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| Munchen

Munchen [1268304] [2004-12-01 18:24:50 +0000 UTC] "VFX Artist & Illustrator" (United States)

# Statistics

Favourites: 10937; Deviations: 61; Watchers: 97

Watching: 357; Pageviews: 32624; Comments Made: 3032; Friends: 357

# Interests

Favorite visual artist: Daniel Uhlig, Meg Hunt, Kali Ciesemier, Loish, Charlie Bowater
Favorite movies: One Day, Spirited Away, Moana, Pocahontas, Tangled, Wonder Woman
Favorite TV shows: Korean Dramas
Favorite bands / musical artists: Halsey, Yiruma, Studio Ghibli OST
Favorite books: Harry Potter, various art books (Arrietty, Uncharted, Tangled)
Favorite games: Uncharted, MGS, Persona, Final Fantasy
Favorite gaming platform: PS3, PC, PSP, PS4, PS5
Tools of the Trade: Photoshop, After Effects, Houdini, Clip Studio Paint, Pencils, Gouache, Watercolors, Acrylic, Pen&Ink, Etc.
Other Interests: YUMMY FOOD

# Social Links


# Comments

Comments: 1002

RadiantNights [2013-09-14 20:17:40 +0000 UTC]

Request open?

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Munchen In reply to RadiantNights [2013-10-24 21:03:51 +0000 UTC]

I'm not accepting requests at the moment because last semester of college! Sorry for super late reply! x.x

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principessakura [2010-12-12 14:26:32 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the!

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Munchen In reply to principessakura [2010-12-14 14:22:59 +0000 UTC]


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FalleynAngel [2010-09-25 03:38:09 +0000 UTC]


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irenukia [2010-09-25 02:43:56 +0000 UTC]

Long time no see Munchi, thanks for the favs

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DuskNinjaKenji [2010-08-05 07:42:05 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the favs. ^_^

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Munchen In reply to DuskNinjaKenji [2010-08-14 00:12:59 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

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DuskNinjaKenji In reply to Munchen [2010-08-14 08:35:33 +0000 UTC]

I really appreciate it. ^_^

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UndergirlHaven [2010-04-02 22:38:21 +0000 UTC]

When ever I think of you I can't help but giggle because you always seemed like a ray of sunshine to me. You are a great support and a wonderful friend. Love you always, hope we get back in touch, and you are an amazing friend.

Here's a llama!

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Rel-Rogue [2010-03-18 00:17:52 +0000 UTC]

Hey, any news on how the art trades goin'?

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Munchen In reply to Rel-Rogue [2010-03-26 03:39:21 +0000 UTC]

Sorry haven't been able to get to them since I'm working on projects for school. D: I'm really sorry. >A< But I will get to them when I do have the time. Please be patient with me. D:

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Rel-Rogue In reply to Munchen [2010-03-26 03:51:36 +0000 UTC]

Okies, no problem

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princeMEDIOCRE07 [2010-02-10 20:41:18 +0000 UTC]

Hey, how the hell are you? IMMA SORRY ;A; Life's been terrible and I haven't found anytime to go on DA. I feel really bad. ;A; NEGLECT NO MORE! -puts on determined face-


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Munchen In reply to princeMEDIOCRE07 [2010-02-17 22:29:08 +0000 UTC]

HEY I'M DOING AWESOME! Not really. xD Just been busy with classes and stuffs.
Awww. ): Why? Is school just causing stress? Lol. xD That's fine, I haven't bee n on DA either and I have a million messages. xDDD So you're not alone.
Man oh man, we have another blizzard coming on the way. xD So I'm guessing no class on Monday and Tuesday, which is lame cause I don't want school cutting into my summer vacation. ):
So yea. Pretty sweet. I mean, if I was in School still, I would be like Hell Yes! But I'm in college which isn't good to miss. ):

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princeMEDIOCRE07 In reply to Munchen [2010-02-18 00:54:16 +0000 UTC]

That's awesome. XDDD I see, well glad to hear that college is fun.
Nah, well yeah, school is as gay as ever and what not. But yeah family stuff and oh yea my cous almost burned down our house today 'cause he's a douche. (well he already is, but he's a bigger one now) Hooray for DA SLACKING WOO! XD
That's freaking awesome, well not cutting into summer vacation. I guess snow is more exciting if you're still in high school. lol. My sister is the same way, she doesn't like snow 'cause she has to walk through it to get to classes.

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Munchen In reply to princeMEDIOCRE07 [2010-03-26 03:44:00 +0000 UTC]

Omg! D: How?
And yea man. xD Though sometimes I hate slacking :/
Yea, it is. xD Cause school you're in for 8 hours, but college you can make your own schedule and usually the classes are 1 hr or so and the longer ones are about 2 hrs (for regular classes) or 4 (for art classes). Yea, but the snow didn't cut into our class projects too badly. xD But unfortunately they extended the last days by one week. ):

Btw, did you read the recent Reborn?

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princeMEDIOCRE07 In reply to Munchen [2010-03-30 15:48:31 +0000 UTC]

'Cause he's a douche and only douches can 'almost' set ur house on fire in 4 in the morning. He was cooking something? Idk why he was cooking something at 4 in the morn but he was, but he ended up burning it, so I woke up freezing/from the smell 'cause he left all the freaking doors/windows open to get rid of the horrid smell. ;A; I wanted to kick him.
Lol, my AP Art teacher is always like SLACKERS UNITE GET TO WORK and we're just sitting there procrastinating. XD
I can't wait for college, it's gonna be super awesome. XDDDD I actually went to MD on Sunday to visit one

Nah, man, sorry. I haven't kept up with Reborn in a while ;A; did something awesome happen????

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Munchen In reply to princeMEDIOCRE07 [2010-04-01 17:13:04 +0000 UTC]

Wow. D: That is just epic fail. :/
xDDD Procrastination is awesome sometimes, until you get a bad grade. :/
xDDD Yea man. And you get more time to work on things and not everything is due the next day or so.
But again, that depends where you go. xDDD
Aw that's cool. Which college was it?
Sweet! I'm on mine still until Monday. ): And my German cousins are here visiting. xDDD Well...Max is my cousin, but he has a fiance with him, Johanna, but I count her as a cousin too. xDDD

Well yea, they finally aren't in the future anymore and are back in the past, where they should be. xDDD I was getting bored with it for a while, and finally, I'm interested again.

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princeMEDIOCRE07 In reply to Munchen [2010-04-18 03:51:15 +0000 UTC]

Yea I know, he's a loser. >___<
Lol I'm slacking so much this year, it's so bad T^T & I'm not even a senior yet! D:
I went to visit MICA (Maryland Institute College of Art) it was pretty nice...ish? XD
lol, awesomeness. :3

Yay! for getting back into old manga who have way too many filler chapters XDDD
Sorry about the long gap of not responding even though I yelled @ myself to go on to DA. ;A; I'm sorry! Things have just been hectic lately

Oh lol, guess what? Friday was prom...I didn't go instead I went to a Thai restaurant, played cooking mama on wii, & bought milk with a bunch of my friends, 'cause we're just tat cool XD oh and I got a facebook 'cause my sis made me T^T lol.

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Munchen In reply to princeMEDIOCRE07 [2010-06-09 18:40:39 +0000 UTC]

Omg. I just replied to this like a month later. HAHA.
Yea, same! Haha. xD I need to stop procrastinating. D:
Yea, I went there, but I just don't like Baltimore. xD Haha. But they didn't have the program I was trying to look into, like they do have it, but not the sort of courses I'd be interested in.
Haha seriously. I watched some Reborn! last night, and it's still stuck on fillers. Haha. xD But they aren't bad fillers, they're sort of interesting? xD
IT'S OKAY I'M ALSO GUILTY HAHA. We're meant to be. xD
And I totally understand, when I came close to finishing my college semester, omg, I had so much shiz to do for homework, final projects, tests, etc. It was freakin' crazy. I wanted to murder people, so I played Resident Evil 5 at my friend's house to vent out. xD

HAHA! I wish I could've done that, but my parents forced me to go. D: It was horrible. Well. Not really, we would just eat food like fatasses, and just sat there and talked. Haha. xD I went my Junior year too, and my friend and I got bored, so we left and watched Ironman. xDDD
But that sounds even more fun than prom. xD I would much rather do those things. xD

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princeMEDIOCRE07 In reply to Munchen [2010-06-09 23:52:21 +0000 UTC]

Way to slack. XD lol.
OMG!?!?! FINALS ARE COMING UP DX I'm so deaaaaaaadddddddd. ; A; I hate finals.
Oh, but next year I'm taking a bunch of art classes and the only 'actual' classes I'm taking are AP Lit & Physics + gym....> A> ewwwww gym, but it's mandatory so DX. I'm being a slacker senior year
LOL XDDD How do you not like Baltimore? Actually, I didn't like the location of MICA that much either, it looked all cool on the pamphlet thingy and then when I got there I was like "...oh, so we're here?" + they didn't have maps D: Like seriously, I asked the guard person dude and he was like "oh...we don't really have any?" = ____= it was odd. I'll probably apply just for the heck of it though c:
LOL XD I haven't watched anime in like forever D: ....well actually that's a lie cuz I watched some K-ON! last night XDDD SO FREAKING CUTE! <3 but that doesn't count cuz before that I haven't watched anime in like ....well forever XD
Resident Evil FTW XDD lol, there's a site called TinierMe (idk if you heard of it), but it's like gaia? sort of...ish? and I've been addicted to it DX gah, I must stop.

XDDDD Lol, I feel bad for you. I would never go to prom....well there's like a 99.9999999etc chance that I would not go, but knowing me, my other friends would probably pressure me into going next year. DX
OH, speaking of Iron Man, ROBERT DOWNEY JR. IS SO HAWT <333 I would marry him...well if he wasn't like yanno old, but that's a minor detail XD
OF COURSE I'LL ADD YOU!!!! (adding nowishhhhhh )

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Munchen In reply to princeMEDIOCRE07 [2010-06-10 01:12:33 +0000 UTC]

Haha yes.
Yea, I hated mine, but they didn't turn out bad like I would have thought.
That's not so bad. I took a crapload of easy classes my senior year and did parttime college at the same time. xD (Which let me get out of school earlier than usuall. )
Haha wow. xD And yea, I just don't like Baltimore cause it just isn't safe. xDDD Otherwise I just go there for the convention. xD
Btw, do you know what you're going to major in?
Haha cute. xD I still have to finish that anime, but I'm procrastinating on it. xDDD My friend and I are doing K-ON this year for Otakon (if I'm going that is).
Yea, I've heard of that site, but too lazy to actually try it out. xD I should though.
Haha. xD Yea, I just hate school dances, but my parents forced me to go to Homecoming and Prom. >A< (and so did my friends).
OMG. I KNOW. I don't care if he's like 45, but damn he's hot. D: I would rape him on site. Haha jk. xD But yea, shit son. xD

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princeMEDIOCRE07 In reply to Munchen [2010-06-10 02:16:39 +0000 UTC]

Well, that's good then I'm so gonna fail though DX
That's awesome! Honestly, I feel like the only reason I'm taking a bunch of art classes (not that I don't love art and want to major in it) and only two actual ones is because I don't want to take finals (we get exempt from them in senior year if we get A's) <- see this is how much I hate finals DX Yea, I know I'm lame.
Lol, really? Not safe? It seemed okay to me, then again I've only been there a few times. XD But lol yea, Otakon is like literally 10-15 min away from MICA.
Um...D: yea, I want to major in animation or fashion ...and if that fails I'll either become a hobo or go into pastry chef XD
I'm so jealous of yooooouuuuu. > A< I wanna cosplay from K-ON! but I resemble none of the characters, it's terrible. XD Lol, but if you do cosplay from it, that's gonna be awesome.
LOL XD You probably shouldn't, it's so addicting XDDDD.....lol but it is a lot of fun :3

I wouldn't be caught dead in a dress XD Lol, I would just look more awkward than I already do.
LOL! XDDD BUT YEA, HE IS SO FREAKING HAWT! smexiest man alive next to Jude Law of course, he is a smexy man too. <3 LOL

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Munchen In reply to princeMEDIOCRE07 [2010-06-10 09:11:55 +0000 UTC]

Haha, I'm sure you'll do fine. xD
HAHA. xD Awesome. I took easy ones just cause I was a procrastinator and didn't want to think as hard. xDDD
But that's understandable. xD
Yea. It's not. xD Seriously. I only go there for museums, Otakon and shiz like that. Otherwise, I try to stay away from it. xD

Ooo cool. Haha, I'd follow the pastry chef idea. xD If nothing works out for me, I'm just going to become a starving artists, haha.
HAHA. I know. I need to, but never try. xD

HAHA. I can look like Yui (yet...I'm not asian like she's supposed to be...) and my friend is going to be Mugi. I'm excited about it.
Thanks! We're doing the Don't Say Lazy version.
Haha. xD Well I don't really have a life except for going to College at the moment. xD
OMG. I know, dresses are horrible. D: Yea. Really.
Or Hugh Jackman. >3< Haha. xD

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DanceJessyDance [2010-01-19 02:19:35 +0000 UTC]

I hope you don't mind me watching you! (:
I love your gallery!
And your icon is adorable!

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Munchen In reply to DanceJessyDance [2010-01-20 00:38:17 +0000 UTC]

Aww thanks for adding me! I'm glad you like my gallery. ^^ And thanks! I <3 Yamamoto. xDDDD

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DanceJessyDance In reply to Munchen [2010-01-20 00:45:33 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! (:
And yeah, Yamamoto is pretty awesome and adorable like a little puppy.

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Munchen In reply to DanceJessyDance [2010-01-22 03:43:31 +0000 UTC]

Yup! >v< I also love reading doujin with him and Gokudera together. ;D Dunno if you like yaoi or not. xD

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DanceJessyDance In reply to Munchen [2010-01-23 01:24:48 +0000 UTC]


I like 8059 and 8018. (:

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Munchen In reply to DanceJessyDance [2010-01-23 23:47:36 +0000 UTC]

YAY! Me too! They're both my faves. xD lmao. xD have you looked at Decimo Luce? They have a whole crapload of 8018 and 8059 doujins.

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Kai-Shira-Luner-Fox [2010-01-08 01:21:12 +0000 UTC]

Gah *pulls her hair out* I'm so sorry that this took so long Q~Q


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princeMEDIOCRE07 [2010-01-01 05:06:06 +0000 UTC]

12:05!!!! XDDD

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Munchen In reply to princeMEDIOCRE07 [2010-01-02 02:21:54 +0000 UTC]

That's okay! Happy new years to you too! I've been neglecting you too. D:

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Stalker-of-Neji [2009-12-31 22:28:25 +0000 UTC]

Oo. May I snatch one of those free spots?

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Munchen In reply to Stalker-of-Neji [2010-01-02 02:22:03 +0000 UTC]

Sure. xD

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Stalker-of-Neji In reply to Munchen [2010-01-03 00:58:20 +0000 UTC]

Hoorah I would like 2 original characters of mine from a story I'm writing called Wicked Witchery.

They're mother and daughter. I would like a picture that's like she has her daughter on puppet strings - controlling her c: Arachne is a dark witch, evil. Her element of control is shadows.

Lilith's is light. She is Arachne's daughter and is just being used by her.



Hair - black
Eyes - violet
Stone - purple
Shirt - purple w/ black stripes
Cloak/part over the shirt - brown
Pants - black
Boots - black w/ purple ties



Attire is mostly black. The wraps around the dress are red.

Hair - black
Eyes - red

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akaibelier [2009-12-14 08:07:18 +0000 UTC]

thank you for the watch! <33

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Munchen In reply to akaibelier [2009-12-14 15:06:56 +0000 UTC]

Yup. I love your art.

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akaibelier In reply to Munchen [2009-12-14 16:11:27 +0000 UTC]

;A; <33!!

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DemonicSlayer616 [2009-11-21 03:21:10 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fav! ^^

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Munchen In reply to DemonicSlayer616 [2009-11-22 03:52:10 +0000 UTC]

Yup. ^^

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DemonicSlayer616 In reply to Munchen [2009-11-22 03:59:33 +0000 UTC]

I'm planning to add more... Right now I'm trying to find my crappy cyber tablet pen... I think it might be in my roommates room.. I let her burrow my labtop for a little while...

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FalleynAngel [2009-11-19 01:25:50 +0000 UTC]

thanks again ^^ <3

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FalleynAngel [2009-11-11 02:30:35 +0000 UTC]

thank you for the favs again!!!

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Munchen In reply to FalleynAngel [2009-11-11 02:43:20 +0000 UTC]

Lol is cool, I finally checked my messages and I had about 1500 and checked all of them in 3 hrs. ;A;

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FalleynAngel In reply to Munchen [2009-11-11 03:13:13 +0000 UTC]

0.0 wow that is impressive! lol

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Munchen In reply to FalleynAngel [2009-11-11 05:32:12 +0000 UTC]

lol yea I wanted to kill them all like a first person shooter.

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FalleynAngel In reply to Munchen [2009-11-11 11:42:46 +0000 UTC]

haha that wouldve been epic! just turn DA into a firstperson shooter! haha

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Munchen In reply to FalleynAngel [2009-11-11 17:12:05 +0000 UTC]

LOL hellz yea. Then I'd probably be more willing to check my messages. xDDD

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