t h e . o t h e r s
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LinkinT In reply to JDWRudy25 [2010-12-05 08:34:18 +0000 UTC]
np, that he-man thing's funny
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LinkinT In reply to Nitxa [2010-08-28 23:01:36 +0000 UTC]
haha eu q tenho q agradecer seu watch tb!
(seu irmΓ£o quem me apresentou seu dA
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