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| PastelFrightmare
# Statistics
Favourites: 9090; Deviations: 223; Watchers: 209
Watching: 141; Pageviews: 36520; Comments Made: 13841; Friends: 141
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: MangakaOnline... She's amazing, I really appreciate everything from her! :'DFavorite movies: Darn... Horror-movies, I think? Something dark and creepy...
Favorite TV shows: Some anime, I dunno...
Favorite bands / musical artists: Right now?? Hinder... Always Hinder... Sometimes, I just tend to forget about them, for a while...
Favorite books: Any fan-fiction I've read through and not been bored at
Favorite writers: Hiddendemon-666 (here from dA)
Favorite games: DMC all the way... FF... KH... So many... Oh so many...
Favorite gaming platform: Any... Computer, XBox, PS, PSP, DS, GameBoy whatever the fuck, as long as it plays...
Tools of the Trade: Uhm..?
Other Interests: Well I like drawing a lot... Writing... The moon...
# About me
ID made by:
Name: Alex
Age: 24 (Yes, I'm an old bastard)
ATM doing nothing but comissions, writing stories, drawing a lot and making jewelries... 5 years of educating myself in creating videogames~! Haaaaah, you're not going to see anything with my name on it though.. o-o'
Anyway, want to know something, ask away.
I'm in a various amount of fandoms... o3o
Sexuality: All over the place
Gender: Went the same way as my sexuality
# Comments
Comments: 2681
BWGCQ1Qstar [2019-05-23 22:54:17 +0000 UTC]
Happy Late Bithday
i Hope and wish you a great day as staying healty this year as more years will come ^^
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PastelFrightmare In reply to goPandaawake [2019-05-21 21:53:39 +0000 UTC]
Awww, tusind tak! ;u; <3 <3 Har ikke holdt min dA ved lige i lang tid, men det her var rart at komme tilbage til! ;u; <3
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goPandaawake In reply to PastelFrightmare [2019-05-22 13:51:55 +0000 UTC]
Så lidt heh! Uh kender det alt for godt, ikke at jeg har gjort super meget ud af mon profil men gad ikke at upgradere den, så den ser sku forfalden ud lol. Men det er også rart at se noget fra dig igen, hah blev virkelig imponeret over din daddy xD
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PastelFrightmare In reply to goPandaawake [2019-05-22 14:32:49 +0000 UTC]
Urgh, saaaame, right?! XD Man tegner en masse, men man er bare så dårlig til at opretholde sin dA... QvQ; Jeg burde uploade mere art, really.. x'd
Aww, thanks ;u; <3 Det er også rart at uploade igen!
OMFG HAHAHAHAHA!!!! X'D Yeeeh, ham er jeg også stolt af BD Han er fandeme en dejlig karakter, jeg elsker at RP det lille svin x'D <3
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BWGCQ1Qstar [2017-05-21 19:45:15 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday! ! ! !
Be happy on Your Specail Day & Make it a amazing great day of it!!!~~
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PastelFrightmare In reply to BWGCQ1Qstar [2017-06-01 22:29:40 +0000 UTC]
Here I am, way too late! x'D
But thank you darling!! ;w; It was indeed, a very nice and amazing day!
Danish tradition: If you're not married by age of 25, we will shower you in hot water, then bathe you in cinnamon and end it all, with pouring ice cold water on you, to get you clean..
It was indeed a very good day...
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PastelFrightmare In reply to simosark [2017-06-01 22:29:56 +0000 UTC]
Thanks darling!
- Me, way too late to my own party xD
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BleedingHeartworks [2017-05-02 09:37:26 +0000 UTC]
Alex! Bab. I can't believe you just gave me a full year membership. ;; You are seriously way too sweet and I can't handle it. I can't thank you enough for it. ;0; If there's anything you ever need, don't be afraid to ask okay?? ❤❤😭
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PastelFrightmare In reply to BleedingHeartworks [2017-05-02 11:02:44 +0000 UTC]
Oh no, you are too adorable! XD I just saw you needed a membership... So chill with all the extra work for now! o3o
Corn, bby, plz <3 Friendship is good enough! You've already been WAY kind to me! Sorry I don't chat you up more often - just know I think of you every now and then and miss you!
<3 <3 <3
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ArsGoethia [2017-04-04 10:09:09 +0000 UTC]
I just saw your message ! Thank you so much for the membership, you're so sweet <3333
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PastelFrightmare In reply to ArsGoethia [2017-04-04 14:12:25 +0000 UTC]
Waaah, you're welcome dear!! >w< It's been a while, but I hope you're doing good! ;u; Might the membership come in handy!
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PastelFrightmare In reply to SabaSquatch [2017-03-03 11:10:43 +0000 UTC]
You can be a twittle yourself, bench! <3 Ilu2 do!
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PastelFrightmare In reply to YarArte [2016-10-19 14:30:38 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! It's been a delight following your work so far!
I shipped Cornelia and Caleb, waaay before Peter was in the picture, so it's good to see, that the fandom isn't dead yet! XD
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YarArte In reply to PastelFrightmare [2016-10-23 03:04:39 +0000 UTC]
I'm so glad you're enjoying my stuff!
Yeah me too, I know the feeling...
Oh yes! we are small as hell but we're still here!
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PastelFrightmare In reply to YarArte [2017-02-08 19:05:34 +0000 UTC]
I love it so muuuuch! TwT
I bought the entire series of WITCH magazine so cheap, they almost gave it away for free and I'm dying.. XD
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SabaSquatch [2016-10-18 01:03:39 +0000 UTC]
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PastelFrightmare In reply to SabaSquatch [2016-10-19 14:28:53 +0000 UTC]
I think it might be because I changed my name to DJ Sausage Harlot! x'D
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BWGCQ1Qstar [2016-05-22 03:18:00 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday! ! ! !
Make it a amazing great day of it!!!~~
(I know we dont talk much im really shy person I caint help I love talking to people but I always remember when someone birthday is!♡)
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PastelFrightmare In reply to BWGCQ1Qstar [2016-05-26 11:14:47 +0000 UTC]
Awww, you're the sweetest ;u; Thank you so much! I really did have a great day tho UwU
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PastelFrightmare In reply to SabaSquatch [2016-05-26 11:14:55 +0000 UTC]
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SabaSquatch In reply to PastelFrightmare [2016-05-26 14:32:13 +0000 UTC]
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PastelFrightmare In reply to FaithJane [2016-04-07 22:26:04 +0000 UTC]
It's been a while!!
I've been good though, finally moved out of that shithole apartment I lived in before XD
And you? Life treating you well?
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FaithJane In reply to PastelFrightmare [2016-04-07 22:30:07 +0000 UTC]
Good! XD I've been good. =3
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PastelFrightmare In reply to FaithJane [2016-05-16 02:15:35 +0000 UTC]
Oh I'm glad to hear that ;u;
Nothing interesting to talk about or to report? Something big happened? o3o Life is good?
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PastelFrightmare In reply to Epizootix [2016-04-07 22:26:17 +0000 UTC]
Maybe because you are a feggit B(
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PandyChu [2016-02-23 11:55:47 +0000 UTC]
I don't know if I knew you or not back in the old days or noooot
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PastelFrightmare In reply to PandyChu [2016-02-24 20:11:04 +0000 UTC]
Back in the old days, eh? Like, before I changed my URL or..? Did we use to chat?
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PandyChu In reply to PastelFrightmare [2016-02-24 20:20:27 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I think it was back before you changed it..did you use to go into DA chats a lot?
I am not sure..Your name just seems familiar
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PastelFrightmare In reply to PandyChu [2016-02-24 20:24:39 +0000 UTC]
Well I can tell you, you're watching me... XD
I've changed my dA a lot, but you are following and have been a follower for a while!
But no, I don't go to chats Ö
You probably recon my art.. XD
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PandyChu In reply to PastelFrightmare [2016-02-25 16:45:45 +0000 UTC]
I think so..I remember liking one about a fight for an eraser..
I think I was like "I wanna rp with this person." xD And followed MAYBE
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PastelFrightmare In reply to PandyChu [2016-02-28 11:11:32 +0000 UTC]
Ah yes, my old webcomic! XD
Oooooh is that an offer? B)
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PandyChu In reply to PastelFrightmare [2016-03-01 17:22:17 +0000 UTC]
Maaaaaaaayyybeeeee? << >> xD
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PastelFrightmare In reply to PandyChu [2016-03-01 23:31:21 +0000 UTC]
You got any OC's or sumthin' you want to share? B)
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PandyChu In reply to PastelFrightmare [2016-03-03 01:45:04 +0000 UTC]
Maaaaybe, >.>; Oh gosh I'm nervous.
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PastelFrightmare In reply to PandyChu [2016-03-04 19:02:54 +0000 UTC]
Don't be, I don't bite and I'm really very nice! UwU
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PandyChu In reply to PastelFrightmare [2016-03-05 00:17:12 +0000 UTC]
I mean, I don't really draw so I can't just be like "BAM OC" But I got a few laying around
Maybe we can exchange skypes and plan a rp or something.
or note iono.
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