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| PalindromeIsntOne

PalindromeIsntOne [13056735] [2010-02-19 09:55:46 +0000 UTC] "Passionately inconsistent." (United Kingdom)

# Statistics

Favourites: 1720; Deviations: 77; Watchers: 18

Watching: 43; Pageviews: 14521; Comments Made: 1466; Friends: 43

# Interests

Favorite movies: Sherlock, Inception, The Matrix....loads.
Favorite TV shows: Sherlock, Doctor Who, Merlin sometimes, Miranda, Big Bang Theory sometimes
Favorite bands / musical artists: Umm....I really have no musical knowledge. This can be confirmed by anyone who knows me. Currently I'm listening to the Concerto Suite by Yngwie Malmsteen.
Favorite books: You're asking me to CHOOSE? Um...A Fraction of the Whole is pretty damn awesome.
Favorite writers: Jill Mansell, MadLori...other ff.net people...I dunno.
Favorite games: Sims 2, WANT ASSASSINS CREED STILL and Sims 3 damnit.
Favorite gaming platform: Wii/PSP or XBox/PS3 IF I had one. (Graphics...*drools*)
Tools of the Trade: Computer/Pen and paper
Other Interests: Writing, drawing, time-wasting...

# About me

Little random, little lazy, little perfectionistic. Draw a little more than I read, write a little more than I draw. On fanfiction.net as well.

# Comments

Comments: 373

RDayDreamer18 [2016-08-04 08:53:19 +0000 UTC]

thank you for the fave!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

zanephiri [2016-06-02 15:39:19 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PalindromeIsntOne In reply to zanephiri [2016-08-02 11:57:32 +0000 UTC]

OMG. It has been sooo long. I haven't checked deviantart for a lifetime XD I still love all your art!! I shifted tumblr account so I need to find you again, if I can remember your url >_<

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zanephiri In reply to PalindromeIsntOne [2016-08-02 19:27:30 +0000 UTC]

It has! It's so quiet here lately! So I think a lot of people haven't checked dA for a long time

I probably changed my tumblr as well since last time my new one is: flightofthedragon@tumblr.com, what's yours so I can follow you!

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SusanBourne042 [2014-06-02 20:38:44 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthday! 

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biney-bottlesworth [2012-08-30 11:48:26 +0000 UTC]

ty for the faves ^^

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essmaa [2012-05-27 15:19:55 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the faves!

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SherlockedGinger [2012-05-03 16:11:22 +0000 UTC]


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PalindromeIsntOne In reply to SherlockedGinger [2012-05-06 17:11:37 +0000 UTC]

I did it Though I swear I've been tagged for that before...

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BossHossBones [2012-04-12 19:33:19 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave!!

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BraveAnderson [2012-04-11 13:34:39 +0000 UTC]

It is a peanuts mashup!

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PalindromeIsntOne In reply to BraveAnderson [2012-04-11 14:30:39 +0000 UTC]

THAT'S it!!!! *facepalm*

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BraveAnderson [2012-04-11 12:59:33 +0000 UTC]

Thank You so much for the on Happiness Is a Big Blue Box [link] !

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PalindromeIsntOne In reply to BraveAnderson [2012-04-11 13:29:57 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! I love the style of it. Is it called, um...Charlie style or what? I swear I recognise it but I can't think what it reminds me of

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b3421 [2012-02-16 16:27:23 +0000 UTC]

Hiya! This is Theadore. (Really don't mean to stalk you, but FF's review/PM system crashed, so there ya go. ) I wanted to review An Unfortunate Pair of Handcuffs, so you would have feedback, wouldn't cry, never write on FF again, or go into hibernation, but the review system crashed right after I reviewed to Once Upon A Christmas. Ugh. Back on track. Anyway, it was HAWT. Heh. And I could so see it happening. (At least, Marth-wearing-suggestive-clothes-to-drive-Ike-insane, the Link-being-turned-bi-from-a-overdose-of-IkeMarth-sex, Crazy-Hand-being-completely-out-out-it, and the sex itself was *insert dazed, vacant, slightly drooling expression here*.) So, that's it. Review's over. (I really hope FF fixes it's review system soon.) Now, to go favorite all your chapters.

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PalindromeIsntOne In reply to b3421 [2012-02-17 08:50:38 +0000 UTC]

Hey! So there's a means of talking to you that doesn't involve me updating! (I don't mean to usurp that...I will update! But this is a lot easier way of talking)

Thank you so much for the review! I half-wondered if you would (not to take you for granted though, and I didn't know how M rated you would read) Not going into hibernation now. Or at least not just yet. I suspect the fandom is dying really. How did you find my stories originally, if I can ask? Are you an IkexMarth fan or...?

I'll make a confession - after Condensation is over (which'll take a while anyway) I will probably stop writing for SSBB. Truth is it was ~ADashOfInsanity (who I know in real life, also on FF.net by the same name) who originally pulled me into the pairing and they look to be leaving the fandom after they finish all their currently ongoing IkexMarth stories. And (this is a big one) I actually have essentially no canon knowledge of SSBB at all. Almost zero. What little you might see in my stories is literally all I know, and why I write AU. I have played the game once...literally for about an hour or so and I didn't even get all the way through story mode (not far enough to see either Marth or Ike). ADashOfInsanity was sort of my only reason to write, and if the fandom is dying my other reason to write (reviews and other readers) is quickly dimishing too, especially as I don't actually follow the fandom. (So my offer of an IkexMarth one-shot AU for you might really be the last IkexMarth I ever publish) I think the reason I have written so much for IkexMarth might also be because I have no canon knowledge. I have a vague idea of what's in character but if I write them out of character I really don't know how bad it is. So I'm essentially writing original stories fearless and careless of keeping true to canon, and I intend to shift to fictionpress.com as soon as I can to really write original stuff. I intend to put a similar confession to this at the end of Condensation.

This seems like a bit of rant, doesn't it? Haha. But you've been such an awesome reviewer I figured you should know. If you're only reading for the IkexMarth then I'm going to miss your uplifting pestering once I shift away.

Thanks for all the faves!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

b3421 In reply to PalindromeIsntOne [2012-02-17 21:23:22 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, now you can talk me without having to write like crazy. Heh heh. (Maybe I should have contacted you sooner. Oops.)

I've actually realized that I enjoy reviewing as long as I feel the story is worth it, (because although it takes you writers way longer to type a chapter than it does for me to review, some of the stories I've read aren't worth the time it'll take me to formulate a decent response) so I'll review for as long as chapters keep going up.

Rating isn't really an issue for me - I've read published books that would definitely be M on FF.net, so I'm good on that count.

Actually, it was Bailerr who got me into the Fire Emblem/SSBB fandom (I came over, we played SSBB, and it's been a continuing tradition), and we've kinda been exploring pairings ever since. (We stumbled across this IkeMarth story on Quizilla, and that marked our entry into shipping IkeMarth.) As to how I found your stories, I was surfing FF.net by characters, and found Once Upon A Christmas, to which I read all your other stories and gave Bailerr a whole bunch of links. Haha.

I'm actually kinda depressed you'll stop writing for SSBB. ADashOfInsanity (I've read their stories too) sounds like they introduced SSBB to you like Bailerr did to me. I'm surprised that you have no canon experience with SSBB because you write Marth and Ike (and Zelda and Link and Pit, etc.) really in character (in my opinion). Bailerr and I have been playing (well, Bailerr's been playing; I've been sitting and calling out directions, my nose buried in the instruction manual) for a while now, and although now we've shifted to playing FE: Radiant Dawn, and we're going back to FE: Path of Radiance, I can probably say that I know the characters decently, and I like how they come across in your stories. I couldn't care less that you have no idea of character personalities and what not, though I would encourage playing a few of the FE games if you want background on them. (Either that, or go to the FE wiki.)

I've also noticed that the fandom's been shrinking. Unfortunately, there's not much I (or any of us) can do to try to bring back readers and authors. (What sucks is that in the actual canon universe, Ike and Marth have no contact ['cause they're, like, a hundred years apart] and they each get married to flakes, with the proper supports. [If you ever play any FE games, you may notice all the female characters are flakes or ditsy airheads or sluts. Kinda demeaning.] Which brings me to another OTP - TibarnReyson. They would SO be together if FE had shonen-ai couples! But that's a rant for another day.) So we're kinda stuck on a sinking ship as the fandom loses supporters, it's true. (If your offered AU may be the last new IkeMarth you publish, I may have to talk to Bailerr about asking for it, but Bailerr can be a lazy butt, so we'll see. I may kick Bailerr out and just ask for one...)

Rants are fine with me - most of my friends could be professional ranters (myself and Bailerr included) - and it's really nice to know that you appreciate my thoughts and musings so much. I'll miss you when you stop writing too, but it's nice to have you now, while you're still here. I'll pester and nag ya till you're gone, but you're gonna have to have to find another annoying person to breathe down your neck once you've left. Haha. Anyway, I'll be around. (Wow, that sounded stalker-ish.)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PalindromeIsntOne In reply to b3421 [2012-02-20 10:02:55 +0000 UTC]

The next chapter is up now! On another note, enjoying the rant. As far as Fire Emblem goes I'm working my way through Yaoi Emblem: Path of Raunchiness for all my education on that front, as recommended by many. Which is entertaining.

Glad that I seem to be keeping them in character enough. I really have very little way of telling. ADashOfInsanity has been my entire education for it, and her characterisation varies from story to story too. (She's sitting next to me - she says review her stories!)

I don't think Condensation Ike is really in character by any standards...but he's fun to write. (The request was for a suggestive Ike, so...)

Looking forward to your one-shot request...

P.S. Condensation was meant to be a one-shot originally...ADashOfInsanity caught my 1000 dA kiriban and made the request...

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b3421 In reply to PalindromeIsntOne [2012-02-21 01:36:35 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, Bailerr told me about your chapter! (And I reviewed, hehe.) If you'd be so kind as to let ADashofInsanity know that the next chapter that goes up on...either Heist or Walls Apart, I'll review. Or on Love Recital. Any of her IkeMarth stories, that is. (I'd review right now except I'm just too lazy to review chapters that I haven't already been looking forward to.) So I'll just stick her stories on my To-Review list. And heckle, badger, and otherwise annoy her if those updates don't come soon enough. Heh. While it's true that your (and ADashofInsanity's) characterization fluctuates, it's believable and doesn't change the base character. Besides, as both of your settings are usually AU, you can drop personality traits or skills that aren't applicable or aren't a usual quality in that world. And yes, Condensation Ike is way OOC, but he's too funny to complain about.

I'm thinking about the one-shot. Still. (So indecisive. Ugh.)

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PalindromeIsntOne In reply to b3421 [2012-03-02 08:54:27 +0000 UTC]

To reply to your fanfiction.net review: No, your one-shot request isn't the reason for the delay. Real life is being a pain, and the last chapter is always hard to write but it's nearing the end now. Sorry to keep you waiting!

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b3421 In reply to PalindromeIsntOne [2012-03-03 03:42:11 +0000 UTC]

That's ok. I know how real life can be. I'm excited for the final chapter!

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PalindromeIsntOne In reply to b3421 [2012-04-24 11:17:50 +0000 UTC]

Hello again.
I have no idea how long it'll take me to update Condensation, apologies! Unfortunately no matter how much motivation there's only a certain amount of opportunity can be found. Life is a little busy at the moment.
P.S. ADashOfInsanity would really appreciate it if you reviewed Walls Apart .

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b3421 In reply to PalindromeIsntOne [2012-05-01 14:43:40 +0000 UTC]

OH! Yeah, I had read the newest chapter and then was really, really busy and forgot to review. I'll just go do that, now...Heh heh..oops. Well, I'm sorry you're tied up at the moment, and I hope you can find some free time to update sometime soon! And I'll go review Walls Apart now.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ADashOfInsanity [2011-12-23 22:23:45 +0000 UTC]


New Heist chapter for you to read!

Here it is [link]

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PalindromeIsntOne In reply to ADashOfInsanity [2011-12-24 23:44:28 +0000 UTC]

yeah... I kinda saw the thing that said '3x longer than normal chapter'and went running away as fast as i could in the other direction... I'll get around to it thought, you know i will. I always do in the end

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ADashOfInsanity In reply to PalindromeIsntOne [2011-12-25 21:05:57 +0000 UTC]

In future don't read the author's notes! I always say if a chapter is longer than usual!
You will...or else

Merry Christmas!

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ADashOfInsanity In reply to ADashOfInsanity [2011-12-25 21:06:48 +0000 UTC]

Wrong smiley face, I meant

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Jemiyah [2011-11-09 19:25:42 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for adding The Master Song [link] to your favourites! I really appreciate it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PalindromeIsntOne In reply to Jemiyah [2011-11-10 11:34:56 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome, twas funny Thanks for the llama!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jemiyah In reply to PalindromeIsntOne [2011-11-10 12:39:48 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SjanniTheEpicNinja [2011-10-19 10:01:54 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fav!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

truemouse [2011-10-17 23:18:24 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the continued favving.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

dd4rri3nd [2011-10-15 23:36:22 +0000 UTC]

Keep up the epic/fantastic work

also feel free to check out my webcomics at [link] and [link]

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Melody-Pond [2011-10-08 04:35:24 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave!

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sunlitlake [2011-10-01 15:32:48 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the Fav

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ravengrimm [2011-09-19 15:28:06 +0000 UTC]

Thanks very much for joining #Slash-Who ! Feel free to post your Whoniverse slash there ^_^

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PalindromeIsntOne In reply to ravengrimm [2011-09-20 07:45:21 +0000 UTC]

Will do

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Bloody-Luv [2011-09-13 13:13:37 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the !))

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

XxLostButterflyxX [2011-09-07 17:52:23 +0000 UTC]


Brokeback twilight enjoy

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QuintonCharles [2011-07-27 21:40:53 +0000 UTC]

Gah, sorry about the delay in giving you that critique-review-analysis of Condensation... I've been caught up with various interruptions and I've never quite had the chance to 'get down and work on it'. But I've started it, which is good...
Do you mind that what I've done so far is a pretty extensive iteration on what you wrote? I.e. for the first chapter, I've basically gone right through what you've written and said what I think would work better. After that, I'll read through the next 9 chapters and do a conclusive summary of how I feel about the story and how you've approached it, and how I think your writing style could be improved or used more appropriately.
No offence was intended by it, so if the end result does make you feel a bit off-put... I'm sorry. xD
But I hope you take the advice to heart; it's only advice.

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Linkcrazy-4ever In reply to QuintonCharles [2011-08-18 22:14:31 +0000 UTC]

I'm stalking you again :>

Aww, Charles, you're so sweet

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QuintonCharles In reply to Linkcrazy-4ever [2011-08-19 11:06:44 +0000 UTC]

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Linkcrazy-4ever In reply to QuintonCharles [2011-08-19 15:58:28 +0000 UTC]

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PalindromeIsntOne In reply to QuintonCharles [2011-08-04 09:44:25 +0000 UTC]

I appreciate all the effort that goes into a large review - and yours sounds huge! Naturally I would love to see what you think, constructive criticism and all. (I think at heart I may also know a lot of flaws in my story myself, if I really thought about it) It would help me a lot to see them laid out like that and to get another viewpoint - thanks so much!

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QuintonCharles In reply to PalindromeIsntOne [2011-08-04 21:45:07 +0000 UTC]

Ah, okay! Thank you, then.
I may not do what I've done for the first chapter for all of the chapters (unless you ask me to ); I'll just review the whole story and stress on things I've noticed in the first chapter blah-blah analyse your style blah-blah... xD
It'll certainly sound pedantic on reading... It currently stands at just a little under the length of the first chapter itself.

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PalindromeIsntOne In reply to QuintonCharles [2011-08-22 13:52:34 +0000 UTC]

But if it is so long, how do you suppose to get it to me? As a comment on deviantart? Might be easier on ff.net, I dunno...Still waiting in excitement :3

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QuintonCharles In reply to PalindromeIsntOne [2011-08-23 11:32:41 +0000 UTC]

Oops - I forgot about it. FFS xD
Well, if it doesn't fit into a deviantART comment, I'll either upload it as a journal, or upload it as a deviation/scrap (if need be ). x)

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PalindromeIsntOne In reply to QuintonCharles [2011-08-24 14:00:26 +0000 UTC]

Haha, okies!

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QuintonCharles In reply to PalindromeIsntOne [2011-09-04 11:37:17 +0000 UTC]

I'm so sorry I keep forgetting! Gah. xD
I will complete it... I'm just busy and inconsistent and bleh. \3

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PalindromeIsntOne In reply to QuintonCharles [2011-09-05 07:29:05 +0000 UTC]

Haha that's okay. It hasn't updated in ages because I've been on holiday anyhow... ^_^

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