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| MrLeonard
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Watching: 7; Pageviews: 20829; Comments Made: 75; Friends: 7
# Comments
Comments: 59
CloudCoverdMoon [2012-01-24 00:43:58 +0000 UTC]
You are a professor? What collage do you teach at?
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cry-ky [2011-02-01 23:13:04 +0000 UTC]
I miss you and your class Tom Leonard I need to get some time to visit your class again
deviantART muro drawing
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MrLeonard [2010-11-17 16:25:07 +0000 UTC]
Shaun! I remember you more than you realize. What a class that was. I heard you're doing great. It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. I remember the 7 deadly sins.
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Endling [2010-11-05 16:05:00 +0000 UTC]
Mr. Leonard! Shaun H. here, if you don't remember. (Of the Viva + Eamon + Shaun combo.) I have not stopped singing the praises of your class to this day to.. well, generally anyone I talk to about college! Haha. Just thought you should know. Take care!
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MrLeonard [2010-07-22 16:28:39 +0000 UTC]
As long as I'm around, there will always be classes in the Fall that will call on you for watercolor demos...even if they're at senior centers in South Philly...how's New York?
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bluealaris [2010-07-22 00:19:10 +0000 UTC]
Hey Tom, I hope everything is going well! I hope with all my heart that there's a sophomore class somewhere that I can give another watercolor tutorial at this fall...
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MrLeonard [2010-06-14 15:46:01 +0000 UTC]
Really? Where did you find it? There's always Amazon.
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Kupenda-Damu In reply to MrLeonard [2010-06-15 13:04:34 +0000 UTC]
I found it at a Barnes and noble in Bel air, Maryland.
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TeasetMonster [2010-04-24 12:34:07 +0000 UTC]
Hi, Tom! This is Robin, the small redheaded girl who sat in on some of your class yesterday.
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darkeblue In reply to TeasetMonster [2010-05-06 14:40:33 +0000 UTC]
I remember you too. My name's Alex, remember?
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MrLeonard In reply to TeasetMonster [2010-04-25 11:02:06 +0000 UTC]
Hi Robin, I enjoyed meeting you and your mom.
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mszriss [2009-07-22 23:40:58 +0000 UTC]
Tom! Can you put up the piece you did for the UArts promo cards!! I really want to see it!!!
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HunterOg [2008-11-25 01:20:26 +0000 UTC]
Tom! Glad that you've kept up the tradition of painting your students. These look great and I'm sure you are still teaching a wonderful class. I'm in the process of working with a gentleman on a comic book based on the surrealist movement, Les Vampires, and WWII. It promises to be exciting. I was about to ask what you are working on, but I think I can probably deduce that by shuffling on over to your web site...
I hope you're still listening to killer music, getting as impassioned as ever, and laying down the odd karate chop when you need to. You're a great teacher and are the source of many a fond memory among your alumni.
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CaitSidhe [2008-11-20 01:11:02 +0000 UTC]
love the new stuff, miss you! been working in acrylics again, light washes now, getting ok at it!
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Tsuchi-R [2008-09-21 09:27:57 +0000 UTC]
You taught God! So are you, like, a super-being, Mr.Leonard?
(If that's your real name cause your real name contains so much awesome, it would blow your mind and tear your heart just at the meer callibur of the wind of the breath attempting to inhale just to say the first letter)
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JohnPaul90 [2008-06-30 02:17:51 +0000 UTC]
I just met this account here....
You truly are an art teacher? Well, it's a pleasure to stop by, then. It'd be awesome to see more teachers such as yourself
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JetLandis [2008-01-07 02:52:57 +0000 UTC]
Props Leonard! Just trying to get some inspiration for "God is a beautiful little girl who changes her mind," and I found your site. Hope your holidays are extravagant. How's your brother?
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x2words1promisex [2007-11-05 06:13:25 +0000 UTC]
So Tom..... are you finished with the charging students from last year?
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Brawny-Butch [2007-10-23 00:16:44 +0000 UTC]
Holy crap, it's Tom Leonard.
You can look at my stuff if you're bored..or something. It's too awesome that you have a dA.
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gothickitty [2007-10-01 16:13:14 +0000 UTC]
Guess who. Haha. Yeah so heres a way to access my page. Hooray.
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trdibble [2007-06-10 00:27:31 +0000 UTC]
So Tom hows that painting of our class coming? Started yet?
Hope the summer is treating you well.
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x2words1promisex [2007-04-30 20:36:48 +0000 UTC]
Hey Tom!
Heres Nora's Deviant page: [link]
Have a good Summer!
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Ritoru-Tsubasa [2007-03-27 12:47:05 +0000 UTC]
Aha, I out about you from..Shaun? I think that's his name :3
It's awesome to see a prof on dA~
Though surprising.
Your artwork (obviously because you're an art teacher) is really good ^^
Welcome to the site of shiny art~!
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Trast [2006-12-02 06:11:50 +0000 UTC]
Hi Mr.Leonard! Just wanted to see how you were doing and to tell you that I can't wait till our next illustration class in the summer!!!
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MrLeonard In reply to Trast [2006-12-09 12:16:46 +0000 UTC]
Hi Angelique..classes at school are going well. So many talented students. But you and Gabby could teach a few of them a thing or two. You two art prodigies.
Have you achieved world dominatiion yet?
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Trast In reply to MrLeonard [2007-01-15 04:56:30 +0000 UTC]
No, not yet, but we both will soon!!!!
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ContrastedShadow [2006-07-26 02:48:20 +0000 UTC]
Hey, Mr. Leonard! Finally found you! Where's your new stuff, you know I'm gonna bug you at class tomorrow!
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seanmetcalf [2006-03-17 20:57:17 +0000 UTC]
tom gets his minions to post art on here, like me
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Draagoness [2005-11-16 22:01:36 +0000 UTC]
The two pieces you have put up are comical and powerful at the same time... including components which either make me muse or laugh. I love them. Thank you for putting me in this... odd....mood.
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pgraves [2005-11-16 07:19:46 +0000 UTC]
hey It's great to see a prof on DA! awesome! Pleas epost more! we want more!
you are the coolest art prof by far.
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paul-beaulieu [2005-11-16 06:41:01 +0000 UTC]
I was so excited when I saw your sn! There's a teacher at my school called Mr. Leonard! But unlike you, he's a science teacher and stuff. He's all into chemistry and biology and stuff. He's really cool too.
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CookieSoul [2005-11-16 03:53:49 +0000 UTC]
ive never seen a teacher here on dA and especially a one admired by his students. Nice work.
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Cruel-Alchemist [2005-11-16 03:01:02 +0000 UTC]
I've never seen a TEACHER on DA before O.o Then again, all the teachers I know have no artistic talent ~LoL~ Welcome Leonard-sensei!
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loserwithaguitar11 [2005-11-16 02:16:44 +0000 UTC]
i've heard many things about you..
your students seem to admire you much
great work so far, post more when you get the chance! ^^
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animus-inflammatio [2005-11-15 23:51:28 +0000 UTC]
Hey, you're an art teacher? I'm suprised for some reason that there are teachers on here, but I don't know why because it makes perfect sense.
You should post some more art, don't be shy! That's part of what DA is for. I like the stuff you have up; it's a lot more pro than a lot of stuff here.
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DancingChaos [2005-11-15 23:40:45 +0000 UTC]
AN ART TEACHER?!!! Woah, that's so cool. Your artwork is also really really cool...
I really didn't know there were any art teachers on DA... Well, welcome, anyway!!! Heh.
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omnipotent [2005-11-15 15:26:07 +0000 UTC]
Welcome to DA, we need more awsome art teachers like you.
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Remiaru [2005-11-15 14:24:54 +0000 UTC]
Wow. For some reason the idea of a teacher on DA fascinates me. o_O
I've tried to get my photo teacher to join, but Mr. E's too coooooooooool for it.
Anyway, great art and I'll be watching you!
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Phets [2005-10-07 00:08:08 +0000 UTC]
I would love yo be your student too bad my school doesnt have an awsome artist like you :3
I'm from Monroe Woodbury High school check the name on google
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