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| PrinceOfMay
# Statistics
Favourites: 188; Deviations: 10; Watchers: 11
Watching: 35; Pageviews: 5414; Comments Made: 929; Friends: 35
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: Emma Watson, Sigourney Weaver and Josh Hutcherson.Favorite movies: Jurassic Park 1 & 3
Favorite TV shows: Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra and Master Chef.
Favorite books: Harry Potter, Hunger Games and Dragons - The Age of Fire.
Favorite writers: J.K. Rowling, Suzanne Collins and E.E. Knight
Favorite games: Sonic the Hedgehog, PokΓΒ©mon and Fire Emblem.
Favorite gaming platform: XBOX and 3DS
Other Interests: Drawing, reading, hanging out with my friends, loneliness.
# Comments
Comments: 997
Bunnyeeyes2 [2020-12-29 01:11:08 +0000 UTC]
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BunnyeEyes [2015-08-28 13:29:01 +0000 UTC]
Happy (belated) birthday Max! Hope you had fun during your special day!
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PrinceOfMay In reply to BunnyeEyes [2015-08-29 04:16:35 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a lot Sara! I appreciate it!
Sorry for the late answer, uh! ><
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PrinceOfMay In reply to SweetHonestyKeysha [2014-09-21 12:48:40 +0000 UTC]
No problem!
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PrinceOfMay In reply to Akialyne [2014-03-14 23:03:45 +0000 UTC]
Ahah, je sens qu'on va bien s'amuser! ewe
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CelestialTabris [2013-08-26 23:53:19 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday Prince!!! ^^
I hope you've had a wonderful day today~
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PrinceOfMay In reply to CelestialTabris [2013-08-27 00:37:44 +0000 UTC]
Oh thank you, Northern-Projection!
I had! I just hatched my shiny female Poison Point Modest Budew today on my birthday! MY LIFE IS COMPLETED!
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PrinceOfMay In reply to BunnyeEyes [2013-05-01 21:47:42 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a lot ! My name is Max, please to meat you!
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BunnyeEyes In reply to PrinceOfMay [2013-05-02 12:48:31 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! Pleased to meet you too Max, my name's Sara
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PrinceOfMay In reply to BunnyeEyes [2013-05-02 21:39:14 +0000 UTC]
Oh, what sweet name, I always liked Sara as a name (maybe with a "h" but oh well).
I have few questions here... How did you discovered me and since when are you on deviantArt ?
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BunnyeEyes In reply to PrinceOfMay [2013-05-03 13:49:17 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much! I discovered you when I was reading some comments from an artwork and I became curious and went to see your page. I read the informations in your ID and I liked the way you wrote it. I have great expectations for your art because you seem to be a creative person. Well, I'm on DeviantART since November I think
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PrinceOfMay In reply to BunnyeEyes [2013-05-03 22:14:34 +0000 UTC]
Oh, is that so ? Well, that's pretty cool !
I'm pretty creative... in my head, if you know what I mean. I can imagine a lot of beautiful design, arts, drawings in my head, but on paper, it rarely, very rarely, give the result that I'm expecting, so I don't draw for that reason. I like to write, maybe you noticed, but I feel like nobody would care so I just don't show it to everyone. Plus, it's pretty personal, I,m not a boy like any other. At school, it's hard to believe but I'm very different. My friends are the totally opposite of my attitude and habitudes. I like to read, draw, I care of everybody while my friends prefer to play Xbox or PS3 (I do like as well but now, with my allergies, my eyes are burning), they play hockey and soccer (I would like to play soccer but I'm just not good in any kind of sports, except jogging/running and Volley Ball, and I'm too shy for) and when somebody says something in class, they laugh of it while I do understand this person.
Wait a minute, am I saying my life ?
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BunnyeEyes In reply to PrinceOfMay [2013-05-04 14:32:44 +0000 UTC]
Oh well, I understend... I'm completely different of my scoolmates, expecially girls... I just don't understand them, I don,t care about dresses, makeup and other things like these (I'm a bit of a tomboy, oh well XD), I like reading and writing too and I really care about people that I love, we have something in common! If you like a thing do it, you don't have to care about what people may think or say, do always what you love and love what you do, at least, I think so...
Sorry if I'm bothering you, I like to talk with people like you
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PrinceOfMay In reply to BunnyeEyes [2013-05-04 15:46:24 +0000 UTC]
Oh, you're not bothering me at all. But you know, we aren't good in everything, uh ? And saddly, it looks like I'm not good in a lot of sports. But I am partly autodidact, whether if it's not too difficult and I really want it.
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BunnyeEyes In reply to PrinceOfMay [2013-05-04 16:05:57 +0000 UTC]
Yes, you're right we all have our weak spot Well I don't like many sports, I used to practice Taekwondo for some time and I really liked it but I had to leave it. I really enjoy taking walks in the nature and take some photos when i have time
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PrinceOfMay In reply to BunnyeEyes [2013-05-05 13:57:13 +0000 UTC]
It looks like I'm talking to a mirror...
I praticed Taekwondo as well for 3 years and then I dropped because it was always the same silly thing we were learning every time. I adore taking walks in the nature, maybe alone or with friends. Too bad I don't have much time for that... Taking pictures is maybe not exactly what I like to do but I already tried and it's fun.
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BunnyeEyes In reply to PrinceOfMay [2013-05-05 19:08:33 +0000 UTC]
Seriusly?! I'm pleased to talk with a person with almost the same interests! Well, living in Sardinia I can see beautiful landscapes and interesting preistoric architecture when I take walks in the nature so I'm motivated to search new places to explore. Unfortunately with school there isn't much time, but in summer I've all the time in the world
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PrinceOfMay In reply to BunnyeEyes [2013-05-05 21:08:37 +0000 UTC]
I like to do things on my own, but I can't do things on my own, that's the problem. There's not much place near by that I can see just by walking, that's why I don't really have the occasion to "explore" too much, that's sad. And school isn't making things easier..
You live in Sardinia ? Isn't that in Italy ? My grandfather (who's dead by now) was an Italian, what a coincidence ! Can't believe I'm talking to an Italian. I'm Canadian, if you wanted to know.
Now you really scare me, ahah, I also like the prehistory and archeology too. I used to watch movies who talk about it, such as Jurassic Park (all of them). So great movies... Have you saw them ?
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BunnyeEyes In reply to PrinceOfMay [2013-05-06 07:28:31 +0000 UTC]
Really?! What a coincidence! This is also a bit creepy hehehe, I've more things in common with you than with all my schoolmates!
Yes, I've seen them and I love them I've heard that they're going to make a new sequel, Jurassic Park IV in 2014
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PrinceOfMay In reply to BunnyeEyes [2013-05-06 21:52:22 +0000 UTC]
You're kidding ? Another one ? That's amazing, I hope it's gonna be like the first one, I adore it.
Well, nothing to say right now... Today at school, I had a Spasnish exam, my result was 100%, as usual... U had so much fun with my friends today ! How about you ?
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BunnyeEyes In reply to PrinceOfMay [2013-05-07 12:32:34 +0000 UTC]
Today at school I had exams too! Precisely Italian and Science and my results were 100% too! It looks like we're both good at school In what school do you study? I study in the classical high school (it says so?) where you study greek and latin
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PrinceOfMay In reply to BunnyeEyes [2013-05-07 20:55:21 +0000 UTC]
Well, I am good at school, that's a fact. I want to have the best grades. Too bad I had 82% on a french text that I guessed I would have 95%.
I study too on a normal secondary school. I don't know how you say it in Italy but for a guy of 14 - 15 years old, I'm there. I'm actually passing in every classes. I'm trying to help a friend that isn't very good at school, especially in English, French and mathematics. You study greek and latin ? Interesting. At my school, I only study French (basic language), English (secondary language) and Spanish (enriched language). Did you know that I was a french canadian ? I live in Quebec !
Thing apart, I have some stupid spring allergies. I just hate them, my eyes are burning, my noze is always full of... you know and I didn't brought enough handkerchiefs, so I had an horrible sore thoat.
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BunnyeEyes In reply to PrinceOfMay [2013-05-08 05:35:21 +0000 UTC]
Quebec, that's pretty cool We study english too, I studied french for three years when I was 11-13 years old and I've never studied spanish, but it sounds cool!
Fortunately I don't have any bad allergies, but I know how they work...it's terrible! I'm sorry for you.
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PrinceOfMay In reply to BunnyeEyes [2013-05-08 12:09:18 +0000 UTC]
Oh Spanish is pretty hard to remember if you ask me, I could hardly make you a phrase correctly. Well, I could, but there's a lot of accents and things like that. For allergies, thanks. I think they're mean with me, you see, I didn't slept well last night, pfew.
But today is a relaxing day at school (art, french, matemathics, english) so I'm not too worried. We have an evalution in maths', an oral presentation in english (I will finally see if my friend's talking better with my lessons) and finishing a reading comprehension in french.
Yesterday I had the chance to play soccer with my friends, and I said no. Why ? last time I played, that was horrible, believe me. And later during the game (I was still watching), I heard one of my friend screaming "If you're not good, just don't play!" to another boy, I felt like "Pfew, at least I'm not playing...". But this friend is pretty sore loser (I think I'm better than him, in a certain way). Problem is... I have the default of wanting to get attention, do you see that ? When our teacher says "You can make that work in teams", I don't propose myself to be with a partner, I'm waiting for them to pick me. I don't want to enter a team if I don't know if they want to be with me. Crazy, uh ? And you, what are your defaults ? We are, obviously, not perfect.
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BunnyeEyes In reply to PrinceOfMay [2013-05-08 16:30:03 +0000 UTC]
Well I don't like to work in a team, i feel better doing things on my own and, like you, I don't want to enter in a team if they don't want me. Sometimes I think that a bear would be nicer than me... But I think that my attitude is a form of "defense" because in my life I've met lots of dumb people that like to judge you without knowing you, if you know what I mean... But if I care about a person I try to do my best to be a good friend and I think that is a good thing
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PrinceOfMay In reply to BunnyeEyes [2013-05-08 21:05:36 +0000 UTC]
I forgot to mention it, working alone is way more simple. Eheh, that's my opinion, I usually do the work alone and then laugh of my friends 'cause I have better grades than them.
Today was a horrible day, the complete opposite of what I expected. I didn't slept well (I think I already mentioned it) so I wasn't in a great mood and all my friends were affected. I feel so bad right now. I want to be forgave but it's pretty late right now. Oh damn I don't what to go back...
How about you ?
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BunnyeEyes In reply to PrinceOfMay [2013-05-09 12:23:38 +0000 UTC]
I'm sorry for you... Today was a boring day at school, history exam, latin lesson, nothing special... oh well I'm used to this. But now I have all the afternoon to relax, because today I haven't got homeworks, so I have a reason to smile
And for your friends, I'm sure they will forgive you, don't worry
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PrinceOfMay In reply to BunnyeEyes [2013-05-09 21:02:20 +0000 UTC]
You can't understand... They don't know that I'm sorry, so they can't forgive me, it's a complicated case, you see...
Can you help me please ? I'm in a bad mood these day because I do care of my friends but I don't know what to do... I look depressed, but I'm very happy inside of me. Maybe I feel a little bit tired and nervous of the approaching exams ?
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BunnyeEyes In reply to PrinceOfMay [2013-05-10 13:06:36 +0000 UTC]
Don't worry, time fixes everything, apologize to your friends for your behavior and show them that you're sorry, they will understand you. If you ignore them things will get worse so you have to be brave and talk with them. But I don't want to bother you, this is your life after all...I hope things will get better soon
P.S: We're studing Canada at school you know? It's an interesting country! In my geography book there's also a picture of Quebec
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PrinceOfMay In reply to BunnyeEyes [2013-05-10 21:21:27 +0000 UTC]
Today was better. One of my friend kinda ignore me and I look like to make things worst. I'm making things worst in my head because my friend cares about me and I doubt he would abandon me like that. I dramatize, eheh... I am an over emotional guy, I have to stop talking like my life was a complete mess. I think my bad mood was affecting you to. I apology, I'm okay now.
No homework this weekend, so happy ! And tomorrow I'll go see my grandmother and my cousins, nothing can stop my joy ! I also have to start reading a book for a french project, I actually like to read, but good books are more fun to read, right ?
Something planned for your weekend ?
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BunnyeEyes In reply to PrinceOfMay [2013-05-11 19:02:36 +0000 UTC]
I'm glad things are improving! Well I've not planned anything yet, but maybe tomorrow I'll take a walk somewhere School is almost over, summer is coming and I can take more walks! Now I can just relax and play with my cat Speaking of cats, have you got any pet?
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PrinceOfMay In reply to BunnyeEyes [2013-05-12 12:37:14 +0000 UTC]
So funny you're asking me that...
When I was younger, I had five cats, but one of them is dead and another one disapeared. He fled the house without coming back, but that makes years and he was old, so we assume he's dead by now.. So I actually have three cats, 2 dogs (a german shepherd and a shetland shepherd) and one salamander (I had two but the first one passed away in past autumn).
As for you ?
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BunnyeEyes In reply to PrinceOfMay [2013-05-12 14:08:16 +0000 UTC]
I have only one cat (named Eyes) but he is a pest! He often bites me for no reason and is iperactive, he wants to play but sometimes he hurts me... Well, he's a bit crazy but I love him, because he can also be sweet and tender when he wants I had also a bunny (named Bunny, so original isn't it?) But he died months ago I really love animals and when I grow up I think that my house will look more like a zoo XD
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PrinceOfMay In reply to BunnyeEyes [2013-05-12 14:54:52 +0000 UTC]
Eh, MY house look like a zoo. There's so much hair we could make a carpet for the entire house.
Eyes ? I've never heard such a name for a cat. Mines are name Cosmo (pronounce the "s" as a "z"), Puce (means "chip" in french, don't forget I'm french!) and Mimi. My dogs are named Lilo (from Lilo and Stitch) and Rookie and my salamander is named Randall (after the salamander in Monster Inc.). I like animals too and I once thought about being a veterinary, but I don't have any interest in it anymore.
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BunnyeEyes In reply to PrinceOfMay [2013-05-12 17:05:57 +0000 UTC]
I know, it's a pretty strange name I called him like that because when I took him the first thing I noticed were his beautiful eyes I like Puce as a name, it sounds cute
When I was little I wanted to be a scientist but now I'm confused and I don't know what I want to become when I grow up... But after all, I have still many years to decide
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PrinceOfMay In reply to BunnyeEyes [2013-05-12 18:26:20 +0000 UTC]
I really don't know where I want to go later, but time goes pretty quickly so I hope it gets to my minds soon enough to be prepared.
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BunnyeEyes In reply to PrinceOfMay [2013-05-12 18:43:34 +0000 UTC]
So do I Tomorrow I have to go to school and we have gym lesson and greek lesson... how boring How about you?
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PrinceOfMay In reply to BunnyeEyes [2013-05-12 18:59:37 +0000 UTC]
Uh, tomorrow is a normal school day, then tuesday we have a project with our class so I won't be at school. Wednesday will also be a normal day but Thursday, it's holiday since all the secondary 3 (my age) are going to Toronto and I, saddly, don't go there since I refused at the start of the year, how dumb I was. Oh well, I'll take the next trip. Friday is also holiday, as well as next Monday, so eheh, I'll have a 5-days weekend. Why I don't go to Toronto ? Because the activies were basic and I didn't wanted to go, but since my friends will probably not be in my group next year (we already talked about it, remember?) well it was possibly the last time we could have big fun together. But that doesn't mean I won't have a trip with them next year, we'll see...
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